ODAC Board of Directors Meeting

May 24-26 – Va. Beach, Virginia

Virginia Beach Resort and Conference Center


BridgewaterCurt Kendall, President-Elect

Jean Willi

Eastern MennoniteLarry Martin

Emory & HenryBev Hatch

GuilfordMarion Kirby

Stephanie Flamini

Hampden-SydneyJoe Bush

HollinsLynda Calkins

Carleen Overacker

Randolph-MaconDenis Kanach

Jeff Burns

Dr. Roger Martin, Presidents Representative

R-M Woman’s CollegeVal Cushman, President

Chrissy Pearson

Heather Somers

RoanokeScott Allison

Sweet BriarKelly Morrison

Virginia WesleyanSonny Travis

Joanne Renn

Washington and LeeMike Walsh

Cinda Rankin

Melissa Miranda

ODAC OfficeBrad Bankston, Commissioner

Noted Absence:Lynchburg College - Jack Toms, (illness)

Monday, May 24

The meeting was called to order at 1:10 pm by Board president Dr. Valerie Cushman

The Minutes from the December meeting were moved and approved unanimously.

Ms. Cushman requested that the group reorder agenda item #7 moving it prior to #5 (Commissioner’s Evaluation). Additional items for the agenda were not put forward. The agenda was approved for the meeting.

Jeff Burns went over the meeting timeline for the week. Plans for dinner on both nights were made. Additional activities during the Tuesday afternoon open session were reviewed.

Commissioner’s Report

The first item of business was a discussion of the conference office personnel including their annual reviews. Specific information on each review can be found in the written review submitted to each member of the Board.

The group discussed the open position of Sports Information Director following the sudden resignation of Stacy Dyne the previous week. Commissioner Bankston reviewed Stacy’s employment and her contributions to the conference during her time as SID and noted issues concerning the position and salary. The Board asked that the Executive Committee work to create an accurate job description and salary range and report back to the Board on the last day of the meeting (Wednesday). Ms. Cushman agreed to take that on and report back with suggestions.

The approved list of duties for the incoming SID can be found below (Wednesday action item):

Keep minutes and distribute records of conference meetings

Publish directory

Maintain Conference website and listserves

Serve as public relations director for Conference events (publicize and report)

Serve as assistant media liaison for NCAA Championships co-hosted with City of Salem

Attend all press days

Responsible for awards selection process

Travel/attend conference meetings

Participate in professional development opportunities

Commissioner Bankston praised the group for running quality tournaments during the 2003-04 academic year. He noted that he believed this to be one of the best years ever in terms of championship hosting, etc.

He reviewed the conference office operations and the recent changes to the conference business administration. Noting changes to the budget tracking system, Mr. Bankston believes the final reporting process for fiscal 03-04 should be much more simple than in years past. Mary Jane Esperti was recognized for her assistance in making the switch in the office and working through the changes associated with moving to a new and entirely different system.

The national championships hosted with the City of Salem were mentioned. Again, the City and conference did a good job hosting these national events. It was mentioned that Virginia Wesleyan College also hosted the national championship in women’s basketball. All associated with the championships were congratulated for a job well done. Commissioner Bankston reminded the group that the contract for football and basketball runs through 2005 with softball completed after the 2004 championship.

The financial status of the office was discussed with fiscal year 2003-04 approaching year-end. The final arrangements with the baseball, basketball and softball tournaments were mentioned, while the need for a new contract for the basketball tournament was brought forward. Mr. Bankston plans to discuss the new basketball tournament contract with the Rotary Club of Salem and will report back to the Board prior to the start of the 04-05 academic year.

The subject of information sharing was reviewed. Commissioner Bankston informed the group he plans to distribute a staffing model to the members prior to August 1, 2004 in an effort to distribute the results on September 1. The selected model was discussed in December at the Board meeting and will be used this coming year. Additional concerns about sharing salaries were brought forward with others in the group seeing the worth in exchanging some numbers for benchmarking. Several academic studies that currently compile this information for administrative positions were mentioned, but the board did not endorse the exchange of budget or salary figures at this time.

The NCAA conference technology and SAAC grants were discussed. Several members of the Board suggested that schools have the right to send their entire SAAC in the event the league is able to secure a speaker for the 2004 November ODAC SAAC meeting. Commissioner Bankston agreed to begin working on this and will inform the schools of the meeting date well in advance.

Commissioner Bankston mentioned a recent problem with University Sports Publications (USP) and explained to the group the purpose of USP. The methods used by USP can be controlled by the Board and he encouraged everyone in the room to submit a no-call list for the ad solicitors in the Fall. The contract is on an annual renewal basis, unless the Conference decides it would like a long-term deal. The subject will be discussed at the Presidents’ Council meeting in September prior to a final decision being made to extend the contract in 2004-05.

Additional concern over officials fees were brought forward. The softball, volleyball and baseball supervisors have contacted the conference office in the weeks leading up to the meeting requesting additional changes to the fees in their sports. They all cite competing leagues paying more per game. A list of the concerns will be passed on to the ADs this summer with any additional fee changes approved or denied through the standard voting process.

In conclusion, Commissioner Bankston thanked the Board for the opportunity to serve as the Commissioner of the Conference.

Presidential Report (Dr. Roger Martin, RMC)

Combination travel and league scheduling were the first topics discussed by Dr. Martin in his remarks. Val Cushman requested a show of hands to know who was planning to use the schedule created last summer that will enable people to travel together to some conference contests. Eight schools in the group indicated a desire to use the service on a limited basis. The Board agreed to review this system following the Fall/Winter 04-05 seasons to see if it will continue into the future.

The Mellon Foundation and its continued focus on Division III reform was mentioned. Dr. Martin indicated that several of the schools in the league have been contacted to maintain discussion on the two keys areas of Mellon’s review: 1. GPAs of Student-Athletes vs. Students and the idea of bringing athletics more into the core of campus practices – integrating it into the inner workings of the campus community. Both seem worthwhile in the interim and Dr. Martin agreed to make sure the Board was kept abreast of any additional changes in the landscape following continued discussions this Summer and Fall.

The current issue of spring championship dates/academic conflicts was next on the agenda. Dr. Martin stated the presidents’ position on the issue and recounted a discussion that took place in the September 2003 presidents’ meeting in which a majority of those presidents in attendance favored avoiding academic conflicts when scheduling spring championships. The group discussed the pros and cons of such a policy and were reminded that the presidents had distributed a position endorsed prior to the meeting. Members questioned whether this has been a past problem or something we simply did not track. Baseball and Men’s Lacrosse are the two sports potentially affected in 2005 but overall the Board recognized this was a global problem for the entire group – something that could easily affect other spring sports in a given year. Men’s lacrosse, given the format in 2004, could maintain the corresponding week while baseball might have to look for additional dates or a format change.

The need for a joint meeting between the presidents and athletics directors was proposed. The initial plans for such a meeting were discussed at the Conference long-range planning meeting in late March. Continued discussion indicated a tentative timeline/date of late September in conjunction with the CICV meeting being held at Emory & Henry. Additional information on the meeting will be forwarded to the group in June.

Following the Presidents’ Report, Commissioner Bankston was asked to leave the room for his annual evaluation.

Commissioner’s Evaluation

The Board received an update on the evaluation process for the Commissioner. Last December the Board agreed toa request from the presidents that the Commissioner receive an "official" evaluation in May of each year. This evaluation was intended to provide the Commissioner with feedback and to provide the presidents with information upon which they could make salary decisions. As a result, Brad was asked to submit a self-assessment based on his goals for the year and the ADs and presidents were given an opportunity to submit feedback for inclusion in an evaluation letter. It was noted that in the future, the executive committee would like to receive feedback from all ADs.

The evaluation comments submitted by the ADs and presidents were summarized in a letter that was submitted to the Board for approval. The Board approved the letter and suggested that in the future, the Commissioner's goals and the status of each should be submitted to the presidents along with the letter.

Further discussion ensued regarding the salary of the Commissioner. A motion regarding salary was moved and seconded (in the action items), that was later approved. A second motion charged the budget committee with investigating leasing a car in lieu of paying mileage. The motion was later approved.

Proposed Statement to the Presidents in reference to the commissioner’s salary:

** Charge budget committee with developing an adjustment plan with a 1-3 year implementation process to be presented to the Presidents that will move the Commissioner’s salary to within 90%-100% of the national average for Conference commissioners (approved).

ODAC President, Curt Kendall, shall submit the evaluation letter, Commissioner goals and suggested salary timetable to the presidents for considerationat their meeting in September.

Standings Committee Reports:

Awards (Larry Martin, EMU)

For the first time in recent history, the conference awards committee met in early May. The group reviewed the entire conference awards list and made the following proposals to the group. Discussion and comments on each follows each proposal:

a. The committee suggested changing the requirement for all-ODAC academic awards from 3.25 GPA to 3.5. After extensive discussion the Board agreed to keep the GPA the same recognizing that the number of student-athletes currently honored is not too many. After all, the numbers are not important. This award is a good way to honor a number of student-athletes each year.

b. Award a certificate to members of the conference championship team. The Board approved the conference looking into such an award. Commissioner Bankston will investigate the cost and report back prior to the start of the academic year.

c. The committee suggested that all sports in the conference establish criteria and award a Rookie or Freshman of the Year award. The Board agreed and asked Commissioner Bankston to relay the message to the necessary chairs.

d. The committee proposed a standardization of the conference’s honorable mention policy. The group proposed and the Board approved the following:

The number of honorable mention members cannot exceed the number of players on the sport’s first team. The coach from any school not having a member of the first or second team may name a player from their team as honorable mention with the remaining honorable mention slots selected by the sports committee.

e. A conference-wide sportsmanship award was mentioned and offered to the Board as a source of discussion. The Board encouraged continued study of this and looked to the committee to come to the December Board meeting with a proposal to establish such and award.

f. The possibility of creating a partnership with Jostens, Inc., and the conference was delayed until Wednesday morning when reps from Jostens would present the idea to the group.

Calendar and Site (Jeff Burns, RMC)

Jeff Burns announced that Eastern Mennonite would host the 2004 Conference Fall Board of Directors Meeting on December 6-7 (Monday/Tuesday). The spring meeting site for 2005 was mentioned – Mr. Burns proposed working with Wintergreen for the 2005 meeting and reviewed some meeting figures. The overall consensus of the Board was to return to Va. Beach on the same corresponding dates in 2005 (May 23-25). Mr. Burns will work with the hotel to arrange for the meeting dates. Additional details on the 2005 spring meeting will come later this summer.

Championship and Games (Mike Walsh, W&L)

The committee had three items on the agenda for the Spring meeting. The first was to draw new lots for the 2004-05 seasons. This was done in conjunction with dinner on Tuesday night – the results of the draw can be found below.

2004-05 Tiebreaker Lots




Eastern Mennonite2211x8xx11018

Emory & Henry7421xxx71262






R-M Woman’sxx4x5xxx1510


Sweet Briarxxxx6x7x6x1

Virginia Wesleyan368x3658997

Washington and Lee8833 1 2324x3

The second item was a discussion on the championship date formula for 2005 and beyond. Much of this conversation took place in the presidents’ report with additional opportunity under new business on Wednesday. The committee informed the Board that it had researched other leagues in the country to inquire how they scheduled championships. Over half of the leagues surveyed did not make concessions for member exam or commencements.

The final item was a discussion on the conference tie-breaker and the process of determining home sites in games involving teams who were in a three-way tie during the year. Over the past two years the Conference lacrosse tournament has had a three-way tie for second place. In both occasions, because of the drawn lots, a team has had to travel to play an opponent away from home in the first round and/or championship despite having defeated them in the regular season. The committee proposed that in these incidents, head-to-head competition should take precedence. Additional language will be added to the tie-breaking procedure found in the Conference manual.

Tuesday, May 25

Ms. Cushman called the meeting to order at 8:35am and introduced Mira Colman and Bridget Belgiovine from the NCAA Office. Both had made the trip from Indianapolis to talk with the Board.

Ms. Colman presented first. Her presentation included information on the recently passed legislation at the 2004 Convention in Nashville. She also addressed the issue of off-season conditioning/supervision as well as counting for preseason practice – football and other sports as well.

Ms. Belgiovine followed with a discussion on the future of Division III, the Division strategic planning process, the Division III budget and grant programs. A large portion of her presentation covered the next steps in Phase II of Division III reform. The initial step in the process was to contact conferences through virtual focus groups. The ODAC focus group contains the following individuals covering various positions in the conference structure: Dr. Walter Bortz (HSC, President), Jim Bolling (FAR, Bridgewater), Joanne Renn (VWC, SWA), Amanda Workman (RMWC, Student-Athlete, Commissioner Bankston and Mike Walsh (W&L, Dir. Of Athletics, Conf. President-Elect).

The meeting resumed following the presentations with the remaining standing committee reports.

Membership (Lynda Calkins, HU)

Ms. Calkins presented the report which included a description of correspondence received from Meredith College in Raleigh in mid-spring. The letter requested information on joining the Conference. After discussions with various presidents, Commissioner Bankston responded to the Meredith President informing her that the ODAC currently had a moratorium on membership. The Board affirmed their continued support of the presidents’ position on membership.