Funeral Oration of Pericles
Following the Guidelines of the American Psychological Association
I have read the Funeral Oration of Pericles in the Ancient History Sourcebook at Fordham University. Given the context of this speech, I will respond to the question do I believe everything that Pericles says about Athens in the Funeral Oration? I will also respond to the question why or why not.
Females Wailing
One of the first things that Pericles mentions in the Funeral Oration is that the females are there in order to wail for the lost and the fallen of the war (Fordham University, 2000). I do believe that this is true since in those times (even in these times) it is not encouraged for a man or for men to cry. The women did the crying for the men and for themselves.
Bones of the Deceased
Pericles also mentions that the bones of the deceased where placed in the coffin of their tribe (Fordham University, 2000). I do believe that this is true since in those times historically, there was much division all over the world based on the tribes that people were from and a priest would have ordained it that way to have the tribes separated for burial purposes.
Pericles’ Son
It also mentions in the Funeral Oration that Pericles’ son gave the eulogy at the Funeral Oration and I also believe this to be true. Usually men of great esteem would pass on such honors to their sons so that they too can receive high esteem in the community.
Pattern to be copied by others
As Pericles’ son states in his oration that the pattern that the Funeral Oration was something that was copied by other states, this is indeed true. The Athenians were a people that were greatly emulated and admired by other cultures and other tribes. It is true what Pericles’ son says that others copied the procedures of the Funeral Oration and the burial process.
More for use than for Show
As Pericles’ son states that the Athenians are more for use than for show, this point in particular I do not agree with. The Athenians are commonly understood throughout the world as a people who were very ostentatious and had many elaborate architectural structures, plus lived a life of extravagance rather than austerity.
I have read the Funeral Oration of Pericles in the Ancient History Sourcebook at Fordham University. Given the context of this speech, I responded to the question do I believe everything that Pericles says about Athens in the Funeral Oration? I also responded to the question why or why not.
Fordham University. (2000). Ancient History Sourcebook, Fordham University. United States:
Fordham University. Retrieved from: