Ch 4 Study Guide
26. Compare and contrast three different kinds of convergent boundaries.
Oceanic- continental: More dense oceanic crust is subducted under the continental crust, melts, & rises causing volcanic mountains to form on the continent.
Oceanic- oceanic: The more dense plate is subducted, melts, & rises causing a volcanic island arc.
Continental- continental: Neither plate gets subducted, instead, they crumple up causing a chain of large folded mountains.
27. Describe what scientists now know about Earth that would have answered the scientists who rejected Wegener’s theory.
The evidence from sea floor spreading shows the force or mechanism that drives continental movement. That evidence comes in the form of molten material, magnetic stripes, and drilling samples.
28. What accounts for the difference in density between oceanic and continental crust?
Oceanic crust has a lot of iron and other metals in it that continental crust does not have as much of. The metals are more dense than the other materials that make up continental rocks.