Exam topics 9 kny

  1. Budapest
  2. London
  3. tv programmes, film types, your favourite film
  4. Oscar, your favourite actor /actress
  5. Golden Globe, your favourite actor/ąctress
  6. a film review
  7. shops, introduce a shop
  8. your shopping habits,online shopping vs real shops
  9. Gadgets ,mobile phones(pro and cons),facebook
  10. family occasions, Thanksgiving
  11. christmas in the UK and Hungary
  12. Easter, Halloween
  13. Hungarian manners, body language
  14. Manners from other countries
  15. natural disasters
  16. global issues+solutions

17.destroying the world

18.protecting the world + rainforests

19.crimes and criminals-describing a crime, punishments

20..computer/cyber crime-hackers, computer viruses

21. Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes

22.books, newspapers ,the press

23.your reading habits, introduce a newspaper or magazine

24.introduce a book+your review

situation:ask about a film, actor

situation: ask a filmstar


situation:complaining about gadgets

situation:making invitations

situation:asking about gadgets


situation: reporting a crime

situation:ask and give opinion about a crime

situation:interview with a criminal

situation: interview with an author

situation: ask and give opinion about a book

situation: ask about my favourite book, author

situation:buying books

situation:ask about a newspaper

situation: ask about clothes, habits, shopping clothes

pictures: story making, anything connected to topics

Exam topics 9 kny

  1. Budapest
  2. London
  3. tv programmes, film types, your favourite film
  4. Oscar, your favourite actor /actress
  5. Golden Globe, your favourite actor/ąctress
  6. a film review
  7. shops, introduce a shop
  8. your shopping habits,online shopping vs real shops
  9. Gadgets ,mobile phones(pro and cons),facebook
  10. family occasions, Thanksgiving
  11. christmas in the UK and Hungary
  12. Easter, Halloween
  13. Hungarian manners, body language
  14. Manners from other countries
  15. natural disasters
  16. global issues+solutions

17.destroying the world

18.protecting the world + rainforests

19.crimes and criminals-describing a crime, punishments

20..computer/cyber crime-hackers, computer viruses

21. Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes

22.books, newspapers ,the press

23.your reading habits, introduce a newspaper or magazine

24.introduce a book+your review

situation:ask about a film, actor

situation: ask a filmstar


situation:complaining about gadgets

situation:making invitations

situation:asking about gadgets


situation: reporting a crime

situation:ask and give opinion about a crime

situation:interview with a criminal

situation: interview with an author

situation: ask and give opinion about a book

situation: ask about my favourite book, author

situation:buying books

situation:ask about a newspaper

situation: ask about clothes, habits, shopping clothes

pictures: story making, anything connected to topics