Residence Hall Association Board of Governors

September 22nd, 2015

7:30 PM

FPG Student Union Room 3102

I.  Call to Order

II.  Attendance

a.  Late - Cobb

b.  Absent – Ram Village

c.  Leaving Early

III.  Approval of the Minutes

IV.  Reports

a.  Executive Officers

i.  Vice President

1.  Smores event went well, reviewing Ethics board details

ii. Executive Secretary

1.  One on ones and survey, update website

iii.  Executive Treasurer

1.  Absent

iv.  Internal Affairs

1.  One on ones with governors, collab events, talked about program reports and food in my hall, get community cup points, grats to those who have already had programs, text groupme when have event to keep up with them, going to be serving as dining board chair for NACARH

v. External Affairs

1.  Met with marketing mangers if not attend heelprints, attended lots of cogo events

vi.  National Communications Coordinator

1.  SAACURH this week, delegation picked out, first meeting occurred, happens 23rd, fall summit, working with assisant director for FYE to put together a panel for careers in student affairs

vii.  Chief Enhancements Officer

1.  One on ones this week, 4 CEOS yesterday, krista one on one, strucutral grant Friday, purchases happen next week for popcorn

viii.  Director of Special Projects

1.  First sustainability officer meeting last Thursday, first SJA today, successful, more calls to offices about composting and tarheel bikes, recyclery and tarheel bikes- worked out budget, start convo with student library project with DHRE

ix.  President

1.  Won social program of the month, resource screening rights – HBO and Max go, live television, plastic film recycling program launching on Friday, presentation on t-shirts, met with speaker of student congress, Oct 13th meet and greet with student gov, joined safetober fest, spirit chairs for NACARH conference

b.  Board of Governors

i.  Carmiachel

Event Wednesday cogo and chill – icecream, getting cogo office closet clean

ii.  Cobb

Meeting date, plan events for next two weeks, working community service with Connor and Jackson hall

iii.  Connor

Community had Monday munchies with megan, madea snapchat, 3 weekly events green games kick off next Monday at 9

iv.  Craige

First cogo meeting on wedesnay, coco with cogo this week

v.  Ehaus

First cogo event Oct 3 – a taste of cogo, with meeting with student dining board

vi.  Granville

Green iniative, working at getting water bottlse and bags, rave back on table – renting truck for it

vii.  HJ
1.  First cogo meeting yesterday, talked about events, first event next Tuesday, meet cogo and sustainability kick off – dirt oreos
viii.  Kenan

First event yesterday, succesful, texting enhancement and food in my hall trivia night oct 1st

ix.  LQ
1.  One on one with CD, first meeting Sunday, moving to Wednesday to accomdate ram, planned first event Mon 6:30 break the ice (cream), lead ice breakers, planned cogo retreat, cook food in Jack’s apartment
x.  Manning East

First cogo meeting next Wednesday, and first event meet cogo next Wednesday, work sustainability aspect into as well

xi.  Manning West

First meeting on Sunday, first event planned for sunday

xii.  Morrison

First meeting tomorrow night, a lot of members already come to her with ideas

xiii.  Odum

Second meeting yesterday, change meeting times to Thursday at 6:30 because new marketing manager/athletic director, two events – grocery bingo, and debate night, sandwhich Sunday every week from 3-4 byob, meet with matt for SAACURH

xiv.  Parker

First meeting on Monday, planned event last Friday great turn out – 100 people turnout, food in my hall, sustainability event, meeting with secreatary to figure out how to run meetings more effeciently, next event Sunday, cogo retreat, one on ones with each person on team

xv.  Ram

-met with Maureen for our first 1 on 1, it went well. Learned about where the programming room is and RA workroom that CoGo can utilize.
-had first CoGo meeting last night at 8:30, everyone was able to make it!
-planned our first event for next Wednesday in the Rams 4 and 5 quad. It is called Meet and Eat to Meet and Greet. (The name may change). Basically, we will have food from multiple vendors catered and it will be a social event. Sustainability officer looking into eco-friendly plates and cups.

xvi.  UQ

First meeting last Thursday, first event on Sunday, sustainability monday

c.  NRHH

d.  Advisor(s)

i.  CDs give waivers for getting liability, touch base with CD for signatures for contracts, student affairs does signature assessment – SJA, development at Cogo meetings, colead those and talk about them that, all kinds of activities, resource handout, NACURH Feb 19th-21st, hope to volunteer and get volunteers

e.  Student Government Liasion

i.  Improve communication between student gov and RHA, will come up through collab events, focus groups, advocation.

ii.  Secondary officer between RHA and student gov- choose wether or not to approve

1.  Approved by parker, seconded by granville

f.  Operation Smile

i.  Want to reach out to sophomore and freshman communities, fund students on mission trips, 60 members, accept all members for leadership, first interest meeting already, another event Oct 10th, get flyers in residence halls

ii. Email:

iii.  Willing to come out to events

g.  Committees and External Appointments

V.  New Business

a.  Approve Student Government Liasion –approved (see above)

b.  Housing Advisory Board

List for next sessions

South campus experience – moving some first years to north – potentially taking away bond?

Traditional hall style being traditional hall style – down grade to hall style

Amenities, “face-lift”

Mid campus experience – not prefer major by halls, but maybe on application as on option

Creating a community like an LLC/RLP through either majors or other commonalities

North Campus

Quality over quantity, nicer bathrooms and available kitchens on every floor, public bathrooms

c.  T-Shirt Presentation


Tax exemption form:

VI.  Recognition

VII. Announcements

a.  Secretary – anybody specifically want email for Operation smile

b.  DSP – Carborro music festival, chapel hill music festival, sup dog benefit night, flow fair local organic food market, clean energy forum, feeding the 5,000, 0 waste composting sweep

c.  Moza – Glowlina shoutout, register as a group

VIII.  Adjournment


Financial Summary Sheet / Stipends-5130
8/31/2015 / Conferences-5400
Total Working Funds: / $ 89,700.00 / Training-5210
Beginning Funds / $ 40,700.00 / Marketing-5500
Occupancy Fees (Fall) / $ 8,500.00 / Internal-5630
Occupancy Fees (Spring) / $ - / Grants-5120
Diploma Sales / $ 6,000.00 / Awards-5720
Laundry Services / $ 3,000.00 / Misc-5900
Linens Commission / $ 21,000.00 / Account Number-0014
Microfridges Commission / $ 6,500.00
Summer Storage / $ 4,000.00
Total Generated Funds: / $ 49,000.00
YTD Expenditures: / $ 6,833.84
Total Conferences / $ -
Total Office Supplies / $ 5.36
Total Training & Development / $ 1,882.82
Total Publicity & Advertising / $ 536.47
Total Internal Programming / $ 3,642.41
Total Stipends / $ -
Total Grants (External & Traditional) / $ -
Total RHA Merchandise / $ 766.78
Total Awards / $ -
Total Misc / $ -
Total Cash-in-Hand Balance: / $ 82,866.16
Fall External Grant Amount / $2,000
Fall Internal Grant Amount / $3,000