Cross Phase Notes

Thursday 5th January 2012

Civic Offices

Committee Room 1




John Gilbert (Chair), Group Director, Children (JG)
Bob Buckley, Headteacher, Abbeymeads, Vice Chair of SAPH (FB)
Paddy Bradley, Director, Schools & Learning (PB)
Wendy Connaghan, Headteacher, Kingsdown school, Chair of SASH, (WC)
Peter Crockett, Headteacher, Crowdys Hill, Chair of ASSSH (PC)
Sara Tough, Director, Integrated Children & Young People Services (ST)
Sue Wald, Director, Strategy & Commissioning (SW)
Sally Burnett, Integrated Youth Support Manager (SB)
Laura Brierley, Headteacher, Catherine Wayte primary school, Chair of SAPH (LB)
Ian Bickerton, Director, Access & Provision (IB)
Jackie Smith, Headteacher, Uplands, Vice Chair of ASSSH (JS)
Julie Tridgell, Headteacher, Nova Hreod, Vice Chair of SASH (JT)
1 / Notes of meeting held on Thursday 15th September 2011
JG advised that Sarah Tough has now formally taken on the permanent post from Jean Pollard who left in November to take up a position in Bristol. ST – confirmed that her new role as Service Delivery Lead – Helping People and Families commenced on 1st November.
Education Support Services
ST advised that ESS and advisory staff now outposted. Network established. Swindon wide services have been maintained and an updated leaflet will be produced shortly.
Common Assessment
Note: under item 1 Common Assessment and Education Welfare – Education Welfare Redesign – ‘The Education Welfare Service is DSG core funded’.
A small project group has been set up. New service delivery arrangements to be implemented and the whole assessment team process being looked at. Clearer design now envisaged with special schools and their needs. ST advised that Secondary schools have also been visited and discussions have taken place. Green Paper on Common Assessment Framework (CAF) due out this year.
Traded Services
WC – commented that early receipt of the new Traded Services booklet would be very useful. Feedback on core offer has been received and actioned. PB advised a ‘teaching school’ is currently being worked on.
Note: the aim is to circulate the Traded Services prospectus late January/early February in advance of the Traded Fair being held on 2nd March 2012. / ST
2 / Update on Stronger Together /
JG circulated a revised structure and gave an update to the group.
The 3 pillars being:
JG confirmed The Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) has resulted in a major reduction in the Council’s financial resources which makes it impossible to sustain the same level and variety of services currently on offer to Swindon residents, this will have a considerable impact. Demand for services to the vulnerable is increasing at a significant rate. The complexity of care is increasing as people are able to live for longer with often complicated medical conditions. This puts considerable and growing pressure on Council budgets.
The appointed Board Director – Localities is Matt Gott. There are 7 locality leads. JG advised he would e-mail information out to schools identifying areas and marking those specific to which schools. The structure is to be implemented from 1st April. Politicians are champions of their area confirming cross party support. The information will also set out details regarding the 7 locality leads and the specific areas that they cover.
JG gave an outline on this area, advising the Social Enterprise for Adult Service provision (SEQOL) is the provider arm under this pillar and advised this was a commercial focus. LA has accountability for social services, links to employment, economy and ‘place’, regeneration etc. Sue Mendham, Head of Commercial Service, mainly Capita Client lead. Dr Jose Ortega Public Health (Joint Director of Public Health) comes into the Local Authority from April 2013. GP clinical groups will be implemented from next year.
Service Delivery:
JG Confirmed that IB and ST feeding into this pillar. Based on the One Swindon priorities. Formal accountability is from April 2012. Responsible for joined up delivery of outputs, delivering agreed outcomes within the budget and income targets across leisure, sports development, arts culture, libraries etc. JG agreed to circulate a ‘route map’ for Headteachers perspective and to advise schools ‘who to contact’ for specific issues within the next few weeks.
PB outlined his role as Lead Commissioner – Economy/Attainment. This focuses on the delivery of One Swindon outcome for a growing economy. Translating Council priorities into defined and measurable outcomes and procuring services from internal and external providers who will deliver services that will help achieve the outcomes across the borough. Making sure that the agencies work together in the most cost-effective way to deliver these outcomes. This includes Early Years, Schools and Admissions including place planning also EOTAS.
PB confirmed that Headteachers of PFI schools have expressed particular concern. A meeting with staff has been arranged to discuss issues.
ST outlined her role as Service Delivery Lead – Helping People and Families – this is a dotted line reporting into Board Director, Service Delivery. ESS – Community Health and Social Care – 3 areas under one umbrella, this is the largest service area. Joined up delivery for ‘Helping People and Families’ ensuring this achieves commissioned outcomes. Key line accountability to DCS for statutory safeguarding functions.
SW outlined her role as Lead Commissioner – Vulnerable People.
This role is a key feature of the One Swindon outcomes – Living Independently. The function is around commissioning, PCT clinical commissioning group, children’s centres and all voluntary sectors, to get cohesive and holistic services. It will involve building a new team to ensure internal and external services work together cost effectively and efficiently to deliver these outcomes.
Concerns expressed about SEN route map. it was agreed that ASSSH would continue to be advised. Locality leads are an issue for special schools. JG advised he would contact Matt Gott to discuss further.
PC expressed concern at SEN issues which currently feels fragmented. PB advised other expertise was being used and this will become clearer shortly.
Tier 3 announcements will be made on 25th January. JG advised that schools will be informed at the end of the month of final outcomes via schoolsonline. Interviews start Monday 9th January. / JG
3 / Raising Participation Age (RPA)
The Education and Skills Act (2009) introduced the Raising Participation Age legislation which, by 2013, requires young people to stay in learning until they are 17 and, likewise, until they are 18 by 2015.
PB introduced Sally Burnett, Integrated Youth Support Manager and SB circulated a strategy paper to the group outlining items within the strategy.
LB suggested there was some confusion with identifying the levels 2 and 3 within the strategy. SB agreed and advised this would be revised.
It was agreed that PB/SB would attend a future SAPH meeting and to tap into any parents meetings, this would be a valuable addition and to involve locality leads where possible. SB advised that the strategy is due to be signed off at the next Children’s Trust Board in March. WC asked if she could circulate strategy for 8th March SAPH meeting. Suggested invitation to PB and SB to attend. / SB
4 / Protocols /
PB circulated revised draft protocol following feedback and highlighted the various points within the document. Appendices will be added as soon as this has been submitted to the next Schools Forum for sign off.
PB to discuss and take to a future SAPH meeting. / Chair of SAPH/
5 / Scenario Planning /
JG advised that the following spending reviews in 2013, 14 and 15 will be difficult. A White Paper is being produced for April this year for Adult Social Care and Health for example. Budget pressures ever present. Shaping scenario planning to map out Voluntary and Third Sector area is going ahead, this is part of the Big Society debate. There is a vital need to look at how the LA engages with voluntary services. Local engagement needs to be clear on infrastructure and to gives an opportunity to tie in strategically looking at a different set of services. Systematic intervention is key. Suggested that this issue is raised and discussed at a future Cross Phase meeting. / JG
6 / Any Other Business
None raised /
7 / Date of Next Meeting /
Thursday 1st March 2012, 8.30 am
Civic Offices, Committee Room 1 /