The Judith Trust Inclusion Campaign Inclusion Directory

Please answer the following questions. Indicate yes or no, or give a fuller answer where appropriate. Also, feel free to indicate if any of these provisions could be arranged if they are not established already.

Yes / No / Comments
1. Do you have an inclusion officer? Or a Board member within whose remit Inclusion falls? (please state who) / No
Physical Access / Yes / No / Comments
2.a) Is the main entrance accessible? / Yes
b) Are there steps? If so, how many? / No / No steps on the ground floor, but 16 steps up to first floor synagogue offices
c) Is there a ramp? / Yes / There is a ramp to access the bimah
d) Is the entrance wide enough for a wheelchair to get through? / Yes
3.a) Is there wheelchair access to the bimah and the ark for participation? / Yes / Ramp up to the bimah/Ark
b) Is it possible to participate on ‘ground level’? / Yes
4.a) Do you have stairs to access key rooms in the buildings, namely, the rooms where services take place, the Kiddush room, where classes and events are held? / Yes / Synagogue offices, also used as classroom and meeting spaces, are on first floor.
b) If so, how many? / 16 steps up to first floor
5.a) Is there a lift? / No
b) Can it be used on Shabbat? / n/a
6) If there is a women’s gallery is there the option for women to sit downstairs if they cannot access the gallery? / No upstairs gallery – fully egalitarian seating.
7.a) Do you have a disabled toilet? / Yes
b) Where in the building is it located? / Ground floor, adjacent to main hall.
c) Is it wheelchair accessible? / Yes
d) Are there separate men and women’s disabled toilets? / No
8. Is there clear signage around the Shul directing one where to find things?
9.a) Do you have a car park? / Yes
b) Where is the nearest off-site parking? / If car park is full, parking available on residential streets adjacent to synagogue.
Services / Yes / No / Comments
10) Do men and women sit separately in services? / No
11) Would a support worker of the opposite sex be able to sit with the congregant they are supporting? / Yes
12) Is there English in the Siddur? / Yes / English translation and transliterated Hebrew. We use Movement for Reform Judaism’s “Forms of Prayer” siddur.
13) Is there a quiet room the congregant could go to if they needed to? / Varies from week to week. Small Hall next to main hall is sometimes vacant, sometimes used for alternative services.
14) Do you have a hearing loop? / Yes
15) Do you have disability-friendly services, for example, signed services? / “Shireinu” Accessible Shabbat morning services are currently being planned, to be launched in autumn 2014.
16.a) Do you have children services? / Yes / Monthly “Rhythm n Jews” musical services, “Thank Goodness it’s Shabbat” activities aimed at Primary age. “ShabbaTots” aimed at pre-schoolers.
b) Do adults need to stay with the children? / Yes
17) Do you have a choir? / Yes / In High HolyDay services and occasional Shabbat services.
18.a) Do you cater for food intolerances at Kiddush? / Yes
b) If so, how? / Our Kiddush food is required to be nut-free.
Events and membership / Yes / No / Comments
19) Do you offer reduced price membership for people with disabilities? / No / We offer reductions to anyone in financial need.
20.a) a) Do you offer concessions for events for people with disabilities? / No
b) Do you offer free places or reduced prices for carers? / This is not advertised, but we would have no hesitation to give free/reduced places to any carer who asked.
c) How can people who do not have debit / credit cards make bookings? / Cheque/Cash/Bank Transfer
21) Do you run specific events for people with learning difficulties or mental health issues? / Yes / “Shireinu” Accessible Shabbat morning services are currently being planned, to be launched in autumn 2014.
22) Do you have a buddy scheme? By this we mean an arrangement where newcomers to the Shul or congregants with extra support needs can be paired with a Shul member for guidance. / Yes / This is organised by our ‘Chesed’ committee.
Information / Yes / No / Comments
23.a) Does the website use plain English? / Yes
b) Is there an easy read section? / No / .
c) Is there a ‘speak this’ facility? / No
24.a) Does the newsletter use plain English? / Yes
b) Is it only e-mail based? Is there a paper newsletter / magazine? / Weekly email to members and printed sheet in synagogue. We post hard copy of email to those who request it. Monthly printed magazine
c) Can the newsletter be sent to non –members? / Yes / Newsletter is sent on request to non-members, e.g. to prospective members.
Youth provision / Yes / No / Comments
25. a) Are you able to accommodate children with diverse needs in your cheder? / Yes
b) Would you need support to do this? / Depending on the needs of the child
c) Do you have teaching assistants? / Yes / Yes, although not assigned to individual children.
d) Does your cheder have a SENCO? (Special educational needs coordinator) / No / The Headteacher takes responsibility for special educational needs, but does not have specific training.
26.a) Do you have a youth club? / Yes
b) If so, would it be able to accommodate youth with diverse needs? / Yes