Present -:
Cllrs. B Blackford (Chairman), B Clark (BC), E Seward-Adams (ES), Mrs A Thomas, R Vodnik, Mrs D Dumpleton, I Inskip & S Robinson
Mrs K Rees (Clerk) & Cllr Mrs Gorman (LG)
14/186 / Apologies:Cllr. D Crawley & PCSO Murray
The Chairman thanked all those that helped with the Remembrance Service & with the Neighbourhood Plan & BC for his display in the Memorial Hall during the Remembrance Events.
14/187 / Recordable/Non-Recordable Interests & Dispenations:
14/188 / Minutes:
RESOLVED: The minutes of the Meeting held on 08th October 2014, as circulated, were approved & signed.
14/189 / Urgent Matters:
14/190 / Public Participation:
14/191 / Police Report:
The Clerk read out a report on behalf PCSO Murray. There were 6 crimes in October – 1 burglary & 5 of criminal damage to vehicles. These are not good figures for Crantock and enquiries are on-going. There has also been a spate of burglaries on holiday homes in the Newquay area, including one property on West Pentire Road. Local residents are advised to secure their properties and remain vigilant.
A discussion followed about StreetNet and the Neighbourhood Watch cascade system and how they need to run in conjunction with each other. RESOLVED: IS to report back to next meeting.
SR advised that the desk at Newquay Police Station is to close in the near future. It was unanimously agreed that this is not acceptable and it was RESOLVED to write a letter to the Chief Inspector.
14/192 / Cornwall Councillor Report:
Information regarding setting up a micro-library has been circulated and LG would appreciate feedback, when it has been considered. After considerable pressure, the wording of the Section 106 Education Agreement will be amended for future housing developments in Newquay. If Cornwall Council sends children to schools in parishes outside of Newquay a contribution to that school will have to be made.
LG has stressed to developers wishing to submit applications for housing in Newquay that they must make a contribution towards improvements to the A3075 and Cubert Crossroads. There may also be some money left over from Newquay Strategic Route. The Planning Committee has deferred a decision on the application for 330 houses on land at Trevemper as the highway plan submitted was not that the same as was presented to the Parish Council. NOTED.
14/193 / Planning:
· PA14/10143 (The Vicarage) – No objections
· PA14/09224 (3 Carneton Close) – No objections
· PA14/09337 (17 Tara Vale) – No objections providing block work maintains privacy of neighbours
· PA14/08571 (Helaku Power Limited) – Approved
· PA14/07295 (Bumble Barn) – Approved
There is no news regarding the Pre-Application for a housing development on land off Winstowe Terrace. It was also discussed that the wall at Cape Diem had not been sympathetically repaired. RESOLVED: Report to enforcement.
14/194 / North Coast Cluster/Community Network Report:
(a) North Coast Cluster Report: The lack of GP surgeries in Newquay in relation to the number of houses being built was discussed. See also 14/192.
14/195 / Memorial Hall Report:
AT advised that the hall has been well used over the past month for various events. Curtains have been put up so the extension is now finished. The Memorial Hall Committee is liaising with the SLSC regarding the Carol Concert which will be held on 21st December. REOSLVED: Clerk to ask Earthworm to cut the grass in the Round Garden before the 2nd week in December.
14/196 / Matters Arising:
(a) Neighbourhood Plan Launch Event: It was discussed that the logo used for the Neighbourhood Plan stationary would be ideal for the Parish Council if the wording was changed. RESOLVED: Parish Council to adopt new logo. Overall the attendance at the Launch Event was positive and an analysis of people’s comments was circulated. Further analysis will take place once all the questionnaires are in. Talks are now taking place with Mott Macdonald regarding appropriate surveys that could be carried out. NOTED.
(b) Village Hall Play Equipment – Section 106 Funding: The application for funding was successful and the Clerk has received an invoice from Miracle Play which will be paid as soon as the funding has been received from Cornwall Council. NOTED.
(c) Dog Fouling Cameras: BC had researched the types of cameras that are available. Following discussions it was RESOLVED to purchase two cameras, locations to be investigated and decided at next meeting.
14/197 / Other Matters:
(a) Crantock Emergency Plan – Desk Top Exercise: SR advised that some of the contact details on the plan need updating. RESOLVED: Desk top exercise to be organised for the end of January.
(b) Magazine Photocopier: Now that the magazine photocopier is no longer required, the Parish Council must decide what to do with it. RESOLVED: Preferred option is to sell it, SR to investigate how much the photocopier is worth and report back.
(c) Christmas Lights: RESOLVED: BC to decorate Memorial Hall and organise Christmas Tree. Clerk to contact DE to check on his plans for the Round Garden.
14/198 / Highways/Footpaths Report:
(a) Weed Problems in Disused Play Area: The weed problems in the disused Chapel Close Play Area were discussed. This is an ongoing problem but Ocean Housing and Cornwall Council cannot agree on whose responsibility it is to maintain the area. There is also a problem on Trevowah Road and Sunnyside Cottage. RESOLVED: Clerk to report to highways.
(b) Village Planters: These need replanting. BC volunteered to organise this in Spring, and also the flower bed outside the public toilets. NOTED.
14/199 / Village Hall Report:
DD reported that the Village Hall Committee is pursuing the idea of turning it into a Limited Company; the plans for the new Play Equipment are on display in the Village Hall; Jazz in the Park could be replaced by Music in the Park next year; the Christmas Fayre will be held on 6th December and the AGM on 25th November. In addition, the Village Hall Committee has asked if Highways are responsible for cutting the hedge to the right of the entrance. RESOLVED: Clerk to investigate.
14/200 / Finance:
Council: Lloyds - £1176.86 / Santander - £36786.89
RESOLVED: Accounts totalling £29055.82 were approved for payment. £3000 to be vired.
Memorial Hall: Lloyds - £506.77 / Santander - £5481.07
RESOLVED: Accounts totalling £22.00 were approved for payment.
14/201 / Correspondence:
Correspondence noted included Cornwall Council Homelessness Strategy Review, Cornwall Council consultation on retail options in St. Austell, information on the service of Young People Cornwall & the Cubert History Project.
14/202 / Public Particpation:
14/203 / Business not requiring a decision at this meeting:
DD advised that she will be going ahead with the Crantock Information Leaflet so that it is published in time for Easter 2015.
14/204 / Date of Next Meeting:
The Chairman thanked members for their attendance and advised that the next scheduled Full Council Meeting will take place on 10th December at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall, Crantock. The meeting closed at 21.05pm.
Local Residents are politely asked not to put domestic waste in the Parish rubbish bins and to pick up after their dogs and put the waste in the bins provided. CCTV cameras will shortly be installed to catch offenders…you have been warned!!