Matters arising from last AGM minutes. Nothing was raised

Commodore’s address In spite of some poor weather it had been a good season’s sailing in 2015 with enjoyable cruises to Kirkudbright and Harrington in addition to plenty of racing, though the latter was generally in either too calm or too windy conditions. Derek encouraged everyone to join in with events this year and pointed out that a barbeque or evening drinks or meal often followed the weekend sailing and more were included on this year’s programme. The Presentation night had been an enjoyable evening of music and good food as well as fundraising and presentation of trophies. He thanked David Grieves for his work in maintaining the Facebook pages and the website and the committee for all their work during the year and David Bulloch for once again checking the accounts for the club. He also welcomed new members, of whom there are 8 so far this year, with some present at the meeting.

Treasurers report Hugh reported a good year financially with race fees and membership subscriptions up and with less spending last year there was a surplus of £160. There is £4300 in the bank at the present time with some for the RNLI after being raised at the presentation night. It was suggested and agreed by vote to top up the £633 raised to £700 from club funds. This will be divided between Workington and St Bees lifeboat stations and presented in the spring. More club burgees have since been purchased and will be sold at the approximate cost price of £20 each.

Sailing Secretary’s report It had been a very active season in spite of both the Irish Sea Challenge and Ross island trophy races having to be cancelled because of the very windy weather. The collaboration with the RYA and marina for the active marina events had led to more boats participating and new members joining as a result. Considering the conditions at times there had been a good turnout for racing and David’s idea of a new weekend series at the end of May bank holiday proved to be a successful weekend for both sailing and socialising. This will be repeated again this year in the comprehensive programme that David presented to the meeting.

Some of our members had participated in the Bart’s bash race in September and raised £210 for the charity.

We also tried a cruising log competition last year with an engraved log book as a prize. This was won by John and Christian Curtis on Draig y mor. We hope there will be more entries next year and to encourage participation we plan to put this year’s entries on the website for all members to read.

Last year we had a short practice race as part of RYA Push the Boat out week. This encouraged some different members on the water. This year we plan an open day as part of the event with a chance for people to try sailing. It will only be possible to do this if the weather is calm and enough skippers are willing to take strangers on their boats.

Membership fees A vote was takenof those present on a proposal to increase membership fees to £12 and £20 for a family or couple. This was passed by a majority of those present and there had also been support from others who had been unable to attend the AGM. It will come into effect from March 1st 2016.

Election of committee As required by club rules the committee stood down but in the absence of new volunteers all agreed to stand again. Commodore Derek O ‘Reilly; Vice Commodore Alan Graham: Treasurer Hugh Price; Sailing Secretary David Fletcher; Secretary Margaret Trotter: Press and publicity Ian Banton: Cruising Andy Sugden; Tom Beck, Paul Hillon and Bill Hurst

Race committee David Fletcher, Graham Exley, Derek O’Reilly, Laurie Clark

AOB The meeting was reminded about our winter social at Harrington sailing club and encouraged to attend on Feb 21st to hear Bob Mcloughlin’s Talk about the local lifeboats over the years

There being no other business the meeting was closed and members enjoyed a meal from the Waverly’s new supper menu.