Current Events Rubric
1.) Bibliography:
Include title, author, date, page numbers, etc. (Use APA format.)
2.) Introduction:
Define any major terms from the title of the article. Also, briefly explain the purpose of the article.
3.) Summary:
Give a complete overview of your article (complete enough so that the reader of your summary will be able to fully grasp the article without actually reading the article itself). Be sure to identify the types of study conducted (e.g., experimentation, survey, etc.) and the persons/organizations conducting the study when applicable. Also, identify variables within the study (again, when applicable for a given article). Be as complete as possible with your summary of the article.
4.) Evaluation:
Indicate whether or not your enjoyed reading this article AND explain WHY you either enjoyed or disliked the article. BE SPECIFIC! Back up all opinions with specific examples from the article!
5.) Honor Statement:
Write an honor statement at the bottom of your final page and sign your full name. (“I did this assignment honestly without the assistance from others.” ______your signature.)
Attach a copy of the article to the back of your writeup. Make sure that article clearly relates to the subject of your class.
The article length must be at least 500 words in length and have a publication date within the last year.