Call to Order / Van Do-Reynoso welcomed all and called the meeting to order at3:10 p.m.
On Call: Van Do-Reynoso, David Luchini, Keith Winkler, Beth Gazarek, Ken Bird, Jason Britt, Karen Haught, Kathleen Grassi, Ashley Hart, Donna DeRoo, and John Capitman
Approval of Minutes / The minutesfrom 10-27-14were approved by consensus.
Action Items
TCE Work Plan and Next Steps
- MAPP Training Next Steps
- Data Reports Update
- Health Equity Cohort Update
The Health Equity Cohort continues to meet on monthly basis. Each participant is moving along on their project and they will be meeting in early December to determine what additional support they need to keep moving forward on their project.
There were not any updates on the MAPP process.
Review Strategic Planning Grid / Van Do-Reynoso suggested that the members take the next steps grid and review it for how they are doing as a group and if any changes need to be made. She explained that they should also discuss expanding the membership around Mariposa and Calaveras as well as the California Health Sciences University.
In regards to networking, Van explained that she feels that the Consortium is meeting the objectives and with the revision of the agenda this will be easier to focus on during the phone meetings. In regards to individual and group projects, Van explained that they had the social services meeting, are working towards health equity in terms of the cohort and data projects. She explained thatthe Consortiumhas not moved on meeting with the behavioral health directors. She explained that an option was to invite the behavioral health directors to a Consortium meeting and create an agenda that would interest them. Kathleen explained that this also fits with the ACA and that it could be a possible topic of conversation. Van suggested that David, Ashley and her could work on creating an agenda for everyone to review in January. In regards to the overarching projects, the Consortium has worked on these areas and Paul Brown will be presenting at the January meeting about his progress. In regards to long term planning, we have talked about collaboration with other universities and she explained that we need to talk more about sustainability and future funding sources. / -Draft agenda for Behavioral Health Directors meeting
-2015 Agenda: funding options, sustaining Consortium
Creating Healthy Communities in the San Joaquin Valley / Kathleen explained that she attended the Health Disadvantage Community meeting and represented the Consortium members. She explained that there were representatives from BARHII, LA County, Southern California Health Alliance regional air district. They had short term funding from TCE to hire a research assistant from the SF Department of Public Health who worked a lot with HIAs. He was working with BARHII and the Southern California Alliance in regards to AB 535, which is the emissions legislation that will redistribute the funding to disadvantaged communities. The process is led by the EPA and the Air Board, and the leaders feel that the tool does not adequately represent the San Joaquin Valley. This new tool adds more factors and maps into the equation and identifies more areas in the state that would be disadvantaged. The next steps were around revising the map and they wanted to work with people in the areas to introduce this concept. They also wanted these partners to send information to the legislature in order for the factors and locations to be added into the calculation. Kathleen explained that there was a Fresno Bee article about this and she can send the link to the members. Kathleen explained that they are trying to get more funding from TCE for future analysis. John explained that most of the locations are within the San Joaquin Valley and that there will be increased competition for the San Joaquin Valley. / -Kathleen send link to Fresno Bee article
County Updates / Questions for Other PHDs
- Regional Industry Cluster Initiative: Health and Wellness
- ACA & Public Health
- Public Health Workforce Capacity
- Accreditation Updates
- Funding Opportunities/ Current Grant Opportunities
- Meaningful Use Updates
- Drought Updates
- Ebola, Enterovirus D-68, Flu
Kings: Keith Winkler explained that they are having a company take over health care in the prison. They completed the second year of the Baldrige Program and will be completing a mock application. They were able to get the whole department together to survey their leadership team. They plan to focus on customer focus for programs and the department in general. They also plan to work on the data dashboard in the next year. In regards to the drought, there have been various communities where the well has run dry.
Tulare: Karen Haught explained that they had their food desert symposium with the Federal Reserve Bank. A presenter, Don Burgman, from Merced County explained about his mobile farmer’s market project. The Merced Public Health Department will be supporting them through SNAP-Ed.
Fresno: David Luchini explained that December 1st is the start of the new MISP program. The department is working closely with the new vendor who is providing medical services in the adult jail and juvenile correctional facility. The vendor has been providing services for 6 months. They had two false alarms for Ebola within the past few weeks. They explained that Ebola has increased communication between public health and the hospitals. They have several vacant public health nursing positions.
Madera: Van Do-Reynoso explained that they had a good statewide emergency preparedness drill on Ebola and it has forced public health to have deeper conversations with the community providers and hospital. Van explained that they sent out information for the Race Equity Workshop and she encouraged all counties to send a representative. She explained that NACCHO released a call for papers for their national conference and the topic is the 10 Essential Public Health Services.
Merced:Kathleen asked who will be attending the Race Equity Workshop. They participated in an Ebola tabletop and had a good turnout from community partners including partners that do not usually participate. Kathleen attended APHA in New Orleans last week and presented on the Health in All Polices grant.
Stanislaus: No representative on the call.
San Joaquin: No representative on the call.
Fresno State:
Hospital Council:No representative on the call.
2015 Meeting Dates / Van discussed the 2015 meeting dates.
Adjourn / Van Do-Reynoso adjourned the meeting at 3:50 p.m.
Next Meeting: Monday, January 26, 2015, 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.