Vasiliy V. Dmitriev

Professor, Doctor of Science


2001 / Degree of Doctor of Sciences (DSc) in physical limnology/water resources/environmental sciences
1987 / Degree of Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in geography
1969–1973 / Leningrad Hydrometeorological Institute, Oceanlogical Department


2004–present / Professor of the Applied Ecology Department, Russian Hydrometeorological University
2001–2006 / Dean of the Faculty of Geography and Geoecology, St. Peterburg State University
1997–2004 / Associate professor of the Applied Ecology Department, RussianHydrometeorologicalUniversity
1988–present / Head of the scientific and research laboratory ‘Modeling and estimation of geosystems”, the Department of Geography and Geoecology, St. Peterburg State University


  • The head of the Scientific Council of the Faculty
  • The member of the scientific council (St. Peterburg State University and RussianHydrometeorologicalUniversity)
  • The editor of the series ‘Geology and Geography’ of the journal Vestnik SPbGU
  • 35 years of scientific and educational work experience, including 22 years of pedagogical work in higher education
  • The author and lecturer courses for university students (‘System Ecology’, ‘Modeling of the substance cycle in water ecosystems’, ‘Ecological regulation and estimation of the sustainability of water ecosystems’, ‘Methods of estimation of the quality of the natural water’, ‘Models of the water ecosystems’, etc.
  • The supervisor of 95 bachelor’s theses and 5 PhD theses
  • The project leader and researcher in 15 different grants, including projects ‘Integration’, ‘The Universities of Russia’, TASIS, etc. (since 2005)
  • The participant of international projects with Germany (‘Applied polar and sea research’, since 2002) and Mexico (‘Ecological and hydrometeorological problems of big cities and industrial zones’, 2006-2008)
  • The head of the joint Russian-German master program ‘Polar and sea research’
  • The developer of state standards for higher education in ecology, geography and hydrometeorology


Estimation of ecological conditions and quality of changed environment, modeling of development of ecosystems and geosystems


More than 318scientific articles and other publications


  • Educational and Methodical Community of Russian Universities for ecology and sustainable development.
  • Educational and Methodical Community of Russian Universities for geography.
  • Russian Geographical Society (since 1985); member of the scientific council of Russian Geographical Society (since 2000); member of Presidium of the scientific council of Russian Geographical Society (since 2003).
  • InternationalAcademy of science of ecology, human and nature safety (since 2001).
  • Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, ecology section (since 2007).
  • Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, environmental sciences section (since 2010).


  • Awards:

Medal ‘AboutSt. Petersburg’s 300 anniversary’

Award ‘Honoredlecturer in higher education of Russian Federation’

Awards of RussianAcademy of Natural Sciences

‘Honoredlecturer in higher education’

Diploma ‘For teaching professionalism’