Sample Final Product: Science Fair Project Introduction
Statement of Question
The question that our group is researching for our science fair project is “Which of the different axles on yoyos have the shortest and longest sleep time?”
Background Information
Through our research we found that the yo-yo is a toy which is composed of two matching discs connected with an axle with a string around it. We discovered that people of all ages use yo-yos around the world, although most players start when they are young. We learned that there are two different types of yoyos; the ball bearing and fixed axle yoyo.
Ball bearing yoyos were invented in the 1970’s and have been found to significantly reduce the amount of friction present when the yoyo is spinning. This therefore means that these types of yoyos have a longer sleep time. (A yoyo’s sleep time is how long it can stay suspended at the end of the string spinning before it begins to come back up). This allows the yoyo player to do many tricks that had not been possible before its invention. On the other hand, fixed axle yoyos are the original design of yoyos that became popular in the first half of the 20th century. This yoyo’s axle is connected to the string and the halves of the yoyo. Fixed axle yoyos were designed for looping tricks, since they do not typically “sleep” as long as other types.
Based on all of the research that we have gathered about the two main types of yoyos, we were able to form a hypothesis stating what we predict is going to happen within our experiment. If we test to see which type of yoyo has the shortest and longest sleep time, then the fixed axle yoyo will have the shortest sleep time and the ball bearing yoyo will have the longest sleep time. Through doing our science fair project, we will be able to determine if our hypothesis is correct.