2015-16New Theme House Application
Proposed Name:Mission:
Include a proposed mission statement for your group. Describe the purpose for your group and include your goals for the year.
Faculty/Staff Advisor:
Please provide your advisor with the Advisor Recommendation Form (also found online). He/she will submit it directly.
Residents - In communicating the potential members of the group, the Selection Committee would like you to classify your membership into one of three categories:
President - The house president is the primary contact for the group. They serve as a liaison through the application process and work closely with Residential Life throughout the year (If you plan on having co-presidents, please list both).
Name / wID / Cell Phone / Class Year
Key Contributors - Are the individuals who have been integral in developing the group’s theme, goals, and Community Involvement Plan. They would be considered essential members and have committed 100% to living in the house.
Name – Class Year, wID (example: Joe Smith – 2017, w12345678)
Potential Members – Are people who have been approached about the idea. They have shown interest and may have contributed to the process. They are not essential members of the group and/or have not committed to living in the house.
Name – Class Year,wID (example: Joe Smith – 2017, w12345678)
**All house residents must be in good academic and social standing.
Essay Questions(3-4 typed pages)
- Why is it important that this house become a part of the Wheaton Community? How is it different from other houses and/or student organizations on campus?
- Why is the Residential Component essential to your mission?
- At the end of the first semester, what would be the indications that this house is successful?
- Community Involvement Plan:
A Theme House is expected to be involved in the Wheaton community. This should include, but is not limited to, programs/events (both active and passive), planned outreach, services the house will provide, and any other way the house can be a resource to the Wheaton community.
Please outline your group’s Community Involvement Plan. Include any programs and events the group is planning for the year. Please be as specific as possible, but also be realistic. The execution of this plan will be a large part of the group’s evaluation and thereby consideration for re-application.
It is important for the Selection Committee to understand how this plan will benefit and impact the Wheaton community. Additional questions about this plan will be brought up during the interview sessions. Some questions you should expect:
- How will the residential component of a housebe integral in the achievement of your goals?
- What programs, events, activities will be provided as part of the house?
- Do you see any potential collaboration opportunities?
House Constitution:
Please submit a Constitution for your house. Because a Theme House is a student organization, please use the guidance that SAIL provides new clubs ( Please be sure to include
- Application process for new members
- How rooms will be assigned
- How conflicts within the house are managed
- What systems will be utilized for house cleaning
Personal Statements:
Each member of the proposed house is to prepare a personal statement answering the following questions:
- What is your individual interest in the theme house?
- As an individual, what will you contribute to the house?
- What do you hope to gain from living in a theme house?
Statements should be typed, MAXIMUM of one page. Please copy and paste each individual’s person statement to the subsequent pages of this document with the house members name as a header.
During the interview session, please be prepared to answer additional questions on a personal level about living in the house.
Saving and Submitting Application:
The completed document should be formatted as follows:
- The first page of this document (more than one page if necessary)
- Essays and Community Involvement Plan
- House Constitution
- Personal Statements
Please save the document as a PDF. Filename: “Your Groups Name” 2014-15 Theme House Application.pdf
Please e-mail this document to Ed Burnett ()no later than 4pm on Friday, February 27, 2015.
*Please remember that The Advisor’s Recommendation Form is due on the same date as the application. The form is found online and should be sent electronically by your advisor.
The committee will review applications and notify houses if they have been chosen for an interview by Friday, March 6, 2015.
New Application - 14-15 TH Selection1