AP - Chapter 29 Study Guide
“Civil Rights, Vietnam, and the Ordeal of Liberalism” – 1960s
MUST KNOW / Barry Goldwater / Nation of IslamVietnam War / Medicare & Medicaid / Malcolm X
detente / Office of Economic Opportunity / “Flexible Response”
decolonization / Community Action Program / Green Berets
Antiwar protests / Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) / Bay of Pigs
escalation / Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 / Cuban Missile Crisis
nuclear arsenal / sit-ins / Ho Chi Minh
Martin Luther King Jr. / CORE / Vietminh
nonviolent protests / SNCC “Snick” / Geneva Conference
desegregation / “Freedom Rides” / Ngo Dinh Diem
Civil Rights Act of 1964 / SCLC / The NLF (Viet-Cong)
Social justice / Birmingham Protests (Project C) / Diem Assassination
liberalism / Eugene “Bull” Connor / Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Lyndon Johnson / civil disobedience / folk music
Great Society / George Wallace / “attrition”
conservative movement / Medgar Evers / “hearts and minds”
Immigration Act of 1965 / March on Washington / Ho Chi Minh Trail
“Freedom Summer” / Tet Offensive
ADDITIONAL TERMS: / Selma March / Robert Kennedy
John F. Kennedy / Voting Rights Act of 1965 / 1968 Assassinations and Riots
1960 Election / de jurede facto segregation / Chicago Democratic Convention
“New Frontier” / Watts Riots / “Silent Majority”
JFK Assassination / Black Power / Nixon Victory
“War on Poverty” / Black Panther Party
Key Concept 8.1:
- Why did the United States do to war in Vietnam and what effects did the Vietnam War have on American society?
- What were causes and examples of both Cold War confrontation and periods of mutual coexistence (or détente)?
- What were the causes and effects of America’s increased intervention in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East?
- What were the United States policies and actions toward Latin America in the 1960s?
- Why did the escalation of the Vietnam War inspire sizable and passionate antiwar protests and what were the effects of the antiwar movement?
- What were the debates over the nuclear arsenal and the power of the executive branch intensified during the 1960s?
- What were the goals, tactics, and accomplishments of civil rights activists including Martin Luther King Jr. in their struggle against racial discrimination including direct action and nonviolent protest tactics?
- What was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and how did it promote greater racial equality?
- How again did whites resist civil rights legislation?
- Why did the civil rights movement divide after 1965 over goals, tactics and the efficacy of nonviolence?
- How persistent was poverty in America in the 1960s and what were the goals and accomplishments of the War on Poverty?
- To what extent could the mid-1960s be considered the high point of Liberalism?
- What were the goals and accomplishment of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society including the attempts to end racial discrimination, eliminate poverty, and promote other social issues?
- How did Supreme Court decisions expand civil rights and individual liberties?
- How did a perceived moral and cultural decline cause a conservative backlash by the late 1960s?
- How did conservatives challenge liberal laws and court decisions and how did they attempt to limit the role of the federal government and enact more assertive foreign policies?
- What were the causes and effects of the new immigration laws of 1965 and how could it be considered a turning point for American immigration and identity?