Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday 28th October 2013in the Skyrm Room at the Public Hall, Beaminster at 7.00pm.
989PRESENT– Cllr G Berry (Chairman),Cllr Mrs V Baldwin, Cllr Mrs R Beeny,Cllr P Body,
Cllr Ms A Cameron, Cllr R Cheeseman, Cllr P Elliott, Cllr Mrs J Page, andCllr CTurner.
990IN ATTENDANCE – Mrs Christine Bright (Town Clerk) and District Councillor Mrs C Payne
(a)Dorset Police Representative
In the absence of a Police representative no report was received.
Under this heading Cllr Mrs Baldwin reported that a recent ringmaster message had advised a landrover had been stolen from Tunnel Road and set on fire; also there had been a report that the tyres had been slashed on a vehicle parked in the centre of town.
(b) West Dorset District Councillors
Councillor Mrs Payne advised:
- that it was likely that the District Council would lose a further 13% of its grant
from central government next year and service reviews were being
undertaken in all departments to identify areas where further cuts could be
- a more stringent application process had been introduced in respect of scrap
metal dealers and motor salvage operations as from 1st October
- Local Ward Boundary changes – at a recent meeting of the District Council it
was decided to reduce the number of members to 42 and there would be
further public consultation in the new year on the boundary proposals
Councillor Mrs Page advised:
- the ‘Peer Challenge’ had been completed, the exercise had highlighted a
number of issues where improvements could be made and a full report was
- jointly with a member from Weymouth she had chaired a meeting of the
Joint Safety Panel
- she had attended a training session on Social Media
- she had attended a presentation by the Highway Authority; also by the Fire &
Rescueserviceoutlining their services to the public which were much more
than putting out fires
- she had attended a meeting with a group of people from all over the South
West to formulate a letter to be sent to South West ministers regarding
Localism, at which there had been an interesting presentation by the member
from Ilfracombe
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Under this heading Cllr Mrs Beeny drew attention to the problem of the car park ticket
machines not accepting the new 20p coinage to which District Cllr Mrs Payne advised
that discussions were take place as to how best solve this issue.
(c) DorsetCounty Councillor
In the absence of Cllr Mrs Knox no report was received.
992APOLOGIES–Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Mrs R Knox and Cllr Mrs S Samuel.
The minutes of the Council meeting held on 23rd September 2013havingpreviously been circulatedwere confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
No declarations of interest were received.
(a) BAVLAP – Cllr Mrs Beeny advised that:
- unfortunately the last community lunch had not been so well attended
- the Annual General Meeting would take place on 26th November, a speaker
from the AONB would speak on local projects
- Yarn Barton had been put forward for a volunteer award
(b) DAP – Cllr Mrs Beeny advised that a copy of the report of the Dorset Age Partnership
meeting would be circulated at a later date.
(c) Flood Warden Scheme – Cllr Cheeseman advised that representatives from
Beaminster attended a very successful meeting hosted by the Environment Agency
in Dorchester. He was pleased to reportthat it had not been necessary to send flood
wardens out on duty during the heavy rain at the weekend and he expressed his
gratitude to Samantha Pearce for delivering sandbags to properties that had requested
(d) DAPTC – Cllr Turner reported that the Town & Larger Council’s meeting hosted by
Chickerell Town Council was attended by two speakers Chris Scally, Joint Community
Manager, Dorset County Council Civil Society who outlined the County Council’s fund
launched in 2011 to enable volunteer and community organisations to deliver services,
the second speaker, Inspector Steve Marsh spoke on the closure/reduction of public
desks within the police service and the possibility of joint asset management.
Members were tabled with a list of payments, cheque numbers 103764 – 103788, together
with direct debit payments between 1stOctober 2013and 31st October2013totalling
£13,549.81also receipts totalling £60,705.96.
Members RESOLVED to APPROVE the list, a copy of which is attached.
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Members had previously been circulated with the minutes of the Public Hall Working Party
meeting held on 7th October 2013.
(a) Short term works – RESOLVED to accept the quotation received from Company B
(Shaun Annetts) in the sum of £9637.82. The Town Clerk would raise the matter of
ironmongery for the rear fire doors with him.
(b) Council office access – those members who had not attended the Public Hall
Working Party meeting were circulated with a photo montage of what it was envisaged
a counter would look like. Following discussion it was AGREED that the Working Party
look at this issue again taking a risk assessment and staff views into consideration. Members RESOLVED that budget provision should be included within the 2013/2104
budget for the purchase of a laptop.
Members had previously been circulated with the detail of the proposals put forward by
Wareham St Martin Parish Council and Chideock Parish Council. It was AGREED to
support both resolutions at the Annual General Meeting on 2nd November.
The Chairman raised the subject of ‘Right to Buy’ as he felt there were possibly a number
of properties within the Town which the Town Council may wish to consider protecting and
believed that in order to be prepared some thought should be given to which those might
be. Members were asked to inform the Town Clerk of their recommendations.
Members had previously been circulated with the notes of meeting with representatives
from SSE to discuss the possible installation of heritage lighting in the Square. Members
were in unanimous agreement that this should be pursued. Members questioned whether
it would be financially viable however to extend heritage lighting to Hogshill Street and
AGREED to endeavour to secure wall lighting with a view to changing the lights to heritage
style lighting at some point in the future.
With regard to the request for an additional street light at the end of St Mary Well Street,
whilst members were sympathetic and would support the County Council should it be
deemed necessary however it was AGREED that it would not be financially viable for
the Town Council to fund any additional lights.
(a) The Energy Group – members had previously been circulated with a copy of
correspondence received from Stefan Orchard, Regional Manager for Renewable
Technology offering to perform a short presentation to the community on the viability of
small scale renewable technology. It was AGREED that this would be better suited as
an event hosted by Beaminster Futures.
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Members had previously been circulated with a written progress report on all outstanding
issues. NOTED. It was AGREED to continue to include the Square on this report.
Under this heading the Chairman advised that he had not received any feedback to date
Following a meeting with representatives from the County Council highway department.
Cllr Mrs Page advised that, as a District Councillor, she had attended a presentation by
the highwayauthority where it had been reported that currently no works relating to
Beaminster were on the short term list. The increase in school traffic using the Tunnel
Road entrance had been highlighted and highway representatives agreed to undertake a
site visit. The virtual pavement in North Street had been deemed a long term project and
would be revisited at a later date.
The Chairman also advised that he had spoken with the County Council’s Technical
Officer for this area with regard to the incomplete pavement in Clay Lane stressing that it
was being used by children walking to school. He had been advised that there was a legal
issue with regard to land ownership however a request would be made to fence it off.
One item was identified:
- Right to Buy
The date of the next meeting was NOTED as Monday25th November 2013.
1005 MEETING- The meeting which started at 7.00pm closed at 8.55pm.
25th November 2013
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D/D Andrews & Arnold Web Site Fee 6.00
D/D Aviva General Insurance - Hall 356.08
D/D UK Fuels Fuel - tractor & machinery 54.54
D/D Wessex Water Water & Sewerage – Public Hall 99.87 D/D Danwood Photocopier 107.43
103764 Margaret Trevett Buffet – Town Crier Comp. 200.00
103765/67 Donovan Atyeo/David Vile Salary Month 7 ENI NI & PAYE 4898.65
103766 Wessex Water Water charges – Cemetery tap 6.88
103768 BEG Electrical PAC testing – Public Hall 208.80
103769 John Bright Fencing Materials – finger post signs 53.73 103770 DAPTC Good Councillors handbooks 31.50
103771 DAPTC Town Clerk’s update Seminar 35.00
103772 Dorset County Council Wheelie bins 80.72
103774 Larcombes General supplies 22.47
103775 RBS Cemetery software annual support 306.00
103776 Roman Group Stationery 30.76
103777 S Pearce Expenses & Stationery 8.49
103778 Cllr P Body Expenses 17.10
103779 C Bright Travel & Town Crier exp’s 49.14
103780 BT Telephone – Office 31.10
103781 Buglers Machinery repairs 200.32
103782 C Clare Travel expenses 34.20
103783 N Cowie Cemetery wall repairs 1709.05
103784 Guy Crabb New water heater – kitchen 645.60
103785 WDDC Inspection (rats - Playing Field) 16.38
103786 S D Playground Services Repairs – play equipment 4290.00
103788 DAPTC Training seminars 50.00
TOTAL 13,549.81
Amounts credited to no 2 account
HSCBBank Interest 2.47
WDDC Precept 51621.50
WDDC LCT Support Grant 5128.50
Amounts credited between to No 1 accounts 24.9.2013to 28.10.2013
Public Hall Hall bookings 2.10.2013 553.00
Hall bookings 8.10.2013 200.00
Hall bookings 15.10.2013 193.00
Hall bookings 23.10.2013 215.00
Slimming World Hall booking 27.9.2013 35.00
Slimming World Hall booking 4.10.2013 35.00
Slimming World Hall booking 11.10.13 35.00
Slimming World Hall booking 18.10.13 35.00
Slimming World Hall booking 25.10.13 35.00
NSIB Interest 50.55
Beaminster Social Club Rent (Receipt 42) 240.00
Rent (Receipt 43) 120.00
HM Revenue & Customs VAT refund 2241.94
TOTAL 60705.96
Note for Council Information
The above payments are approved expenditure items within existing contracts and / or the agreed budget framework.
Councillors expenses having been vetted and authorised by the Chairman/Town Clerk or in the case of the Chairman’s expenses, by the Vice Chairman. Receipts are those from expected sources, and within budget projections.
Christine Bright
Responsible Finance Officer
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