PETA People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
501 Front St
Norfolk, VA 23510
Phone: (757) 622-7382
EIN 52-1218336
Founded 1980
Exempt since March 1981
green groups
labor unions
about us
Description: Animal rights
Description: Animal rights group repeatedly using civil disobedience contrary to IRS Revenue Ruling 75-384 and funding eco-terrorists directly by contribution (See PETA's 2001 Form 990 tax return, Page 28, for listing of direct donation to North American Earth Liberation Front, an FBI-declared domestic terrorist organization) or indirectly by paying lawyers for suspects in animal rights crime. Uses unlawful means to persuade others to adopt vegetarian diet and to cease all use of animals.
PETA was involved with arsonist Rodney Coronado of the Animal Liberation Front, who torched a Michigan State University animal research laboratory. Coronado sent PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk two packages, one before the arson, one after the arson. When police searched the premises where Coronado sent the packages, they found false identification for Coronado and for PETA co-founder Alex Pacheco, to be used as part of a burglary to release captive animals, suggesting close relations between PETA leaders and ALF crimes. See the Government Sentencing Memorandum in the case, Pages 8 & 9, for details of PETA's involvement.
The Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise has filed a complaint with the IRS Commissioner to strip PETA of its tax exempt status.
(PETA's Form 990 available at
Revenue / Expenses
Contributions / $13,347,617
Government Grants / $0
Program Services / $35,978
Investments / $128,080
Special Events / $0
Sales / $331,180
Other / $24,146
/ Program Services / $10,933,077
Administration / $469,358
Other / $2,097,179
Total Expenditures / $13,499,614
Total Revenue / $13,867,001 / NET GAIN/LOSS / $367,387
Board of Directors
Ingrid Newkirk, Director, Secretary -
Salary $27,307, benefits $2,689
Resides in PETA headquarters facility
Michael Rodman, Chairperson, Treasurer
Jeanne Roush, Director
Key Staff
Jannette Patterson, Executive Director
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is one of the more rabid and radical—and influential—environmental groups on the scene today. The Animal Rights Reporter called PETA "the most influential organization in the animal rights movement." PETA "has established an impressive track record of orchestrated events which bring it media attention, movement respect, and member donations." PETA "has grown in size and scope, resembling a small corporation more than the cutting edge of a social movement."1
As an advocate of animal rights philosophy, PETA has agitated to:
· eliminate the meat industry ("we’re absolutely opposed to breeding animals for humans");
· abolish the use of furs from fur farms or wild animals;
· stop all hunting ("there’s something fundamentally wrong with a person who feels that it’s acceptable to go out into the woods, and for fun, slaughter")
· and fishing ("fishes suffocate");
· eliminate the use of animals in entertainment, medical research and military research;
· prevent the use of all animal products such as wool ("we don’t need wool") and silk ("silkworms can feel pain");
· and stop the ownership of animals as pets
—all of which is a reflection of its "vegan" ideology.2
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is profiled in Ron Arnold and Alan Gottlieb's book, Trashing the Economy: How Runaway Environmentalism is Wrecking America
PETA promotes veganism, an animal rights philosophy far more radical than vegetarianism. Veganism, as well as it can be represented accurately, is the ideal that no animal food be consumed in any way, not even milk or eggs, and that no harm of any sort be done by humans to any animal because there is no moral difference between humans and animals. Examples: PETA co-director Ingrid E. Newkirk asserted about those who eat meat, "I would think it’s primitive, barbaric, arrogant, unnecessary."3
Production of milk or even honey is immoral since it involves "exploitation." Newkirk explained, "Most supermarket milk comes from cows raised in intensive factory farms. They stand on concrete most of their lives, they are inside most of the time, they are artificially inseminated, their young are taken away from them when they are one or two days old, they go on to become veal."4 She agreed with an interviewer that pet ownership is the moral equivalent of slavery, unless the animal needed shelter to begin with. The very word "pet" is offensive, since it "connotes a demeaning attitude of master versus thing."5
The notion of animal rights is something relatively new, something alien to animal welfare, and brimming with an agenda of disaster for people.6 This program was explicated by Australian philosopher Peter Singer in his 1975 book Animal Liberation, which challenged the notion of human dominance over other animals and contemptuously reviled animal welfare and humane treatment as just another form of "speciesism." Singer asserted, "Human beings have come to realize that they [are] animals themselves, It can no longer be maintained by anyone but a religious fanatic that man is the special darling of the whole universe, or that other animals were created to provide us with food, or that we have divine authority over them, and divine permission to kill them."7
The core of the animal rights philosophy is the dismissal of differences between people and animals—language, reason, morality, free will—as ethically irrelevant. Animal rights asserts equal moral status to all living things based on the ability to feel pain. In this ethic, all human use of animals, for food, clothing, sport, companionship, medical research, is "speciesism," the moral equivalent of racism.8
It is not clear how vegetables escape this moral calculus, since they are made of the same DNA as other life forms.
The movement’s theoretician, Tom Regan, clearly recognized one place the philosophy is taking us: to the crippling of medical science. He wrote in his 1983 book, The Case for Animal Rights, "Even granting that we face greater harm than laboratory animals presently endure if research on these animals is stopped, the rights view will not be satisfied with anything less than total abolition. The practice remains wrong because unjust.
"If abandoning animal research means that there are some things we cannot learn, then so be it.... We have no basic right...not to be harmed by those natural diseases we are heir to."9
PETA is even against dissection in medical schools.10 The Washington Post, which gives money to environmental groups, became alarmed and wrote an editorial worrying that hard-line animal activists will completely outlaw anatomy instruction with animal specimens in schools.11 It sounds to us like PETA leaders have had brain surgery by doctors trained in PETA medical schools.12
PETA activists have developed highly sophisticated attacks on industry. They use slick media campaigns and rock stars, they peddle T-shirts, sports watches and videos. They generally try to give the animal rights movement a degree of hipness that appeals to the youth market. In one campaign, Canadian singer k.d. lang made a beef-against-beef television spot in an effort to destroy the meat and animal husbandry industry.13
This animal rights group thrusts their views on big names in the fashion industry. PETA has pressured modeling agencies, photographers, and stylists to refuse to work with furs. PETA protesters staged a nasty demonstration at a 1991 Oscar de la Renta fur show.14 Three major fashion designers stopped using furs: Bill Blass, Georgio Armani, and Norma Komali, but denied PETA had anything to do with it.15 PETA pressure probably did, however, if Merv Griffin Enterprises’ example is instructive: They sent PETA a letter stating that fur coats will no longer be given as prizes on television’s "Wheel of Fortune." The syndicated show had a policy of using only ranch-raised furs, but Griffin Enterprises President Robert Murphy told PETA that all fur gifts had been eliminated.16 The pressure against wearing fur was so intense it sparked a near-violent backlash at a Hollywood fund raiser for animal rights.17
Fortune magazine flippantly described British-born PETA co-director Ingrid Newkirk as "the Mother Teresa of rabbits," but acknowledged that she has imposed PETA’s ethics on companies such as Benetton and Noxell "the same way trains impose themselves on stalled sedans." Running over industry roughshod is a favorite pastime of environmentalists. Companies are like trees in the sense which John Muir once complained that "trees cannot run away; any fool can destroy them." The same is true of companies. They cannot run away either, and any fool can destroy them with a little persistence. PETA has the persistence.18
PETA’s protests against animal testing of cosmetics, applying cosmetics to animals’ eyes or skin to test for toxicity and safety, caused Avon so much distress that the company announced in June 1990 it would suspend the tests—with no reliable alternative to determine the safety of their products to their customers.19 PETA also constrained Tonka to stop safety testing Play-Doh on rabbits. Other companies that have stopped safety tests because of PETA demands include Revlon, Faberge, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Amway, Mattel Toys, and Hasbro. Even though each of these companies denies that PETA agitation had anything to do with their decision to stop safety testing, there was no other reason for them to stop.20 In addition, a PETA Catalog offers a video of product testing on rabbits at Biosearch, a Philadelphia laboratory, claiming the exposé by "one of our undercover investigators" to have been "instrumental in the banning of these cruel tests by major companies including Avon, Revlon, Benetton, and Estee Lauder."21 The National Institutes of Health and the American Medical Association have expressed concern over what PETA and other animal rights groups are doing to public health and safety.22
Zoological societies are also under attack by PETA, which seems to want all zoos shut down.23
To PETA, homo sapiens seems to be the only species that may be abused. Ingrid Newkirk said about people, "We’re the biggest blight on the face of the earth," and in the same interview volunteered the macabre thought, "Human euthanasia would be a great step if there were no abuses."24 Medical research to save children’s lives is improper, since "you have no right."25 PETA certainly deserves honorary membership in Wild Earth’s Voluntary Human Extinction Movement: PETA’s Newkirk declared in a now-famous 1986 interview the oft-reprinted quote, "I don’t believe human beings have the ‘right to life.’ That’s a supremacist perversion. A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy." Even the truculent environmentalist Audubon magazine panned Newkirk for such virulent misanthropy.26
Again, it's not clear how vegetables can be eaten by such sensitive lovers of all life forms. Perhaps PETA fails to hear their pitiful screams of pain as they slide down human throats.
It hardly needs saying, but devaluing human life and deifying animals is a dangerous development in a society into which, as P.T. Barnum once observed, "There’s a sucker born every minute." Self-loathing is a time-honored indoor sport among us human beings. The trouble is, when reduced to a plan of action in a gullible society, the game of self-loathing usually divides into two camps, loathors and loathees, one of which staffs the ovens while the other goes up in smoke. Our most recent animal rights regime was run by one Heinrich Himmler, whose immortal thoughts on Jews, Gypsies, Blacks and homosexuals echo down to us through the years: "We Germans, who are the only people in the world who have a decent attitude toward animals, will also assume a decent attitude toward these human animals." The audience applauded.
It couldn’t happen here? It is happening here. PETA is happening here. As the human advocacy group Putting People First said in court records about PETA: "In their eyes, those who do not share their philosophy—animal trainers, hunters, fishermen, cattlemen, grocers, and indeed all non-vegetarians—are the moral equivalent of cannibals, slaveowners, and death-camp guards, and must be dealt with accordingly."27 Barnum was right. To the Egress.28
Most PETA supporters do not know about the group’s vegan agenda and follow the group because they believe it is effective in pushing the cause of humanity to animals. Here we see a pattern common to American environmental groups: The leaders have a radical agenda, but the followers do not, yet help them with money and memberships anyway.29 As H. L. Mencken said, "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."
Critics, however, have a way of making things clear: Ted Nugent, rock star and bowhunter, was quoted by the Texas Wildlife Association as saying, "These animal rights freaks are to wildlife what Jim and Tammy Bakker were to religion."30
PETA was the brainchild of doctor’s-son Alex Pacheco -- he has now moved on from PETA to head an animal rights fundraising organization -- who was raised from infancy in Mexico and grew up in Ohio, where he graduated from high school and entered Ohio State University, planning to become a Catholic priest. Pacheco says that his interest in animal rights originated during a 1978 stay with a friend in Toronto during which he visited a slaughterhouse, a visit which traumatized him so much he became a vegetarian on the spot. His visit was followed by indoctrination by "two brilliant activists," one a founder of American Vegetarians and the other an "artist, feminist, and animals rights activist."31 He got a copy of Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation. The die was cast. Pacheco quickly founded a campus animal rights group and hasn’t stopped since.32