Self-Directed Support: Reducing Process, Increasing Choice and Control
Case Studies
Norfolk County Council
Following on from the three workshops held on reducing unnecessary process we are seeking to include in the write up of the workshops some case studies of emerging and established positive practice where councils have reduced and/or improved their SDS processes. This template is designed to elicit information with which to construct the case studies. Please complete as much as you can of the template. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries ( Tel: 07917050862)
1. Please name and describe what you did.Norfolk CC
Visited high performing LA’s to learn lessons. Looked at our SDS processes from start to end, mapped out the customer pathway, identified blocks and delays, introduced changes and improvements to improve and speed up SDS process.
2. What were your reasons for wanting to make changes in this area?
Feedback from Service Users, Family Carers, Providers and Staff made via surveys (POET, etc).
3. What were the specific improvements that were intended?
To learn from good practice elsewhere and improve our SDS process by reducing paperwork, unnecessary processes, bureaucracy and delays.
4. What actions were taken to put the idea(s) into practice and who was involved in the
a) Planning the changes
Visits to other LA’s, SDS Steering Group and NCC Performance Board. Carefirst User Group.
b) Making them happen (implementation)
all the above, Senior Managers, SDS champions, Front line managers
c) Review
SDS Steering Group, POET 2
5. Briefly describe the improvements and outcomes achieved including anything that was less successful.
· Visited other LA’s
· Reviewed NCC SDS Customer journey
· Introduced a single PBQ across all user groups
· Introduced SDS Champions in all Teams
· Set up an SDS Steering Group and SDS Finance Group to project plan, resolve difficult, sticky issues, agree key actions and monitor progress
· Stopped Funding Panels and introduced a quicker and more responsive financial authorization process
· Improvements made to our Financial Assessment team which speeded up time it takes to financial assess someone
· Improvements made to Carefirst which made SDS process integral and quicker
· Introduced an electronic RAS system which automatically calculate Indicative PB at the end of completing PBQ
· Introduced new clear procedures and guidance for staff re the PB process
6. Were any of the results surprising?
7. Do you think the improvements is sustainable and, if so, why?
Yes, particularly the systems changes (i.e. Carefirst) which are now fully imbedded
8. Are you planning to introduce further changes in this area? If so, please briefly describe
Carers PBQ & RAS
9. Has there been any analysis of the costs and benefits of making the changes? If so, please briefly describe.
Norfolk results of POET 2
10. How could this practice be taken up by others?
Workshops, publications, briefings, network events, shared learning
11. Any other information you would like to tell us
Contact for further information:
Tim O’Mullane
Head of Social Care (Norwich)
Tel: 01603 217772