Lies my Science Teacher told me by Howard Ratcliffe
Science: Description of experimental investigation; Theoretical explanation of natural phenomena; An activity that appears to require study and method. My Science teacher never told me Science only appeared to require study; Did yours?
My (replace “My” with “Your Kids” because they are still doing this) Science teacher showed me a picture of the “Solar System” in about the 5th Grade, introduced “Gravity” in the 8th Grade, and in High School told me the fundamental law of physics was “Energy can neither be created, nor destroyed”. I learned how Newton discovered “Gravity” by getting hit on the head by an apple and that a bowling ball and an apple will “Fall” toward the ground at the same “Acceleration”. Apparently, he also discovered objects in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an outside “Force”, moving in a straight line. Ever the glutton for punishment, I learned in College that objects with Mass will Accelerate when Force is applied to them (Force equals Mass X Acceleration F=MA) so long as that Force is greater than the Friction (Wheels are usually easier to push than Sleds). I learned that Einstein was really, really smart for knowing Energy and Matter are really one in the same (E=MC2) and Light can be a stream of particles with mass or a mass-less Wave depending on its mood which travels at the same speed relative to any observer no matter what his speed. I also learned Work is the Transfer of Energy (W=Force X Distance), the “Universe” began with a “Big Bang” and what I see at night is mostly “Dark Matter”, the logical outgrowth of collapsed Stars that have become “Black Holes” and created over 100 different elements in their “Infinite Gravity”, so powerful it pulls in it’s own light. Have you ever wondered why lying is called BS?
The Friction between a Bowling Ball and the Alley is quite small, but is a Bowling Alley Straight or Curved? To answer that one needs to know the shape of the Earth because it is rolling on it. Maybe Newton didn’t know the Earth was round? Maybe Columbus didn’t either? Newton threw some rocks “Up” and saw that “What goes up, must come Down”. He threw rocks sideways and saw they returned to Earth in Parabolic Arcs (Ovals or Ellipses) but never in Circular Paths. Newton calculated Earth’s “Gravity” accelerated all objects at 32 ft/sec2. Newton sat under his famous Apple Tree and felt the Force acting on his Mass flattened his wallet (he soon got a much bigger wallet) and could see the apple was connected to the Tree, so it must also be accelerating. When the apple fell, it no longer had its connection to the tree and hit Newton on the head. Did the apple fall? Newton and the Tree were still accelerating at 1 “G”, but the apple, unless F=MA is wrong must now be floating. Lie #1: What goes up does not come down. It goes up until the Earth accelerates up to hit it. Lie #2: Objects in motion in contact with the Earth do not travel in straight lines; they follow the curvature of the Earth’s surface. Does this prove or disprove the existence of the force of Gravity?
Put 2 objects in proximity to each other like the Earth and Sun and assuming a Force of Gravity is acting between them, the result must be for both objects to begin accelerating toward each other; the object with less mass accelerating proportionately faster. In a frictionless environment like Space, the speed would increase right up to impact. So why hasn’t Earth collided with the Sun? Work is Force X Distance (W=FD); Work is also defined as a Transfer of Energy. “Energy can neither be created, nor destroyed”; where did the Energy for Gravity come from and how would it be transmitted?
If you have ridden a Tea Cup ride at an Amusement Park, you know how uncomfortable it is when your child spins the wheel. Rotating on an axis and moving in a larger circle at the same time is quite frankly not my cup of tea. My Science teacher told me the Earth is rotating on its axis every 24 hours (speed at the equator about 1000 MPH; at the poles 0 MPH). Do you feel different at different latitudes? Maybe we just can’t feel that level of acceleration. My Science teacher then told me about the Solar System and proved it exists with a picture; later some of us even made a model of it. I was told the Earth takes 365¼ days to travel around the Sun at an average distance of 93 million miles in an elliptically shaped orbit. In addition to the 1000 MPH, now an additional 36,000 MPH was added to my Tea Cup. Gravity is described as a tension force between the Earth and Sun. What shape does a Tetherball make around the pole? Hint: It’s not elliptical. Newton observed thrown objects returned to earth in Parabolic Arcs; without getting complicated, the equation of any Parabola is not linear, but squared (X2); in other words the curvature increases (tightens) in the shape of a spiral, but never in a circular path. At the far end of our elliptical orbit, something unexpected happens; we tighten our curvature and return on the opposite side of our Elliptical Orbit, right? What caused this increase in the force of Gravity? If you are not feeling like Newton put you on a Tea Cup Ride yet, let’s add in our speed around the Galaxy.
Astronomers tell us the shape of our “Galaxy” is a Spiral with Earth out on a spiral arm. Let’s add the theoretical velocity of this 3rd Tea Cup platform; some guess it to be near 1 million MPH. 3 axis acceleration careening around in a Galactic Tea Cup ride around a Black Hole astrologers call the Dark Rift is where we are now; What does it feel like? Now let’s add in the velocity of the Big Bang.
Basically, the theory is that “Anti-matter”, “Nothing” or a bunch of “Matter” compacted into a “Singularity” (point) by Infinite Gravity in a Primordial Black Hole stops it’s Gravity and explodes; Stars form as Gravity now reforms and gathers all the Hydrogen together. At sufficient Temperature (Kinetic Energy), Nuclear Fusion begins, causing the first Light. Over billions of years, the Hydrogen fuel is exhausted and Stars begin to collapse into Black Holes having infinite Gravity. Matter forms in this unseen Dark World; Gravity stops; another explosion; Gravity reforms again; Planets form out of non-radiating Matter, into near perfect Spheres and begin orbiting Stars. Out of the Primordial Soup, plants (living organisms that use C02 and give off 02) and plants acting like animals (plants that can live off their own waste) begin the process of Photosynthesis 6(C02) + 6(H20) + sunlight = 6(02) + C6H1206 forming an Atmosphere. Plants become Animals; Animals become Human etc etc. Our Tea Cup is now in a 1000 MPH circle, inside a 36,000 MPH circle, inside a 1,000,000 MPH circle, which is all moving in a straight line at somewhere near light speed. How do you feel now? Imagine life beginning and flourishing on a Tea Cup Ride moving near Light Speed with our loved ones formed from decayed plants. Don’t feel so special do you? Lie #3: The Big Bang cannot produce anything out of nothing. Lie #4: Life cannot begin or thrive in an environment of such high accelerations. Lie #5 Plants cannot live without Animals and Animals cannot live without Plants; nor can either one switch sides of the Photosynthesis Equation as biologists claim. Still want a PHd in a physical science? You may want to become a good liar first.
Einstein said Light travels at a constant speed of 186,000 miles/sec. My Science teacher said Light adjusts its speed in different mediums like water or a glass prism, and showed me the colors of the rainbow and refraction angles to prove it. In college, I learned Space was Dark Matter; a Medium which allows Light and Gravity Waves to propagate. At all sorts of different densities within an Aether medium, how can Einstein be right claiming Light travels at a constant speed? If the Aether does not exist, light must be made of particles subjected to all sorts of varying levels of Gravity and again its speed would be affected. Newton tossed his rocks and watched his apple change speed; if light has mass, it manages to violate this or Einstein lied. How does it feel to pay for an expensive university education full of lies in a giant Amusement Park? Michelson and Morley may have felt that way. In 1887, they converged 2 beams of light at 900 angles in an effort to prove “Space” was either empty or made of a medium called “Luminous Aether”. Simple; the speed of light would be affected as the Earth moved through the medium of space. If space is made of nothing, waves cannot pass through it; if it is a medium they can but their speed would be affected at different densities and should be easy to detect. Conclusion? There was no difference in the speed of light in either direction, so space was therefore not made of Luminous Aether and light cannot and does not travel in waves. No matter; people’s memories are short and Einstein said “If the facts don’t support the conclusions, change the facts”; he did just that.
My Science teacher told me Gravity travels instantly from every atom of matter to every other atom of matter in the Universe creating a sort of 4th Dimension Space-Time fabric. The guy who came up with this idea Peter Higgs, even named these mass-less, infinitely long particles after himself “Higgs Boson”; he may have had a little God complex too because the alternative name for them is “God Particles”. The Universe is quite large, having been accelerating away from its Primordial Black Hole for over 13 billion years now at Light Speed. By observing “Red Shift” (longer wavelengths) of distant Stars, it is assumed that from a Black Hole we came and to one we will end, albeit many billions of years from now. Fortunately, we are at the top of the toilet and the drain is of little concern when billions of years are reality. Might be a different story if the Universe was about 6000 years old, but that’s only a whimsical notion in the bible, so there is no need for concern; after all God is no Peter Higgs or Albert Einstein! Einstein said each of these particles traveling at light speed from the Big Bang would grow to infinite size, require infinite amounts of energy to travel at that speed and that time would stop for them in the process. We are still awaiting proof of any of that, but the idea of altering time to escape mistakes of the past is certainly appealing for some who don’t like to believe “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” Heb 9:27
My Physics teacher told me that particles called “Quarks” formed soon after the Big Bang into Atoms that are full of forces. “Strong Nuclear Force” holds Protons which have a positive electro-magnetic “Charge” together at such a Force that a Nuclear Bomb is necessary to separate them. Ever taken opposite ends of a bar magnet and tried to hold them together? Large Atoms like Uranium tend to “Radiate” particles, so the “Weak Force” lets some of these particles escape while the “Strong Force” holds the rest of them all together. Maybe it should have been called the “Smart Force”. Surrounding all these positively charged “Protons” are negatively charged “Electrons”. Ever taken the negative side of a magnet and brought it close to the positive end of another? If that were to happen to Atoms, “Matter” would cease to exist. I shudder to think what would become of all those “God Particles”. No worries though; nobody has or will ever prove Atoms work like that. Scientists call this the Uncertainty Principle. Hey, that was the name of the head of my school!
In Organic Chemistry, I was told that Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen form complex compounds that interact with their surroundings as “Living” organisms. Thus “Life” from non-living matter is possible. By sheer chance, Proteins formed a chain shaped like a twisted ladder with a trillion rungs, and split when necessary to form different types of cells. Science would eventually allow me to live forever; Hooray if I happened to be in the top “Caste” of the evolutionary ladder; not so good if I was to be the permanent Pyramid builder. I asked my teacher how Hydrogen managed to form Oxygen or Carbon and the answer came back around to Black Holes which guard their secrets with infinite gravity so strong it pulls all of its light back in. I thought about smashing my flashlight to see if it still would produce light, but I gave up and mesmerized the answers necessary to pass the test.
In Anthropology class, I learned there are 4 “Races” of people: White (Caucasian), Black (African), Brown (Spanish) and Yellow (Asian). I was told “Evolution” was fact now rather than theory; only morons believed in Creationism, and anyone could see the obvious similarities between Monkeys and Blacks, so Whites obviously had to have “Evolved” first. I learned that genetic disorders happen to “Inter-racial” couples. It was fascinating to see how far our intelligence had come from the Pyramids which were in perfect alignment with Stars, built with blocks too large for humans to wield, without mortar between them “Ashlar Masonry” on foundations level to within 1/16th in. to structures made with “Drywall” and warped 2X4’s.
In Astrological Engineering (core class at AF Academy), I learned space craft enter “Orbits” using Gravity as a “Sling Shot” to change direction and increase their velocities. It never occurred to me that this was now a 5th acceleration on my Tea Cup ride, or that energy was created from nothing. Since every atom inside the spacecraft was subjected to the same Gravity Force, all this happened in a Weightless (0 “G”) environment. I always wondered how the Starship Enterprise accelerated to “Warp” speed and changed course without smashing everyone to bits and how Apollo spacecraft got back to Earth from the Moon. I learned how a Pressure Suit protected the astronauts in an environment full of radiation, at 0 pressure, a temperature that changes from about 3000 to -4400 instantly, amid objects flying at speeds faster than bullets while allowing freedom of motion for film changing, golf shots and normal body functions (wouldn’t want to open that suit between excursions!). I learned that Gravity can be artificially created by spinning a spacecraft; it never occurred to me that if my feet ever left the ground, I would be floating into a wall across the spacecraft moving in the opposite direction; Ouch! Hollywood made it all so believable and when alien life spoke English on Planets with similar Gravity and Atmospheres I dedicated my life to the Raelian Cult at Area-51. Just kidding!