Your son/daughter is enrolled in my Digital Literacy course this year. Below I have listed some important information for the student about the class and my expectations. Please read through the information,sign and date and have the student return to class. If you have any questions or need to schedule an appointment with me, I can best be reached through e-mail at . I look forward to working with your son/daughter this year!
What’s this class about?
This course will blend computer literacy skills, Microsoft Office applications, business and career applications, office procedures, and digital communication skills.
What will we cover?
- Proper file management techniques
- Computer fundamentals
- Touch typing with 10%-30% increase in speed and accuracy
- Creating business documents (memos, letters, tables, flyers, brochures, and more)
- Effective Internet Search Techniques
- Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point and Microsoft Publisher
What will be expected of me?
For the class to run smoothly and for all students to feel comfortable, I will need the following from you:
- Come to class on time and prepared.
- Be respectful to EVERYONE in our class.
- Actively participate in class EVERY DAY.
- Try your hardest and limit distractions.
If you choose not to meet these expectations you are choosing to accept the consequences associated.
Phones are expected to be put away during class time. There will be occasions when it may be okay to use phones, however, I will let you know when this is. If used during an unapproved time, and caught, I will confiscate the phone.
What if I’m absent?
The student is responsible to attend all classes and actively engage in the day’s lesson plan. Attendance is crucial to the student demonstrating proficiency in the subject. Excessive absence may cause the student to be ineligible to earn credit (more than 10 days excused or unexcused).
Unexcused absences and truancies are cause for no make-up work per the school district policy. Excused absences are treated differently and are eligible for make-up credit.
It is the responsibility of the student to arrange for all make-up work when they have an excused absence. Parents are encouraged to call the school if the child will not be attending for the day at 360.538.2060. This is the attendance office direct line and most likely you get a voice message. Please leave a detailed message with your child’s name, date and reason for the absence.
Students will have one day for every day of absence to make up missed work. If a test/quiz is missed, one calendar week will be given to make it up. After one week, your grade defaults to a zero.
How will my final grade be determined?
Your grade will be calculated based on the following weights/categories: 75% Coursework & Quizzes and 25% Micro Type Pro. Late work me be turned in up to 5 days after the due date, however, only 60% of the original value is possible.
What else can help me succeed in this class?
Subscribe to my Remind link where I will send out important notices/reminders. Please see the instructions on the following page.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information!
Cami Revel
CTE Business Education & Video Production
Your Financial Future*Business Communications*Advanced Banking*Digital Literacy*AHS Almost Live
Students Name______Signature______Date______
Parent / Guardian Signature______Date______