Contributor Field Definitions

(2006-09-16; rev. 2009-03-09 shoaf)

Contributor is a Web application which, among other functions, provides a cataloging input form for creating/editing/deleting metadata records for assets in the USC Libraries Digital Archive. Contributor currently relies on the Documentum back end which, in turn, makes use of an Oracle database for metadata storage. Within Documentum, the custom metadata field set is called uscdoc and is based principally on the qualified Dublin Core element set.

Table of Contents

I. Field Labels 1

II. Field Names 2

III. Field Usage 5

IV. Field Fixed Values 52

V. Modifiers 53

VI. Node IDs 57

VII. Schemes 58

I. The field labels in Contributor are:

Contributor Field Definitions -- p. 1 of 58

·  Access Conditions

·  Alternative Title
[current label: Title alt]

·  Bibliographic Citation

·  Catalog Date

·  Cataloger

·  Cataloger Comments

·  Contains Record ID
[current label: Contains Record Id]

·  Contents

·  Contributor

·  Coverage Dates

·  Coverage Era

·  Creator

·  Date Created

·  Date Issued

·  Date Modified

·  Description

·  Digitize Date

·  Filename (Repeatable)
[current label: Filename]

·  Format

·  Geographic Coordinates

·  Geographic Coverage

·  Language

·  Other Format

·  Part of

·  Part of Record ID
[current label: Part of Record Id]

·  Previous Format

·  Publisher

·  Record ID [unlabelled]

·  Record Type

·  References

·  Repository Address

·  Repository Email

·  Repository Name

·  Rights

·  Source

·  Subject

·  Title

·  Type

Contributor Field Definitions -- p. 1 of 58

II. The actual field names in Documentum as well as other field-specific parameters are given in the table below. Specifically:

·  Label -- what the field is called in Contributor

·  Documentum name -- what the field is called in Documentum (and Oracle)

·  XML element -- the XML specification used for importing metadata into Documentum

·  Other names -- previous field name(s) in use in other systems

·  Length -- the number of characters defined for the field

·  Modifier (_mod) length -- the number of characters for the field modifier tuple[1], if it exists (for instance, dc_title_alt_mod)

·  Node ID (_nid) length -- the number of characters for the field node ID tuple, if it exists (for instance, dc_contributor_nid)

·  Scheme (_sch) length -- the number of characters for the field scheme tuple, if it exists (for instance, dc_identifier_bib_cite_sch)

·  Repeatable -- whether or not multiple instances of the field can exist in a single record

·  Required -- indication of whether use of the field is:

o  not recommended

o  optional

o  recommended

o  mandatory

o  system supplied

·  In section -- the category or grouping in which the field is located in Contributor:









Contributor Field Definitions -- p. 1 of 58

Contributor Field Definitions -- p. 1 of 58

III. Field Usage

Field label: Access Conditions
repeatable / recommended / length: 2000 / in section: ACCESS

Definition: Information about conditions that affect the availability of the materials being described.

Usage: May indicate the need for an appointment to view physical materials which have been digitized, or the nature of restrictions imposed by the donor, legal statute, repository, or other agency. May also indicate the lack of restrictions.

This is an Encoded Archival Description (EAD) field. EAD description: Information about conditions that affect the availability of the materials being described. May indicate the need for an appointment or the nature of restrictions imposed by the donor, legal statute, repository, or other agency. May also indicate the lack of restrictions. Do not confuse with Conditions Governing Use <userestrict>, which designates information about limitations on the use of the described materials after access has been granted.


·  (213) 743-1672;

·  Access to the original physical material is dictated by the individual institutions contributing to the Internet Mission Photography Archive. Refer to individual items for specifics.

·  Contact rights owner at repository for access to physical images. Send requests to address or e-mail given. For permission to publish or republish material in any form -- print or electronic -- contact the Rights owner.

·  Researchers wishing to see any of the restricted materials should consult with the USC Libraries Special Collections staff.

·  Send requests to address or e-mail given.

·  The collection may be viewed in the Virginia Steele Scott Gallery at the Huntington Library, Art Galleries and Botanical Gardens. Consult visitor information at

Documentum name (uscdoc): ead_access_conditions

XML expression: <accessConditions>

Other names: none

Related uscdoc fields: none

Field label: Alternative Title [current label: Title alt]
repeatable / optional / length: 256 / in section: DESCRIPTION

Definition: An alternative title by which an asset is known.

Usage: Some examples of alternative titles include translated, transliterated, transcribed, vernacular, shortened, abbreviated, former, or uniform titles. The alternative title may not be able to stand on its own and retain the same meaning or as full a meaning as it has in combination with Title. Do not capitalize every word. Normalize capitalization as if writing a sentence. Do not end the field with a punctuation unless such punctuation is part of a word or closes an abbreviation. Best practice is to not exceed the visible window for inputting the alternative title.

This field may be used with a modifier such as "romanization" or "short" from the dropdown box (dc_title_alt_mod) adjacent to it. See full modifier list in Section IV.

This is a qualified Dublin Core field. Dublin Core definition and usage (paraphrased): Any form of the title used as a substitute or alternative to the formal title of the resource. This qualifier can include title abbreviations as well as translations for the name given to the resource.


·  [a subtitle] A ghoulish spoof in two acts

·  [a translated title] The rite of spring

·  [a transliterated title] Voĭna i mir

·  [a vernacular title] Войнá и мир

·  [a uniform title] Symphonies, no. 7, op. 92, A major ; arr.

Documentum name (uscdoc): dc_title_alt

XML expression: <title<alternative modifier=""

Other names: DC.Title.Alternative

Related uscdoc fields: dc_title_alt_mod

Field label: Bibliographic Citation
repeatable / optional / length: 1024 / in section: CONTEXT

Definition: A bibliographic reference for an asset.

Usage: Use a standard citation standard such as Chicago Manual of Style, MLA or Turabian. Recommended practice is to include sufficient bibliographic detail to identify the asset as unambiguously as possible.

This field may be used with a scheme such as "Chicago" in the text box (dc_identifier_bib_cite_sch) adjacent to it. See full scheme list in Section VI. This field may be used with a modifier in the text box (dc_identifier_bib_cite_mod) adjacent to it. See full modifier list in Section IV.

This is a qualified Dublin Core field. Dublin Core definition and usage: An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context. A bibliographic reference for the resource. Recommended best practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system. Recommended practice is to include sufficient bibliographic detail to identify the resource as unambiguously as possible.


·  Okuda, Michael, and Denise Okuda. Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future. New York: Pocket, 1993.

·  Wilcox, Rhonda V. 1991. Shifting roles and synthetic women in Star tred: The next generation. Studies in Popular Culture 13 (June): 53-65.

·  Mershon, D.H. (1998, November/December). Star trek on the brain: Alien minds, human minds. American Scientist, 86(6), 585. Retrieved July 29, 1999, from Expanded Academic ASAP database.

·  Di Rado, Alicia. 1995. Trekking through college: Classes explore modern society using the world of Star trek. Los Angeles Times, March 15, sec. A.

·  James NE. Two sides of paradise: The Eden myth according to Kirk and Spock. In: Palumbo D, ed. Spectrum of the Fantastic. Westport, Conn: Greenwood; 1988:219-223.

Documentum name (uscdoc): dc_identifier_bib_cite

XML expression: <identifier<bibCitation modifier="" scheme=""

Other names: none

Related uscdoc fields: dc_identifier_bib_cite_mod; dc_identifier_bib_cite_sch

Field label: Catalog Date
repeatable / recommended / length: 32 / in section: ADMIN DATA

Definition: A date on which the metadata record is created or modified.

Usage: In Contributor ver.1, this field is manually editable, however, the system will automatically generate a new instance of this field every time a record is edited and fill in that day's full date. Best practice for encoding the date value is defined in a profile of ISO 8601 [W3CDTF], follows the yyyy-mm-dd format, and reflects Universal Time (colloquially, Greenwich Mean Time). Normally times are not manually added to this field. As such, it is recommended, if a date must be input manually, that catalogers put the local date into this field rather than converting it to Universal Time before input. If a Universal Time must be expressed in this field, use the form yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. For each instance of Catalog Date, there must be a parallel instance of Cataloger.

In Contributor ver.2, this field is filled by the system and is not manually editable. The rules by which this field is filled follow. 1st instance: map data from dm_document attribute r_creation_date to uscdoc attribute catalog_date; 1st + n instance: map data from dm_document attribute r_modify_date to uscdoc attribute catalog_date. For each instance of Catalog Date, there must be a parallel instance of Cataloger. Note, n+1 equals the total number of times a record has been edited and includes its initial creation. Repeatable.

This is a non-Dublin Core field.


·  2006-09-16

·  1998-04-16 23:26:24

Documentum name (uscdoc): catalog_date (Contributor ver.1); r_creation_date & r_modify_date (Contributor ver.2)

XML expression: <catalogDate>

Other names: DC.Date.DataGathered; Catalog.Date

Related uscdoc fields: none

Field label: Cataloger
repeatable / recommended / length: 64 / in section: ADMIN DATA

Definition: The name of a person who created or edited the metadata record.

Usage: In Contributor ver.1, this field is manually editable, however, the system will automatically generate a new instance of this field every time a record is edited and fill in the cataloger's name. Best practice for encoding names is "lastname, firstname". Follow standard capitalization. For each instance of Cataloger, there must be a parallel instance of Catalog Date.

In Contributor ver.2, this field is filled by the system and is not manually editable. The rules by which this field is filled follow. 1st instance: map data from dm_document attribute r_creator_name to uscdoc attribute cataloger; 1st + n instance: map data from dm_document attribute r_modifier to uscdoc attribute cataloger. For each instance of Catalog Date, there must be a parallel instance of Cataloger. Note, n+1 equals the total number of times a record has been edited and includes its initial creation.

This is a non-Dublin Core field.


·  Doe, John

·  Smith, Dennis R.

Documentum name (uscdoc): cataloger (Contributor ver.1); r_creator_name & r_modifier (Contributor ver.2)

XML expression: <cataloger>

Other names: Cataloger.PersonalName

Related uscdoc fields: none

Field label: Cataloger Comments
not repeatable / not recommended / length: 2000 / in section: ADMIN DATA

Definition: Comments from a cataloger about the record which are not intended to be seen by the public.

Usage: Catalogers may note problems or peculiarities with a record or notes to oneself or other catalogers about this record. It is intended that records which are approved and ready for publication will typically not include any metadata in this field. This field does not display to the public in any event.

This is a non-Dublin Core field.


·  Need to add Subject.

·  Finish this record after record 12.

·  Check if "colored" is preferred to "coloured".

·  Is this a dupe of record 48?

·  Combine with record 86. Then delete 86.

Documentum name (uscdoc): cataloger_comments

XML expression: not applicable

Other names: none

Related uscdoc fields: none

Field label: Contains Record ID [current label: Contains Record Id]
repeatable / mandatory in collection records / length: 256 / in section: IDENTIFIERS

Definition: A reference to a child record via that record's Record ID.

Usage: This field is rarely used except in collection records for collections that also have sub-collections. Transcribe the Record ID of each sub-collection record. Include the collection prefix. Best practice is to use a globally unique identifier (GUID). However, most of USC's identifiers are only locally unique. Metadata in this field normally takes the form: collprefix-m#. This field facilitates downward navigation from parent records to child records. Do not use this field to reference item records. Normally there will be an instance of the Contents field for each instance of this field.

This is a qualified Dublin Core field. Dublin Core definition and usage: A reference to a related resource. The described resource includes the referenced resource either physically or logically. Recommended best practice is to reference the resource by means of a string or number conforming to a formal identification system.


·  acsc-m1250

·  chinese-m1178

·  chs-m825

·  examiner-m1663

·  impa-m76

·  kada-m2

·  seakorea-m174

·  wpacards-m38843

Documentum name (uscdoc): dc_relation_haspart_guid

XML expression: <relation<haspart<guid>

Other names: DC.Relation.HasPart

Related uscdoc fields: none

Field label: Contents
repeatable / mandatory in collection records / length: 256 / in section: IDENTIFIERS

Definition: A reference to a child record via that record's Title. Also a reference to a part of an asset.

Usage: This field is principally used in collection records for collections that also have sub-collections. Transcribe the Title of each sub-collection record. Do not use this field to reference item records. This field may also be used to reference parts of the asset being described and may take the form of a table of contents. Normally there will be an instance of the Contains Record ID field or the Filename (Repeatable) field for each instance of Contents.

This field may be used with a modifier such as "collection" or "album" from the dropdown box (dc_relation_haspart_mod) adjacent to it.

This is a qualified Dublin Core field. Dublin Core definition and usage: A reference to a related resource. The described resource includes the referenced resource either physically or logically. Recommended best practice is to reference the resource by means of a string or number conforming to a formal identification system.