Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programme
[Section 4(1) (b) (xii]
13.1 Describe the activities / programmes /schemes being implemented by the public authority for which subsidy is providedProvide information about the details of the plans, programmes and schemes under taken by the public authority for each agency.
13.2 Provide information on the nature of subsidy, eligibility criteria for accessing subidy and designation of officer competent to grant subsidy under various programmes / schemes.
Name of Programme / activity / Nature / scale of subsidy / Eligibility criteria for grant of subsidy / Disbursement procedureDevelopment rebate on HSD oil supplied to fishermen
a. Rebate on HSD oil: / Ø The scheme is for providing rebate on Central Excise duty being levied on the cost of HSD oil (@14%)
Ø A rebate of Rs1.50/ liter was being given as 100% grant to the states, which are exempting the 100% sales tax on HSD oil. / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
b. Sales tax exemption / Ø The ceiling limit was enhanced from 1000 liter/p.m to 3000 liters/ pm vide GO Ms no 45 AH, DD & Fisheries (Fish I) Department dated 7-10-2004.
Ø The sales tax exemption was increased from Rs 2.65/ liter to Rs 4.08/ liter / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
Housing scheme for fishermen / District fishery officers
Sanction of 40,000 houses during the year 2004-05 / Ø The total cost is Rs 160 crores, out of which state government subsidy is Rs 80 crores (@ Rs 20,000/house), HUDCO loan is Rs 70 crores (@ Rs 17,5000/house) and beneficiary contribution is Rs 10 crores (@ Rs 2,5000/house). / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
Houses sanctioned under CSS: / Ø The total cost is Rs 4.00 crores, out of which Central government subsidy is Rs 2.00 crores (@ Rs 20,000/house), HUDCO loan is 1.75 crores (@ Rs 17,500/house) and beneficiary contribution is Rs 0.25 crores (@ Rs 2,500/house). / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
Houses sanctioned to fishermen (Inland) areas / Ø The total cost is Rs 62.50 crores, out of which state government subsidy is Rs 17.50 crores (@ Rs 7,000/house), HUDCO loan is 43.75 crores (@ Rs 17,500/house) and beneficiary contribution is Rs 1.25 crores (@ Rs 2,500/house). / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
AFCOF implemented schemes / Ø The pattern of assistance is 50% loan, 40% share capital / subsidy and 10% is the beneficiary contribution. / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
Motorization of traditional crafts / Ø Under Centrally Sponsored Scheme (GOI 50:GOAP 50). Ø Subsidy per unit :Rs0.20 Lakhs. / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
Development of Inland fisheries and Aquacultures / Ø Under Centrally Sponsored Scheme (GOI 75:GOAP 25). / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
Group Accident Insurance Scheme / An exgratia of Rs.50, 000/- in case of death / permanent disability and Rs.25, 000/- in case of partial disability is being paid . / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
Fresh water prawn seed stocking in tanks & reservoirs. / Pattern of assistance -50% of the cost given as revolving fund, 25% of cost given as subsidy and 25% of cost is met by the beneficiary. / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
Supply Aqua Kits-Assistance to Aqua clubs (State marketing funds). / Ø Rs.2.24 lakhs was released towards the 50% subsidy for providing 50% subsidy for supply of aqua kits to Aqua clubs, located in FAO cluster areas of coastal aqua culture. / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
Diversified Fishing-conversion of mechanized fishing trawlers / Ø Conversion of 50 fishing trawlers by giving 25% subsidy, costing Rs.18.75 Lakhs was taken up. / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
Development of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture / Ø The pattern of subsidy assistance is in the ratio of 75:25 by Central and State Governments respectively. / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
1. Construction of new ponds / @20% - ceiling: Rs.40000/ha (For SCs/STs-25% - Rs.50,000/ha) / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
2. Reclamation /renovation of tanks/ponds / @20% - ceiling: Rs.12000/ha (For SCs/STs-25% - Rs.15,000/ha) / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
3. Cost of inputs / @20% - ceiling: Rs.6000/ha (For SCs/STs-25% - Rs.7,500/ha) / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
4.Running water fish culture / Capital cost –(incl: Rs.0.04 lakhs for inputs) @ 20% - ceiling – Rs.4000 (for SCs/STs-25% - Rs.5,000) & ceiling (for 3 units/farmer) / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
5.Intergrated fish farming / @20% - ceiling: Rs.16000/ha (For SCs/STs-25% - Rs.20,000/ha) / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
6.Aerators/pumps / @25% - ceiling: Rs.12,500/set (Max: aerators of 1 hp, 1 diesel pump of 5 Hp) / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
7.Fresh water fish seed hatchery / @10% - ceiling: Rs.80000/ 10 Milllion fry capacity farm / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
8.Fish feed units – small units / @20% - ceiling: Rs.1,00,000/ 1 quintals/day capacity unit / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
9.Training of fish farmers / Stipend @ Rs.100/ day for 10 days Rs.100/- for TA/field visits / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
10.Fresh water prawn seed hatchery / @ 20% subsidy – ceiling Rs.1,60,000 / 5-10 million fry capacity hatchery / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
11.Laboratories for water quality & fish health / One time grant to State (25 lakhs civil works, 5 lakhs equipment) Operational costs by states / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
12. Soil and Water testing kit / One time grant to FFDAs / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
13.Integrated units, ornamental fishes hatchery / 5-10 million fry capacity hatchery @ 10% subsidy – ceiling – Rs.1,60,000 / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
14.Purchase of vehicles / 50% cost of vehicle for new FFDA / vehicle to replace old vehicle / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
Development of Brackish Water Aquaculture (BFDAs) / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
1. Devlopment of water logged areas / @20% - ceiling : Rs.25,000/ha / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
Cost of inputs / @20% - ceiling : Rs.15,000/ha / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fishery officers
3.Training of fish farmers / Stipend @ Rs.100 / day for 10 days Rs.100/for TA/field visits. / Fishermen should be a member of the fishermen cooperative society and for claiming any subsidy scheme the beneficiary/ fishermen must fullfil all the governmental procedure for availing the schemes. / District fish ery officers