Ma Famille

Prepare a family tree of only 8 members of your family and yourself. Start by writing a paragraph about yourself. Include your name, age, what city you are from, what school you attend, who you are a friend to, what nationality you are and any other interesting information that you know how to say. The paragraph on yourself must be at least 7 sentencesand willinclude a picture. *Note: You may include only one pet.

Each of the other 7 family members must include a photo and a caption of a minimum of 4 complete sentences. You MUST include:

  • how the person is related to you
  • the age of the person written out in words
  • an additional sentence telling where the person is from, or their nationality, or describe the person with one of the new adjectives (watch for gender agreement)
  • the last sentence must tell how the person relates to someone else in your family, not you
  • When typing your drafts, put each sentence on a new line and number the sentences, label each paragraph with their title and name in bold. This will allow me to make corrections and grade more accurately.


Voici ma soeur Annabelle. Elle a dix-neuf ans. Elle est de Sterling Heights et elle est française. Annabelle est une élève de Cousino High School. Elle est très intelligente et belle. Annabelle est la soeur de mon frère Philippe.


VoiciIl/Elle a _(#)_ ans. J’ai _#)_ ans.aimable

C'estIl/Elle est de _(city)___drôle

Je suis un copain/une copinepatient(e)

Il/Elle estun élève de (Cousino High School)grand(e)

Il/Elle s'appelleintelligent(e)petit(e)


Your final family tree must be neat and creative in appearance with family members displayed in a: posterboard, scrapbook or power point presentation. All captions must be typed or VERY neatly handwritten. You will present your family to the class in French. You may use notes, but you MUST make eye contact while speaking.

ROUGH DRAFT (3 hwk grades)DUE:______FINAL (Test grade)DUE:______

Presentation + Visual (Test grade) DUE:______

Tips:-Be on time with each section of your project. -Meet ALL requirements and follow guidelines. Be neat. Use the listed vocabulary, avoid using vocabulary or sentence structures that we have not learned.