Colorectal Cancer Workgroup Meeting
Wednesday, May 18, 2016 2:00pm
10825 Financial Centre Pkwy, Suite 230, Little Rock, AR 72211
Attendees: Vanessa Smith, Arkansas Disability, Treg Long, ACS, Sharon Parrett, Volunteer, Michelle Osborne, ADH, Molly Bradney, ADH, Octie Ashley, ACS, Jennifer Lee, (?), Issam Makhoul, UAMS
ACC Attendees: Trena Mitchell, Executive Director, Miriam Karanja, Director of Programs, Myca Grant, Outreach Coordinator
- Welcome and Introduction
- The minutes from the last meeting were approved.
- Strategic Plan
- At the summit, the workgroup decided to focus on decreasing deaths and increasing screening rates.
- The strategy was to increase data collection and come up with a list of data sources.
- It was suggested that the workgroup contact DHS about getting Medicaid data, and alsotry to meet with the director.
- It is very difficult to get information from Medicaid.
- Treg suggested that the workgroup needs to set a meeting with someone from DHS, and maybe meet their new director.
- The data from AFMC needs to be layered with the goals of the workgroup. Eldrina Easterly from AFMC is a good contact.
- There is a need for data by county about who is eligible for screenings and patients who have received any screenings recently.
- The preliminary data from the CDC is available.
- Treg suggested using state employee data.
- Over the past 10 years, rates have gone up.
- Screenings carried out via Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT tests) are not being tracked:
- There should be a way to track screening data through insurers, but the data may be difficult to acquire.
- Dr. Makhoul suggested that the workgroup determine a starting point to target the areas identified by the CDC.
- Dr. Makhoul has also suggested identifying champions.
- Trena is going to start looking at the ACC database to find local champions.
- There should be a list of events in counties that the workgroup could promote and attend.
- There needs to be a workgroup public awareness campaign other than the 20x2018 campaign. Suggested campaigns are:
- Love Your Colon:
- Screen for Life:
- National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable Materials:
- Fight Colorectal Cancer:
- Michael Preston has FIT kits available for use. Patient information is collected and sent to him, and his group follows up with the patient about the test.
- Any events the workgroup attends will happen from September onward.
- Dr. Makhoul has a contact he can bring in.
- Physicians need to be educated effectively:
- Physicians need incentives.
- The workgroup should use a well-respected person to talk to them.
- It is more effective to repeat the messages.
- No one argues against colorectal cancer screenings, but not many people are aware of options other than colonoscopies.
- Dr. Makhoul suggested that the workgroup use a campaign with a simple message to be effective, such as “Screen for Life”.
- The discussion on the next colorectal roundtable and hearing from Cynthia Whitcomb were tabled until the next meeting.
- ADH Grant
- The ADH grant is working to improve systems within select clinics. There are 40 clinics on the grant.
- They are using patient/provider reminders, fixing the clinic workflows, reducing structural barriers, and working to improve patient navigation.
- They are partnering with AFMC.
- The beginning process is still in progress.
- They are still drafting baseline plans.
- The clinics are located in areas that range from central to northwest AR.
- The only patients that will be in the data will be patients in the healthcare systems that are part of the grants. ADH can get the number of patients who are eligible for screening.
- A map of clinics and community health centers needs to be created.
- Miriam will plot the maps.
- The only campaign this grant uses is the CDC’s Screen for Life campaign.
- The next meeting will be June 15 at 2pm at ACC.
- Member announcements:
Dr. Makhoul is hosting a Survivorship Retreat at UAMS on June 30 from 1:30pm-5:00pm.
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