Everest and Fort Hill LCP meeting

31st January 2012

Venue – Everest Community Academy

Present: Christine Thresher (Chair) – Everest Community Academy

Maureen Covacic (Vice Chair) - BVS

Mike Nicholls – BDBC

Claudia Murg – Family Lives

Berdadette Cole – Marnel Infant School

Carol Robertson – PSA

Mark Blackwell – Locality Team Manager

Sally Clark - NHS

Ian Milsom – The Alliance

Laura Kirby – Youth Support Services

Vicky Chambers – Youth Support Services

Alison Story-Scrivens – Castle Hill Infant School

Vicky Chambers -

Apologies: Helen Palmer – Merton Junior School

Alison Baron – Marnel Junior School

Mandy Leese – Honeycomb Children’s Centre

Alison Tebbs – Pebbles Children’s Centre

Mike Penny – Children’s Services

Steve Morrison – Wessex YOT

Steve Willis – Youth Support Services

Jane Black – Honeycomb Children’s Centre

June Balcombe – Basingstoke and Deane

Lesley Lawson – Fort Hill Community School

Item / Person to Action / Date to action by
1 / Welcome and introductions
2 / Pecuniary interest
None declared
3 / Minutes and matters arising
Amendments to minutes:
Sally Clark was present at the last meeting.
9. Sub groups have now been set up. See point 9 of these minutes.
4 / Chairs Report
BACS Meeting
§  The BACS group has appointed a new chair – Tim Boschi from Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
§  BASP had a small amount of funding available and 2 bids were submitted from the Basingstoke Consortium. Both bids were centred around NEET’s.
o  Project 1 – to research existing processes and procedures to identify the post 16 destination of students who attend Basingstoke schools, to identify best practice, and to make recommendations for a sustainable partnership approach to ongoing data collection and tracking of NEETs (£1,905
o  Project 2 – to centrally collate and manage a database of local NEET provision, to disseminate this on a regular basis, and to help reduce duplication of local provision (£1,840).
Project one was agreed.
·  There was feedback from the 4 LCP Chairs. The issues were very much the same focussing on the Action Plans and trying to get input for new ones and updates on progress to enable a review of the old one. Attendance tends to vary from LCP to LCP. BACS have asked to see new Action Plans at the meeting in March.
·  Islam Jalaita from Basingstoke Multicultural Forum gave an overview of the organisation and asked for more partnership working with schools to raise awareness of racial issues.
Children’s Trust board Meeting
·  There was a presentation by Lifelab regarding children and young people and their healthy lifestyle choices. This is currently being piloted in Southampton. If successful it will be rolled out across Hampshire.
·  Capacity funding for LCP’s was discussed, with many indicating that they cannot sustain the workload without funding. Subsequent correspondence has been received from HCC confirming that each LCP will be allocated £11,000 for LCP coordination.
·  The first draft of the CYPP was discussed. Although not statutory, this is something Hampshire is keen to continue and hope to have in place by April 12.
·  All LCP’s have been given access to the Grantfinder website. To be more cost-effective LCP’s are sharing logins. Everest/Fort Hill will share with the Basingstoke rural LCP. Details of passwords etc will follow.
MCo attended the last BACS meeting as CTh was not available. This meeting was Chaired by Stephen Sheedy.
·  A meeting has been set up for 14th March to discuss pre-NEET’s.
·  There was a discussion regarding the Children’s Trust and everyone felt that communication was good. LCP Chairs thought that the Chairs meetings in Winchester were very useful
·  T Lynch spoke about SafetyNet and will be giving a presentation at the next meeting.
·  The results of the Scrutiny Panel to discuss the YSS and CSI Grants will be known on 7th Feb. This has brought forward from 21st Feb.
·  The results from the Children’s Centre tendering process will be known sometime in February. There are currently 11 managed systems in Basingstoke and Deane and this will reduce to 8. However, the number of Children’s Centres will remain the same; it’s the management structure that will change.
·  Basingstoke and Deane Learning Partnership are considering becoming a consortium to put a joint bid together for courses across Basingstoke and Deane
5 / Speaker – Claudia Murg – Family Lives.
Claudia Gave an overview of Family Lives and its work. A copy of the presentation is attached
6 / Youth Support Provision Update
LKi and JFo gave some feedback on the YSS and CSI scrutiny panel that met on 16th January. They said that a number of bids had been received and their focus was on the ability to deliver at a local level. The panel took into account organisations that were not skilled bid writers. The bids far exceeded the funding that was available and so some organisations will either be unsuccessful or be given reduced funding.
Junction 6 had been included in some original bids and this is no longer appropriate. These providers will most likely move to Popley Fields community centre if successful
Steve Willis will be sending an e-mail to LCP Chairs as soon as the information becomes available.
This year the panel knew the groups but next year this will be a Tender process which has its own scoring system
MCo said that BVS is hoping to provide some workshops on commissioning, tenders and procurement during the year to help groups with this new and for some smaller groups unknown process
7 / Youth Services Report - MCo
BVS sent out a form to all local youth providers to ask them what they do, when and where. The results of this questionnaire have been collated and sent out to LCP Chairs. It is currently only available in hard copy. Details of the questionnaire can be obtained from BVS or from the LCP Chairs.
Basingstoke Consortium and BVS Youth Team will be delivering the majority of the National Citizenship programme in Basingstoke and Deane for 60 Year 11 pupils across the Borough during the summer holidays. The Consortium has asked to receive the minutes from our meetings
8.2 / Action Plan
The attendance policy appears to be working very well. One school reported that attendance had increased from 92.3% to 95.3% and some of this could be attributed to the new policy.
A NEET research report has been compiled and is attached to the minutes.
9 / Feedback from LCP sub-groups
The Youth Provision sub group has been postponed until we have the outcome of the YSS bids
The 0-10 focus group and the Identifying Key Families sub-groups have been merged. The last meeting was held on 18th January. Again, attendance was poor and CTh questioned whether these sub-groups are beneficial. After discussion it was felt that they are of benefit and should continue but there needs to be a clearer definition of their aims and objectives.
10.4 / A.O.B
MBl advised that there is a meeting scheduled at BDBC to discuss what an action plan should look like. It may be that there should be one action plan for Basingstoke and Deane and then individual LCP’s use this template and tweak to suit their local needs. This meeting is on 20th March.
CTh advised that she is to step down as Chair at the end of March when her contract comes to an end. If anyone would like to take on this role please let her know. Also, if anyone feels their organisation could take on the coordination and facilitation of the LCP group please advise, although the LCP groups are considering pooling their resources to employ one coordinator across Basingstoke and Deane.
MBl advised that there is a consultation paper regarding the changes to the Locality team. It is looking at restructuring across the windscreen of need and what families need. There is a proposal that the Locality team becomes the legal intervention team for educational welfare. The EWO role would change to a family support worker role. The consultation ends on 16th March. The restructure is aimed at a target market of 5-14 year olds where there is deemed to be the biggest gap in provision.
IMi advised that the Alliance has worked closely with Hampshire County Council Children’s Services to launch ‘Learn Together Work Together’. This initiative has opened up Hampshire County Council Children’s Services training to the voluntary sector. Go to http://www.hants-alliance.org.uk/training for more details. IMi also handed out details of an on-line toolkit from Safer Network.

Next meeting 6th March – Fort Hill Community School

Future Meetings

8th May 2pm at Everest

5th June 2pm at Fort Hill (this needs to be rearranged as this is a Bank Holiday)

10th July 2pm at Everest

Sub group meetings

0-10 Focus group/Key families – 1st March 12-1pm at Everest Community Academy