Civil Rights
Choice Board rubric
Name ______date ______class ______
Timeline of Civil Rights EventsThe student accurately described each event.
18 points / Grammar and Mechanics:
The student’s grammar and spelling was correct.
2 points / Dates
The dates are all accurate.
5 points
Civil Rights Flashcards
The student’s flashcards accurately covered the people of the Civil Rights movement.(Including a bio and picture.)
20 points / Grammar and Mechanics:
The student’s grammar and spelling was correct.
5 points / Creativity:
The student used the information in an imaginative and unique set up.
5 points
Albany Movement Protest sign
The student’s sign includes accurate information about the movement and its cause.
5 point / Grammar and Mechanics:
The student’s grammar and spelling was correct.
5 points / Creativity:
The student used the information in an imaginative and unique set up.
5 points
Education Flow Map
The student’s flow map/story board accurately addressed the impact of civil rights legislation on Education. Included all five required events with a description and pictures.
20 points / Grammar and Mechanics:
The student’s grammar and spelling was correct.
5 points / Creativity:
The student used the information in an imaginative and unique set up.
5 points
Civil Rights Collage
The student pictured at least 7 events with description from movement.
14 points / Grammar and Mechanics:
The student’s grammar and spelling was correct.
3 points / Creativity:
The student used the information in an imaginative and unique set up.
3 points
Guided Reading
Student completed accurately the questions that go with the readings provided by the teacher. / Possible 20 points for accuracy of answers.
Letter to Holmes and Hunter
The Student’s letter accurately represents the Civil Right’s movement in Georgia at the time and seems very encouraging to the Hunter and Holmes.
15 points / Grammar and Mechanics:
The student’s grammar and spelling was correct.
5 points / Creativity:
The student used the information in an imaginative and unique set up.
5 points
Tweet’s from Dr. King
All three tweets include accurate information and opinions of Dr. King during the civil right’s movement.
6 points / Grammar and Mechanics:
The student’s grammar and spelling was correct.
2 points / Creativity:
The student used the information in an imaginative and unique set up.
2 points
Freedom Summer News Report
News report accurately explains the information about the missing workers.
6 points / Grammar and Mechanics:
The student’s grammar and spelling was correct.
2 points / Creativity:
The student used the information in an imaginative and unique set up.
2 points
Unity Song
The student created a song that accurately draws followers to unify for the cause of civil rights.
15 points / Grammar and Mechanics:
The student’s grammar and spelling was correct.
5 points / Creativity:
The student used the information in an imaginative and unique set up.
2 points
Total points
People for flashcards: (pick 10)
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
John Lewis
Jackie Robinson
BB King
Muddy Waters
Medger Evers
Bob Moses
Fannie Lou Hamer
James Bevel
Rosa Parks
Julian Bond
Hosea Williams
People for flashcards: (pick 10)
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
John Lewis
Jackie Robinson
BB King
Muddy Waters
Medger Evers
Bob Moses
Fannie Lou Hamer
James Bevel
Rosa Parks
Julian Bond
Hosea Williams