41 Cross Rd, Waterford, CT06385
Rev. Fr. Dennis McCarthy, Pastor

Suggested Donations for Church Services: House Blessing, $25, Churching baby: $25, Christening: $200, Wedding: $300, Funeral: $200, Memorial: $30, Commemoration @ Liturgy: $15, Certificates: $20, Hall usage: $100 for those who gave $1500 to building fund, $100 Mercy meal, $200 active parishioners, $300 all others, $25 kitchen use extra. Hall is to be left clean, including restrooms, mopped, garbage taken away. Deposit of $100 non-refundable. Special insurance of $100 check to be paid with deposit that goes to Diocese of Newton. Parents must attend preparation class with Fr Ed before baptism of first baby only. Saint’s names are preferred for the baby to have a patron. Donations to the priest are not included and are optional. We are in the red & need to give more. We owe Melkite diocese $16000, Please make up the envelopes missed when you’re away!
ArchimandriteEdward Kakaty / March 4, 2018 Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross

Intentions This weekend: Saturday:Charles Facas, Sr., by Gloria and John Jeffords

Sunday: Sunday:Remember Me in Your Kingdom Memorial

Speedy Recovery: Mary Dib,AnisahGoodrich, John Jeffords, Gloria Jeffords, Kevin Burke, Mary Jane Facas.

This weekend / Sat: John Jalonski / Sunday: Rose LaFleur / Thanks to all who always make up their missed envelope, including fueland building fund!
Next Weekend / Sat:Joumana Hajj / Sunday: Susan Hage
Feb 24 / 16 / gave / $572.00 / Additional to the total was $187 for candle donations.
Feb 25 / 27 / gave / $703.00

Fuel Donors: Thank you all Fuel Donors. I have received a number of requests not to list names and amounts donated. The weather is still cold and fuel prices are up, so please contribute as you can.

Sanctuary Lamp: Month of March: Sponsored by John and Gloria Jeffords, in loving memory of Charles Facas, Sr. May his memory be eternal! Thank you Gloria and Jeff for keeping the light of Christ illuminating the sanctuary during the month of March!

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: I would like to have an organizational meeting of the Parish Council next Sunday, March 11, after Liturgy. Please let me know if this time works. Any interested parishioner may attend. Father Dennis

Great News:His Beatitude Patriarch JosephAbsi is visiting the United States this summer and will becoming to St Ann on Tuesday July 10, 2018 for Divine Liturgy at 6:00pm. Areception/dinner will follow. Details will be forthcoming.

Epistle readers: If anyone is interested in reading the weekly Epistle, please contact Father Dennis. He will be ready to give you any instruction or help you may need. It is a wonderful additional way to participate in the Divine Liturgy.

Lenten Services: Every Friday at 6:00 pm. We will pray Great Compline, followed by Akathist to the Virgin Mary. There will be an optional meatless potluck dinner in the Conference Room after the service. Despite a gigantic wind and rain storm, we had 9 parishioners able to attend. Thank you for braving the terrible weather. It was a beautiful service,and the meal was delicious. Please try to attend. We miss you, when you are not present.

Tax Information: They are ready. Please see Father Dennis after Liturgy.

200 Club: Winners forMarch are: $50 Hendrick & Gail Facas; $25 Sabrina Walker; $10 Mary Dib; $10 Mark Facas; $10Zaira Anderson. Congratulations to the winners! You may pick up your checks from Father Dennis.

CHURCH SCHOOL: March 3 and 17, April 7 and 21, May 5 and19. Sessions start with Arabic class at 3:00pm. Arabic classes for adults will be at 4 pm on Saturdays when religious education is not scheduled.

Fasting and Abstinence Guidelines: There are a variety of traditions regarding the forty day period of the Great Fast. A distinction needs to be made between fasting and abstinence. Fasting is the practice of not eating anything for a period of time. Abstinence is the practice of not eating specific food. The traditional practice (rule) in our Church is as follows.

  • From Monday to Friday: A fast consisting of no food or drink from midnight until noon.
  • Every day: No meat, no fish with spines, no dairy products until Easter Sunday. Shell fish are permitted.
  • Fish and wine are permitted on March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation and on Palm Sunday, which this year occur on the same day.

These traditions developed to encourage the faithful to simplify their lives, eat less expensive food, and spend less time cooking, in order to focus on more important activities—prayer, almsgiving, repentance, forgiveness, and a total dependence upon God.

Though few are able to keep the rule to its fullness, we should all do the best we can. Of course, small children the sick, pregnant and nursing mothers, and those with medical conditions that would be harmed by the practice are exempted.

On Fasting by St John Chrysostom: The value of fasting consists not in abstinence only from food, but in the renouncing of sinful practices. Do you fast? Give me proof by your works. If you see a poor person, take pity on the person. If you see a friend being honored, do not be envious. Do not let only your mouth fast, but also the eye and the ear and the feet and the hands and all members of your bodies. Let the hands fast, by being free from greed. Let the feet fast, by ceasing to run after sin. Let the eyes fast, by disciplining them not to glare at that which is sinful. For it would be an instance of the highest ridiculousness to abstain from food because of the fast, but with the eyes to feed on what is forbidden. Let the ear fast, by not listening to evil talk and gossip. Let the mouth fast from foul words and unjust criticism. For what good is it to abstain from birds and fish, and yet bite and devour our brothersand sisters?