Grants for holidays for the disabled


/ Telephone / Brief summary / Date
Available / Who can apply?
Away From It All


/ 020 7222 5533 / Holiday Scheme funded by members of the
Mother’s Union to help people experiencing
stressful situations who would otherwise not
have a holiday / Now / Anyone can apply
Applicants asked to
supply referral
from a professional.
Children’s Country
Holiday Fund / 020 7928 6522 / For children and families on low incomes with
no other chance of a holiday in the year / Now / Anyone
Electrical and
Electronics Indus-
tries Benevolent Fund / 020 8673 9829 / Anyone who has worked in the electrical or
electronics industry. / Now / Specialised
Family Welfare
Association / 020 7254 6251 / - website sets out criteria for
grants / Funds low
at present / Agent must apply
on client’s behalf
3H Fund / 01891 547 474 / Provides holidays in UK and abroad for people
with physical disabilities of all ages / From
01/11/07 / Clients can
approach company
Happy Holidays
Children’s Charity / 01582 755 999 / Gives grants especially if it is likely to be the
last holiday for the child. 1 caring adult
allowed. No adults with disabilities / Now / Clients can apply
Lloyd Thomas
Charity for Women
and Girls / 020 7436 3304 / Affiliated to the Family Welfare Association / From
01/11/07 / Anyone
Pearsons Holiday
Fund’ / 020 8657 3053 / Assists disadvantaged children and young
people living in the UK to have holidays away
from their normal environment. / From Jan
2008 / Must apply through
an agent.
(formerly the
Winged Fellowship) / 08456 584478 / National Charity providing services for
disabled and visually impaired. / From early
2008 / Clients can
approach firm
directly but must
have professional