FULL PROPOSAL 2015 (start 2016)

For request for funding of the a


In July 2014, ULB, VUB and Sirris have submitted to the European Regional Development Funds program 2014-2020 a joint proposal (ICITY-RDI.BRU) for creating a pole devoted to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on the common ULB-VUB campus “Plaine”. The project has been funded and will start in the coming months. The project ICITY-RDI.BRU aims at boosting research and innovation in support of activities related to - or making use of - Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Brussels Region. Such activities include health, transport, logistics & environment… The project proposes to invest in infrastructures and in staff. Synergies with existing or planned facilities such as the Library and Innovation Center, the VUB incubator ICAB, the future ULB Electro-Mechanic-ICT building as well the computer science research laboratories from both universities already present on the campus have been presented as a major asset of the project.The teams that will be financed will be chosen through the present call for proposals. Supported research activities should extend during the entire program period (2016-2020). As part of this project, it has been foreseen to finance six applied research programs that will support ICT activities in the Brussels-Capital Region for a period of five years.


To fill the form you can use the electronic version, available by mail through Mrs. forms will be electronically sent before Sunday, November 15th, 2015 (13:00:00) to or to . The secretariat of the KTI of the VUB or the TTO of the ULB will deliver an electronic confirmation of receipt to the Promoter in question. The proposal should be written in English.

For additional information on the form you can contact for ULB: Mrs Isabelle Lefebvre () or VUB : M. Jacky Boonen ()

1. Research Title (max 200 Characters)
2.a. Promotor
A) Last Name, first Name / B) Faculty, Research Group
A)………………………………………………….. / B)…………………………………………………...
2.b. Other Principal Investigators
A) Last Name, first Name / B) Faculty, Research Group
Principal Investigator 1
A)………………………………………………… / B)……………………………………………………..
Principal Investigator 2
A)………………………………………………… / B)……………………………………………………..
Provide a summary that includes the following elements: (Max 4pages)
  • The context of the project
  • The objective of the project
  • The state of the art in the domain of the project.
  • Why the project is innovative compared to the state of the art
  • Describe what tangible results are expected at the end of the project
The valorization strategy has to identify clearly the activity sectors that will benefit from the outputs of the research program and describe the strategy of protection and valorization of the results that are expected from the research program.Explain the form of technology transfer that you expect to achieve from the project(bilateral collaborations, services, license agreements and creations of spin-off companies) and the roadmap that you will follow (Max 2 pages).The research teams are requested to contact the TTO of ULB (Isabelle Lefebvre, ) and/or the KTI of VUB () in order to discuss their valorisation plan
Enter the amount of the grant for the totality of the project, per Items for staff , specify the FTE.
If needed,identify synergies with other budgets ( POC , industrial , other )
Research staff 1: ….€ ( FTE/Year : …)
Research staff 2: ….€ ( FTE/Year : …)
Indicate how you will allocate the staff during the program ( Pre-Doc, PhD, Post-Doc)
For example (this is just a possibility) :
2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020
Principal Investigator 1 / 10,0% / 10,0% / 10,0% / 10,0% / 10,0%
Principal Investigator 2 / 10,0% / 10,0% / 10,0% / 10,0% / 10,0%
Research Staff / 100,0% / 200,0% / 100,0% / 100,0% / 100,0%
PhD1 / 100,0% / 100,0% / 100,0% / 100,0% / 100,0%
Pre-Doc 1 / 100,0%
Valorization Staff / 0,0% / 0,0% / 0,0% / 20,0% / 20,0%
7. CV of each principal investigator
8. The composition of the research teams involved in the programme
9. A list of publications for each principal investigator
The list should come from DI-Fusion for ULB researchers and from PURE for VUB researchers

Application form ICITY Call1VUB — ULB — October 2015