Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work on DST-GITA project titled “Affordable preventative and assistive technology for healthcare (A-PATH)” under the supervision of undersigned. The position is purely temporary and is for a maximum duration of 1 year.

General Scope of the Project:

A-PATH aims at strengthening the industrial research collaboration between UK and India organisations in the area of wearable robots (exoskeletons and sensing suits) to develop commercial bio-sensing and assistive exoskeleton products based on a modular designed architecture for individual customisation to meet needs of UK and Indian markets. The exploitable output will be a sensing suit, an upper passive and lower active exoskeleton available at affordable prices, to be used as mobility assistance and rehabilitation tool. To enhance commercial viability via reducing the use of expensive components, maximising implementation of passive technologies and optimising roles of UK and Indian partners, and to maximise A-PATH’s market impact and the development of RACA and personal care assistive solutions to meet the needs of medical and non-medical sectors, respectively, are also part of the proposed objectives. A-PATH technical activities will be carried out throughout the actions managed by the PLs using their detailed knowledge on wearable sensors and exoskeletons. Many R&D projects on wearable exoskeletons have been funded in EU and notable examples include Corbys, MoPass, Altacro, Biomot, H2, EXO-LEGS, AXO-SUIT, Robo-Mate, Mirad. None of them has the same technical and product objectives as A-PATH in identifying new ways of achieving improved flexibility and autonomous performance, with the ultimate aim of improving the efficiency in the management of human-robot interaction in upper and lower exoskeletons by means of biosensors and learning approaches. A-PATH’s novelty lies also in the investigation of new materials (e.g. composites and textiles) for innovative exoskeletons to reduce the overall weight thus improving the flexibility and the wearability for long periods. The project team has the right available mix of skills and experience (in both countries) to deliver the project successfully, and have the required equipment and facilities to perform the technical challenges. InnoTecUK is a dynamic, fast growing and progressive robotics and automation solution provider specialising in development of innovative and novel industrial robotic systems to overcome complex sensing, measurement, control, automation and inspection challenges. AdvanceTech deals in Industrial tools as Data Loggers (Energy Data Loggers, Soil Moisture Data Loggers & Soil pH Moisture Data Logger, Production Counting Display, Environmental Display, Employee Counting system) and Multifunctional Circuit Testers.

Post: Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Positions: 1

Duration:One year.

Emoluments: Rs. 25000.

Essential Qualifications: B.Tech/B.E. in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent qualification with 60% marks (or 6.5 grade point out of 10) with minimum 1-year experience in areas relevant to the scope of the project and a valid GATE score.


Candidates with M.Tech./M.E./M.S. in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent degree with 60% marks (or 6.5 grade point out of 10)

How to Apply?

Application form is given on the following sheet. To apply, fill the following:

  1. Completely filled application form (given on the following sheet)
  2. Detailed CV (detailing prior research experience)
  3. Statement of purpose (preferably 1 page long)

Appear for walk-in interview.

Date of walk-in interview: 19th April, 2018 (Thursday)

Time: 10 am onwards

Venue: Room # 109, IIT Ropar (Transit Campus), Rupnagar, PB, 140001

Dr. Rohit Y. Sharma and Dr. Ekta Singla

Principal Investigators

Indian Institute of Technology Ropar

Rupnagar, PB, 140001



Application form for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work in the DST-GITA

sponsored project

Personal Details

Full Name (In capital)
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY) / Category (General/SC/ST/OBC)
Age (in years) / Gender (Male/Female)
Marital Status
(Single/Married) / Nationality
Address for Communication / Permanent Address
Mobile/ Phone No. / Email:

Details of School/University/Institute Studied (From Matriculation Onward)

S. No. / Degree / Discipline / University/Institute / Regular/ Part-time / Year / %Marks /CGPA* / Division

*[Please also submit softcopy of the semester-wise mark-sheets as well as softcopy of degree]

Qualifying Examination (GATE/CSIR/UGC/LS-NET/Others)

Qualifying Examination
(& name of subject) / Branch / Year / Valid Up to / Percentile (& Score) / All India Rank

Professional Experiences (Teaching/Research/Industrial) if any

Name of Organization / Designation / Nature of Work / From / To

Research Publication (if any):

[Also attached softcopy of conference/journals papers separately (if applicable)]

Awards, patents, prizes etc (if any):

Any other Relevant Information:


I hereby declare that I have carefully read the instructions and particulars supplied to me and that the entries made in this application form are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. If selected for admission, I promise to abide by the rules and discipline of the Institute. I note that the decision of the Institute is final in regard to selection for admission and assignment to a particular Department and field of study. The Institute shall have the right to expel me from the Institute at any time after my admission, provided it is satisfied that I was admitted on false particulars furnished by me or my antecedents prove that my continuance in the Institute is not desirable. I agree that I shall abide by the decision of the Institute, which shall be final.


Date: …………....Signature of Applicant