Dog Training Class Registration From
Reg number:
Your DetailsName: / Landline:
(name & age) / Mobile:
Address: / Postcode:
Do you have any special requirements we need to be aware of? Eg wheel chair access?
Your Dog’s Details
Name: / Sex / Male c Female c
Breed: / Date of birth:
Name of vet & practice:
Date of last vaccination(s) / Neutered? / Yes c No c
Does your dog have a dietary issue? / If yes, please give details:
Does your dog have any special requirements? / If yes, please give details:
How long has your dog lived with you?
Is your dog a rescue? / If yes, please give date of rehoming & rescue centre:
Is your dog from a breeder? / If yes, please give name of breed:
Your Dog’s Personality
How would you describe your dog’s personality? Tick the appropriate
Friendly c / Shy/nervous c / Independent c / Calm/placid c / Friendly c / Other c
Your Dog’s Life Experiences
Mark ‘yes’ in the appropriate tab for each question with information on how you can tell.
Loves it / Tolerates it / Hates it
Meeting new dogs:
How can you tell?
Meeting new people:
How can you tell?
Meeting children:
How can you tell?
Exploring new places:
How can you tell?
Putting collar & lead on:
How can you tell?
Dogs showing behaviour problems around other dogs and people such as aggression and or fear are not suitable for a training class environment. Placing your dog in a class situation will more than likely escalate the problem. If you need help in these areas, please contact me for a behavior consultation.
Training CoursePlease tick the course you’d like to register on: / Puppy Foundations
(under 20 weeks old)
Yes c / Junior Follow-on
Yes c / Beginners
(Over 20 weeks old)
Yes c
Please tell us where you first heard of You And Your Pet Behaviour & Training classes / Word of mouth c
Vets c Please specify which practice:
Google c Website c Facebook c Twitter c
Please return this form and keep a copy for your own records. Payment can be made by BACS transfer or Cheque for £70.00. Cheques are made payable to: Shelley Aspden
Signed: Date:
For office use onlyStart date:
You And Your Pet Behaviour & Training
Shelley Aspden
07912552736 / 01772 434964 /