Eligible employees as defined by of the RIBGHE Personnel Policy Manual 4.16; Professional Staff Association (PSA) Article XIV, 14.6 as amended per 2013-2018 CBA; American Federation of Teachers (RIC/AFT) Appendix B and applicable Memorandum of Understanding (MOU); and classified employees, may apply for tuition to be waived on for-credit undergraduate courses taken at any RIBGHE Institution (RIC, URI or CCRI) for themselves or eligible family members. Continuing education courses or Early Enrollment Program (EEP) courses are not included. All applicable fees are the responsibility of the student.


·  Non-classified and classified full-time employees on the biweekly payroll who are active employees of the college on the first day of classes. Coverage is unlimited. (Full-time temporary non-classified employees who are otherwise eligible for health and retirement benefits are also eligible for tuition waiver benefits.)

·  Dependents, spouses and domestic partners of full-time employees who are active on the first day of class are eligible. They must be enrolled in an undergraduate program of study and the class credits are applicable to that degree. Dependents are covered until age 24; no age limit for spouses and domestic partners. Dependents, spouses or domestic partners of classified and BOG non-classified employees that already have a 4 year degree are not eligible.


·  Dependents, spouses or domestic partners of classified and BOG non-classified employees that already have a 4 year undergraduate degree are not eligible.

·  Any undergraduate degree program is acceptable for dependents, spouses or domestic partners of faculty

·  Students who are enrolled at a non-RIBGHE Institution may be eligible for a tuition waiver, if they certify that the course credits are transferable and will be applied to the degree requirements of the student at the other institution.


Eligible students that reach the age of 24 are not eligible for tuition waivers unless:

·  The student is under age 24 at the start of the semester for which they are applying, or

·  The student is eligible to graduate at the end of the semester for which they are applying; Records Office written confirmation is required.


·  Employees who are otherwise eligible but who on the first day of class are out of work on a leave without pay for any reason or on a Workers Compensation leave of absence (paid or unpaid) are not eligible for a tuition waiver for themselves, spouse or domestic partner, or dependents.

·  Tuition waiver benefits will continue to be granted to a dependent, spouse or domestic partner of an employee who dies subsequent to the application and approval of a tuition waiver and will continue to be eligible for the tuition waiver as long as the student maintains continuous enrollment. Other provisions and limitations may apply.

·  Employees who retire are no longer eligible for tuition waivers either for themselves or family members.

·  Any abuse of the above will void the waiver.


Classified, BOG and PSA non-classified employees who take a class that will coincide with their normally scheduled work hours must complete an “Application to Take Class during Work Hours.” The form must be completed for each class and submitted for approval by the supervisor, Human Resources and division VP prior to the start of the class before a tuition waiver may be approved. Employees approved under these circumstances are required to discharge personal or vacation time equal to the class hours that coincide with their normal work schedule plus a minimum of 15 minutes travel time on RIC campus to and/or from the class (for classes in the middle of the day, employees will add a minimum total 30 minutes travel time). Classes at another institution will require greater travel time reported. Lunch breaks and other breaks may not be eliminated, compressed or moved to the beginning or end of the work day to cover the class time.


It is the responsibility of the employee who is applying for a tuition waiver to provide the appropriate legal documentation such as birth/adoption certificates, marriage certificate, domestic partner certification or other legal documents that establish eligibility and certify that all statements are true and correct. (The Office of HR will attempt to locate appropriate legal documentation that may have been supplied for other purposes and is on file.) If a future audit reveals that a tuition waiver was granted based on false or erroneous information, the student named in the application will be held responsible for 100% of the cost of the courses taken.


·  Employees must complete in person the “Application for Tuition Waiver” in the Office of Human Resources, Robert Hall, Room 303;

·  If application is for a dependent, spouse or domestic partner, employee must also complete the “Certification of Legal Dependency/Spouse Eligibility” form; legal documentation such as birth/adoption certificates, marriage certificate, domestic partner certification or other legal documents that establish eligibility must be provided with the first application filed after July 1, 2013. (The Office of HR will attempt to locate appropriate legal documentation that may have been supplied for other purposes and on file and readily available.)

·  If application is for credits that will be transferred to URI, CCRI or a non-RIBGHE institution, employee must also complete and return the applicable the “Certification of Eligible Credit Transfer” form bearing the receiving Institution Seal.

·  Employees requesting to take a class that may interfere with their normal work schedule must also complete and return an approved “Application to Take Class during Work Hours;” a copy of their class schedule must be attached.

·  Employees must present the tuition invoice from the applicable institution for the applicable semester.

·  All applications and accompanying documents are reviewed by the Office of Human Resources staff to confirm employee’s classification, union status, employment status and leave status (if applicable) and completeness of additional required documentation before the Assistant VP of Human Resources grants final approval.

·  Upon approval, employee is provided with the original approved “Application for Tuition Waiver.”

·  A copy of the approved “Application for Tuition Waiver” and the accompanying documentation is sent to the RIC Accounting Office.

·  Employee/student presents the original approved RIC “Application for Tuition Waiver” form to the appropriate Bursar’s office or Enrollment Services office at RIC, URI or CCRI. The applicable Bursars/Enrollment Services office reduces tuition accordingly and bills student for remaining fees.

·  The Office of HR requires 48 hours to process tuition waiver requests; it is the employee’s responsibility to return after 48 hours to pick up approved waivers. Employees may be contacted prior to pick up, if additional documentation is required or the tuition request has been denied.


Revised 8/17/15