Meeting Minutes

September 8, 2004

EscalanteCity Council Chambers

10:00 A.M.


Name / Organization /
In Attendance
Scott Brodie / BoulderTown / x
Wade Barney / EscalanteCity / x
Carlon Johnson / HenrievilleTown / x
Bill Scoffield / CannonvilleTown / x
Jean Seiler / TropicTown
Bruce Phillips / TorreyTown / x
Art Cooper / PanguitchCity - Chair / x
Clare Ramsay / GarfieldCountyCommission / x
Bruce Fullmer /

GarfieldCountyTravel Council



Allen Jones / WayneCountyCommission / x
Elissa Stevens /

WayneCountyTravel Council



Sue Mosier / Escalante/Boulder Chamber of Commerce / x
Dixie Burbidge /

BryceValley Business Association



Donna Owens / USFS / DixieNational Forest / x
Brian Bellew / BLM / GSENM / x
Colleen Bathe / BryceCanyonNational Park
Tom Shakespeare / Utah State Parks- Kodachrome/Escalante / x
Robert Dowell / Utah Department of Transportation / x
Sharol Bernardo / Member-at-large / x
Gael Hill /

Member-at-large -Vice-Chair



Janet Hansen / Member-at-large / x

NON-VOTING or Proxies

John Holland /




x / Allysia Angus /

BLM/GSENM - Secretary/Treasurer and proxy for Donna Owens



Brian Cottam /

For Allen Jones



Steve Kunzler /

UDOT proxy for Robert Dowell



Rick Torgerson /




Howard Miller /

Escalante Lions Club



Kim Clarke /

UDOT contractor – Lockner



Michael Brems /

UDOT contractor – Brems Engineering



Tim Clarke /




Quinn Griffin /




Verl Bagley /

For Allen Jones



Reda Herriott /

Wayne Co. business owner



Welcome, Approval of Minutes, and Adoption of Agenda
  • Art Cooper welcomed everyone. A round robin of introductions took place.
  • Approved proxies for meeting include:
  • Allysia for Donna Owens
  • Steve Kunzler for Robert Dowell
  • Verl Bagley for Allen Jones
  • The minutes were approved unanimously by motion from Bruce Fullmer and second by Elissa Stevens.
  • Agenda wasamended to include Howard Miller discussing Escalante Lions Club project and Harriet Priska discussing Everett Ruess Days Festival. It was then approved unanimously by motion from Gael Hill and second by Bruce Fullmer.
  • Scenic Byway 12 Financial Report is $ 639.36 balance.

Escalante Lions Club Project

  • Howard Miller with Escalante Lions Club announced that they are seeking to build a bowery with kitchen, restrooms, and tables at the EscalanteCityPark. Facilities are to be ADA accessible and are projected to cost $21-22K. The group currently has about $2K. Howard requested assistance from this group. Bruce noted that the byway group does not have cash available, but we could assist with grant preparation. John will work with Howard on this and grant possibilities. Rick with UDOT will also provide assistance.

Everett Ruess Days Festival

  • Harriet Priska invited everyone to the upcoming Everett Ruess Days – an Art/Educational event. There are to be workshops, courses, classes, art shows, music, dance, etc. The event is intended to take a regional perspective – Kane, Wayne, GarfieldCounties. It is to be a working arts festival. The festival is scheduled for Sept 30-October 2.

Coordinator’s Report

John Holland provided the Coordinator’s Report:

  • Coordinated and attended a popular and successful Grant Writing Workshop on July 30, 2004. Instruction and facilitation of the class was provided by Utah Arts Council.
  • Writing government grants was the emphasis of the one-day session.
  • 24 attendees from most of the communities on Scenic Byway 12 and the outlying area attended.
  • Letters of thanks sent to Utah Arts Council.
  • Completed changes to Gathered input from Committee members and summarized the final changes to the site in a change request document. Worked directly with the web design technician to complete the changes to the site by August 25th.
  • In order to maintain the website and mange documents for uploading files to the website I am requesting the Committee’s approval of $229 in software including Macromedia Contribute ($149) and Adobe Acrobat Pro ($80). Motion by Wade Barney to approve purchase and second by Gael Hill. Passed unanimously.
  • Payment approval of remaining 25% of fees to On-Line Web Marketing is requested. Motion to approve payment by Sharol Bernardo and second by Sue Mosier. Passed unanimously. It was noted that the Delicate Arch image needs to go away.
  • Representing the Scenic Byway 12 Committee, along with Allysia, presented a certificate of recognition to Maggie Dowd at a luncheon held in her honor at the DixieNational Forest office in CedarCity. Maggie was closely involved with the byway organization through designation of the byway up to her transfer to Mount St. Helens in Oregon. Allysia requested $15 reimbursement. Approved unanimously.
  • Working with Utah and Colorado Scenic Byway Directors I will be hosting a meeting of Utah’s National Scenic Byway leaders in Torrey. Originally scheduled for October 22nd the meeting is being rescheduled due to a conflict with the Utah Travel Regions meeting on the same date.
  • Meeting topics will include:
  • Colorado’s Scenic Byway training program (Sally Pearce)
  • Utah’s State Scenic Byway Committee (Margaret Godfrey) (This item should provide valuable discussion helping to define the relationship between the state committee and the National Scenic Byways).
  • Participating as one of five members of the Signage and Interpretation RFP review committee and serving as the primary contact to the vendors through the review and award process.

UDOT – Boulder to Escalante Road Improvement Project Report

  • Rick Torgerson introduced Kim Clarke and Michael Brems, contractors who will produce the Environmental Assessment/Environmental Impact Statement for this project. Their notice to proceed occurred on Aug 8.
  • Kim provided a handout with project overview and contacts to all in attendance.
  • Project runs from approximate mile post 60-88.
  • A project website is being established. Try to link to Scenic Byway 12 website.
  • UDOT’s approach to this project is/has been designed to utilize context sensitive design. It is a unique project; not a standard UDOT highway project.
  • Project information kiosks are being located at various locations throughout counties – including visitor centers and libraries. The suggestion was made of setting up at schools and state parks also.
  • Public meetings are being scheduled. An agency scoping meeting is scheduled for mid-October. The suggestion was made to conduct meetings both Escalante and Boulder.
  • The Byway Committee can help with general direction early on.
  • It was noted that retaining the experience of traveling the byway is key and should be balanced with the safety concerns. It was also noted that commercial traffic and tour busses should be considered.

Master Sign and Interpretive Plan

  • John noted that six 6 proposals were received to do this work. The review committee met last week and narrowed to a short-list of two. More specific information is being sought from these two. A late September selection date is anticipated.

FHWA – Grants 2005

  • John mentioned that the online grant applications should be available early October and that the applications will likely be due to the State folks by mid-December. If so, grant awards would likely be announced in Summer 2005.
  • Grants due to John in final draft by November 30.
  • Full Committee review to take place at December meeting in Boulder.
  • Prospective grant applications currently in the works include:
  • Seed Grant – 3rd Year
  • Marketing Plan
  • Sign and Interpretive Wayside Design and Implementation
  • Escalante Heritage Center/Last Wagon Museum
  • Discussion ensued about last year’s applications:
  • Should small-scale individual projects submit…is it worth the effort?
  • Could we do a blanket project for restroom facilities?
  • Projects that were successful nationally were those that were more comprehensive.
  • Encourage bringing together entities and submitting partnership-based grant.
  • John to work on organizing groups around restroom facility provision.
  • Brian Bellew suggested applying for a low-watt radio station.
  • Quinn Griffin with the Escalante Heritage Center/Last Wagon Museum noted that would be willing to put together a grant with other entities. Their group now has architectural conceptual planning documents.

Fund-raising Ideas

John asked everyone to try and brainstorm three funding-raising ideas. Allysia suggested that no one could leave for lunch without providing them at the door on the pieces of paper passed around.

New Route Guides

Bruce passed out copies of the newest printing of the Route Guides in the new color. He also passed around a copy of what a new GarfieldCountybillboard looks like. It is NOT going up along HWY 12.

Next Meeting and Adjournment
  • Next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, December 1, 2004 at 10:00 a.m. in Boulder at Anasazi State Park Museum.
  • Meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m.

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