Rule 021 (Version 2.3): Proposed changesfor 2013
[Stakeholder: ______]
(1)Please provide the name of your organization in the space provided above.
(2)For each proposed change, please provide your organization’s viewpoint in the stakeholder comment boxes. If your organization is in favour of the proposed change, please state this for clarity. However, blank boxes will be interpreted as favourable comments.
(3)Unless otherwise indicated, section references in this document refer to sections in AUC Rule 021.
(4)The content of the column entitled “Existing” is quoted directly from the current version of Rule 021. The content of the column entitled “Proposed Changes” reflects the wording proposed for the next version of the rule.
(5)Bolding is used here when contents taken from the rule are bolded.
(6)Yellow highlighting is used to draw attention to words or phrases that are proposed to change from the current version to the next version.
(7)For a list of acronyms, abbreviations and their meanings (taken from Rule 021), please see the appendix at the end of this document.
(8)Please save and email a Word version of the document to by 5 p.m. on December 7, 2012.
Section / Subsection / Existing / Proposed changes / Stakeholder comment / AUC response- Definitions
Direct-connect site has the meaning ascribed to it in Section 4.2.1(3). / direct-connect site
Direct-connect site is a transmission-connected site that meets the criteria described in Section 4.2.1(3).
None / Add a key term as follows:
distributed generation
Distributed generation has the meaning ascribed to the term “distributed generation” in the Electric Utilities Act.
None / Add a key term as follows:
distribution-connected site
A distribution-connected site is a site that is capable of receiving electric energy from an electric distribution system and may also be capable of supplying electric energy to the electric distribution system in the case of micro-generation and distributed generation.
measurement point
Measurement point has the meaning ascribed to the term “measurement point” as defined by ISO in its Measurement System Standard dated July 1, 2004. / measurement point
Measurement point has the meaning ascribed to the term “measurement point” as defined by ISO in its Alberta Electric System Operator Measurement System Standard.
metering point
Metering point has the meaning ascribed to the term “metering point” as defined by the ISO in its Measurement System Standard dated July 1, 2004. / metering point
Metering point has the meaning ascribed to the term “metering point” as defined by the ISO in its Alberta Electric System Operator Measurement System Standard.
None / Add a key term as follows:
profile cut-off date
Profile cut-off date is the date past which cumulative meter data received from the MDM cannot be used for calculating a settlement run.
None / Add the key term as follows:
transmission-connected site
A transmission-connected site is a site that receives electric energy directly from the transmission system but that is not subject to an arrangement with the ISO to obtain system access service directly from the ISO under Section 101(2) of the Electric Utilities Act.
- Responsibilities
- Load profiling methods
- Load settlement calculations
(1)Daily settlement will be calculated utilizing the latest measurement data received as of 23:59 on the third business day following the day of flow. / Change 4.4.2 Daily settlement (1) as follows:
(1)Daily settlement will be calculated utilizing the latest measurement data received as of 23:59 on the third business day following the day of flow. The LSA may choose to use cumulative meter reads in daily settlement.
- Settlement error correction
- Functional requirements of the core load settlement calculation
(1)These rules define load settlement outputs for a given settlement zone for a given hour of energy flow (hour t) for settlement run as at date and time T. As at means using the most recent version of data in the load settlement input database at date and time T. Timing rules for monthly, interim and final settlement which define acceptable values of the database date and time used to calculate settlement T for a given hour of energy flow t are specified in Section 4.4.
(2)An exception is made to the data revision rules in Section 6.1(1) above for load profiles and profiled sites. All profiles for a given hour of flow t must be frozen on their first usage for all MAAT settlement runs; that is, they may not be revised on subsequent respectivesettlement runs, even when data used to calculate the profile, such as POD loads and interval metered loads, are revised for the other settlement computations. To allow sufficient time to finalize these profiles, load settlement generates and uses the profiles only up to a profile freeze cut-off date. Because profiles are not used for days of flow past the profile freeze cut-off , cumulative meter reads that cover dates past the profile cut-off date cannot be profiled, and such sites are treated as though the cumulative meter read were missing for that MAAT settlement run; however such reads may be used in subsequent MATT settlement runs subject to the same cut-off rules.
The profile freeze cut-off dates are as follows:
(a)For monthly settlement, the end of the last calendar day of the month being settled.
(b)For interim settlement, the end of the last calendar day of the calendar month following the month being settled
(c)For final settlement, the end of the last day of the third calendar month following the month being settled. / Change 6.1(1) as follows:
(1)These rules define load settlement outputs for a given settlement zone for a given hour of energy flow (hour t) for settlement run as at date and time T. As at means using the most recent version of data in the load settlement input database at date and time T. Timing rules for daily, monthly, interim and final settlement which define acceptable values of the database date and time used to calculate settlement T for a given hour of energy flow t are specified in Section 4.4.
(2)An exception is made to the data revision rules in Section 6.1(1) above for load profiles and profiled sites. All profiles for a given hour of flow t must be frozen on their first usage for each settlement run type published; that is, the profile may not be revised for that settlement run type and hour of flow, even when input data used to calculate the profile, such as POD loads and interval metered loads, are revised for the other settlement computations. To allow sufficient time to finalize these profiles, load settlement generates and uses the profiles only up to a profile cut-off date. Because profiles are not used for days of flow past the profile cut-off date, cumulative meter reads that cover dates past the profile cut-off date cannot be profiled, and such sites are treated as though the cumulative meter reads were missing for that settlement run; however, such reads may be used in subsequent settlement runs subject to the same cut-off rules.
The profile cut-off dates are as follows:
(a)For daily settlement, the end of the last calendar day of the period being settled.
(b)For monthly settlement, the end of the last calendar day of the month being settled.
(c)For interim settlement, the end of the last calendar day of the calendar month following the month being settled.
(d)For final settlement, the end of the last day of the third calendar month following the month being settled.
(3)If daily, monthly, interim and final settlement profiles are identical, an LSA may choose to profile a meter read period that covers dates past the profile cut-off date by using the latest published profile from any settlement run. Any LSA electing to use this approach must notify industry according to Section 2.8. LSAs intending to change approach must notify the AUC 120 days in advance of the change.
- Information exchange
7.4 Enrolment mechanics / Section 7.4
(1)Customers can switch retailers no more than once per day. All customer switches occur at midnight.
(2)The first switch request received by a WSP and made effective for a customer for a particular day determines the customer assignment from that day until the next effective switch. For example, if a switch request for the same customer is received on the same day at 1 p.m. from retailer one and at 2 p.m. from retailer two, retailer one is assigned the customer effective on the next day.
(3)The retailer shall manage the enrolment queue and shall send the enrolment request transactions to the LSA only on the calendar day prior to the desired effective date.
(4)Enrolments can occur on any calendar day, regardless of holidays or non-working days.
(5)All enrolment requests shall be processed to be effective the midnight following the receipt of a valid enrolment request. For example, if the enrolment is received at 23:00 on July 21, the enrolment, provided the transaction is valid, will be effective at 00:00 on July 22, one hour later.
(6)The LSA shall process enrolment requests on the day of receipt as follows:
Notification of a customer switch shall be provided to the new retailer, the retailer of record on the day preceding the switch, the WSP and the MDM in accordance with the following:
(a)Ninety per cent of the enrolment requests received between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. each day will be responded to within two hours, with the remaining 10 per cent being responded to within four hours. This standard shall be based on the total number of enrolment requests received by each LSA from all retailers on a calendar day basis.
(b)If an enrolment request is received after 3 p.m. there is no guarantee of notification prior to 9 a.m. the following day. The enrolment request will still be processed by the LSA.
(c)An exception to the performance standard stated in Section 7.4(6)(a) above shall be permitted for scheduled maintenance, or for other reasons that are specifically approved by the ISO, not to exceed two non-consecutive calendar days per calendar month. / Rename and number as Section 7.4.1Enrolment mechanics for distribution-connected sites
Re-order the sections and change wording as follows for 7.4.1(1) to (5):
(1)Customers can switch retailers for distribution-connected sites no more than once per day.
(2)Retailer switches occur at midnight. All enrolment requests shall be processed to be effective the midnight following the receipt of a valid enrolment request. For example, if the enrolmentrequest is received at 23:00 on July 21, the enrolment, provided the transaction is valid, will be effective at 00:00 on July 22, one hour later.
(3)Enrolments can occur on any calendar day, regardless of holidays or non-business days. The retailer shall manage the enrolment queue and shall send the enrolment request transactions to the LSA on the calendar day prior to the desired effective date.
(4)The first enrolment request received by an LSA and made effective for a site for a particular day determines the site assignment from that day until the next effective retailer switch. For example, if two enrolment requests for the same site are received on the same day, one at 1 p.m. from retailer Aand one at 2 p.m. from retailer B, retailer A will be assigned the site effective the next day.
(5)The LSA shall process enrolment requests on the day of receipt as follows:
Notification of successful enrolment shall be provided to the new retailer, the WSP and the MDM,and notification of retailer switch shall be provided to the retailer of record on the day preceding the switch in accordance with the following:
(a)Ninety per cent of the enrolment requests received between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. each day will be responded to within two hours, with the remaining 10 per cent being responded to within four hours. This standard shall be based on the total number of enrolment requests received by each LSA from all retailers on a calendar day basis.
(b)If an enrolment request is received after 3 p.m., it will be processed by the LSA to be effective at midnight, but there is no guarantee of notificationsto the various partiesprior to 9 a.m. the following day.
(c)An exception to the performance standard stated in Section 7.4.1(5)(a) above shall be permitted for scheduled maintenance or for other reasons that are specifically approved by the ISO, not to exceed two non-consecutive calendar days per calendar month.
None / Add Section 7.4.2 as follows:
7.4.2 Enrolment mechanics for transmission-connected sites
(1)Customers can only switch retailers for transmission-connected sites on the first day of any calendar month with the exception of new sites as per Section 7.4.2(3) below.(2)Retailer switches occur at midnight. All enrolment requests shall be processed to be effective the midnight following the receipt of a valid enrolment request. For example, if the enrolment request is received at 23:00 on July 31, the enrolment, provided the transaction is valid, will be effective at 00:00 on August 1, one hour later.
(3)Enrolments can only occur on the first calendar day of each month, regardless of holidays or non-business days. The exception is for the first-time enrolment of a new site. Enrolment of a new site for the first time may occur prior to energization and need not be effective the first calendar of the month. The retailer shall manage the enrolment queue and shall send the enrolment request transactions to the LSA only on the calendar day prior to the first calendar of a month.
(4)The first enrolment request received by an LSA and made effective for a site for a particular month determines the site assignment for that month. For example, if two retailers are both attempting to enrol the same site for the first day of June and retailer A sends an enrolment request at 1 p.m. on the last day of May and retailer B sends an enrolment request at 2 p.m. on the last day of May for the same site, retailer A will be assigned the site effective the first day of June.
(5)The LSA shall process enrolment requests on day immediately prior to the first day of the month as follows:
Notification of successful enrolment shall be provided to the new retailer, the WSP and the MDM, and notification of retailer switch shall be provided to the retailer of record on the day preceding the switch in accordance with the following:
(a)The new retailer shall contact the LSA by email after sending the enrolment request to the LSA and work together with the LSA to ensure a successful enrolment for the first day of the month.
(b)If an enrolment request is received after 3 p.m., it will be processed by the LSA to be effective at midnight, but there is no guarantee of notifications to the various parties prior to 9 a.m. the following day.
(6)Erroneous enrolment
(a)When a retailer enrols a transmission-connected site erroneously, that retailer shall notify the LSA of the error within one business day of the discovery of the error.
(b)When the LSA discovers that a retailer has potentially enrolled a site in error (due to a mismatch between the site ID and the service address or due to any other reason), the LSA shall notify the retailer(s) affected within one business day of the discovery of the potential error. The retailer(s) shall investigate whether the site ID or the service address was enrolled in error and respond to the LSA within five business days, confirming or denying that the site was enrolled in error.
(c) The LSA shall confirm the receipt of the notification as per Section 7.4.2(6)(a) above or confirmation as per Section 7.4.2(6)(b) above from the retailer.
(d) The LSA shall contact the previous retailer to coordinate the re-enrolment of the site by the next calendar month or the back dating of enrolment back to the beginning of the month of the discovery of the error.
7.6 Site ID retirement / 7.6 Site ID retirement
(1) A WSP shall retire a site ID when a site is salvaged. Salvage occurs when the wires and other apparatus are removed from the site such that no electricity services can be supplied to the site.
(2) When a site ID is retired, the WSP shall disassociate the site from the retailer of record. The WSP shall notify the retailer that it is no longer the retailer of record for that site using the notify old retailer transaction (SRO).
(3) When a site ID is retired, the WSP shall ensure that the site ID can no longer be enrolled.