Technical Qualification Program — Safety Software Quality AssuranceQualification Card
Participant: / Technical Qualification Program
Functional Area Qualification Standard
Safety Software Quality Assurance
Qualification Card / Qualification
Issue Date:
Projected Completion Date: / Standard
Issue Date: / March 2011
Office/Division: / Revision:
Note: When regulations, Department of Energy Directives, or other industry standards are referenced in the Qualification Standard, the most recent version should be used.
No. / Required Competencies / CompetencyLevel / Learning Method / EvaluationMethod / Incumbent Initials & Date / Qualifying Official Signature / Date / RemarksI. Software Management and Quality Assurance
1. / Safety software quality assurance personnel must demonstrate a working level knowledge of DOE quality assurance policy, programs, and processes contained in:
- DOE O 414.1C, Quality Assurance
- 10 CFR 830, Subpart A, “Quality Assurance”
2. / Safety software quality assurance personnel must demonstrate a working level knowledge of the elements of a successful software quality assurance program. / DAEFWNA / CBTCRDADJAOJTSASSWT / EQOEOPWE
II. Safety Software and System Relationship
3. / Safety software quality assurance personnel must demonstrate a working level knowledge of the types of safety software and grading levels. / DAEFWNA / CBTCRDADJAOJTSASSWT / EQOEOPWE
4. / Safety software quality assurance personnel must demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of the functional interfaces between safety system software and the system-level design. / DAEFWNA / CBTCRDADJAOJTSASSWT / EQOEOPWE
5. / Safety software quality assurance personnel must demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of the safety and engineering scenarios that are modeled by software. / DAEFWNA / CBTCRDADJAOJTSASSWT / EQOEOPWE
6. / Safety software quality assurance personnel must demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of the relationships between nuclear hazards and the control and protection functions being addressed by safety management and administrative controls software. / DAEFWNA / CBTCRDADJAOJTSASSWT / EQOEOPWE
7. / Safety software quality assurance personnel must demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of the purpose, features, and contents of the DOE safety software Central Registry. / DAEFWNA / CBTCRDADJAOJTSASSWT / EQOEOPWE
III. Software Engineering, Development, and Maintenance
8. / Safety software quality assurance personnel must demonstrate a working level knowledge of the software life-cycle processes. / DAEFWNA / CBTCRDADJAOJTSASSWT / EQOEOPWE
9. / Safety software quality assurance personnel must demonstrate a working level knowledge of software requirements identification and management. / DAEFWNA / CBTCRDADJAOJTSASSWT / EQOEOPWE
10. / Safety software quality assurance personnel must demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of the safety software design concepts. / DAEFWNA / CBTCRDADJAOJTSASSWT / EQOEOPWE
11. / Safety software quality assurance personnel must demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of the safety software design and implementation practices. / DAEFWNA / CBTCRDADJAOJTSASSWT / EQOEOPWE
12. / Safety software quality assurance personnel must demonstrate a working level knowledge of the safety software verification and validation processes that ensure software will adequately fulfill all intended safety functions. / DAEFWNA / CBTCRDADJAOJTSASSWT / EQOEOPWE
13. / Safety software quality assurance personnel must demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of software safety analysis. / DAEFWNA / CBTCRDADJAOJTSASSWT / EQOEOPWE
14. / Safety software quality assurance personnel must demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of activities that ensure that safety software will be properly maintained and will continue to operate as intended. / DAEFWNA / CBTCRDADJAOJTSASSWT / EQOEOPWE
15. / Safety software quality assurance personnel must demonstrate a working level knowledge of software configuration management. / DAEFWNA / CBTCRDADJAOJTSASSWT / EQOEOPWE
No. / Required Competencies / CompetencyLevel / Learning Method / EvaluationMethod / Incumbent Initials & Date / Qualifying Official Signature / Date / Remarks
IV. Safety Software Assessments
16. / Safety software quality assurance personnel must demonstrate the ability to perform an assessment of safety software quality using appropriate DOE directives and standards and industry standards. / DAEFWNA / CBTCRDADJAOJTSASSWT / EQOEOPWE
Competency Levels: / DA = Demonstrate the Ability, E = Expert, F = Familiarity, W = Working, NA = Not Applicable
Learning Methods: / CBT = Computer-Based Training, CR = Classroom, DA = Detail Assignment, DJA = Developmental Job Assignment, OJT = On-the-Job Training, SA = Shadow Assignment,
SS = Self-Study, WT = Walk-Through
Evaluation Methods: / EQ = Evaluation of Equivalencies, OE = Oral Evaluation, OP = Observation of Performance, WE = Written Exam
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGYTechnical Qualification Program — Safety Software Quality AssuranceQualification Card
U.S. Department of Energy
Technical Qualification Program “TQP”
Safety Software Quality Assurance Qualification Card Certification of Completion
The candidate has successfully completed theSafety Software Quality Assurance TQP Qualification. The candidate has successfully completed a final qualification activity consisting of a comprehensive written examination, an oral board examination, or a walkthrough and is recommended for final qualification.
First-Level Supervisor / Date
U.S. Department of Energy
Technical Qualification Program “TQP”
Safety Software Quality AssuranceFinal Qualification
The candidate has successfully completed the Safety Software Quality Assurance TQP Qualification.
Second-Level Supervisor / Date
Competency Levels: / DA = Demonstrate the Ability, E = Expert, F = Familiarity, W = Working, NA = Not Applicable
Learning Methods: / CBT = Computer-Based Training, CR = Classroom, DA = Detail Assignment, DJA = Developmental Job Assignment, OJT = On-the-Job Training, SA = Shadow Assignment,
SS = Self-Study, WT = Walk-Through
Evaluation Methods: / EQ = Evaluation of Equivalencies, OE = Oral Evaluation, OP = Observation of Performance, WE = Written Exam