Scheduling Group: Scheduling groups enable you to create variations in the scheduling structure for different classes. HISD scheduling for 2013-2014 school year, one scheduling group was created named “ALL.’ The All scheduling group must be copied from 2012-2013 to 2013-2014 planning schedule. This element is automatically copied for the new planning schedule to all campuses.
Term Sets (requires Scheduling Group to also be selected): A scheduling term set is made up of a number of terms, Full Year Term Set, Semester, or Quarter. Full Year Term Set and Semester must be in you campus Term Set in order for report card module to function correctly. This element is automatically copied for the new planning schedule to all campuses.
Day Pattern: A school’s day pattern for regular days can be defined as either days-of-the-week or relative-day format. Remember, days-of-the-week means that a student goes to a Monday bell schedule on Monday, Tuesday bell schedule on Tuesday, etc. If a holiday falls on Monday, the next day is always Tuesday, holiday on Tuesday, the next day is always Wednesday, etc. The relative day pattern rotates in the order they are entered on the set up file
Bell Schedules (requires Day Pattern & Scheduling Groups to also be selected): The bell schedule specifies start and end times of each period in each day. If required, a different bell schedule can be defined for each day and for each special day. Each bell schedule can be set up with a different number of periods and different period start and end times.
Meeting Patterns (requires Bell Schedules to also be selected): A meeting pattern is a defined set of periods and days in which a class can be offered. Meeting patterns are required in order for a school to enter its master schedule. If you had problems with your existing Meeting Patterns you may not want to copy them into 2013-2014. Meeting Patterns that are copied can be deleted or edited until such time that they are attached to classes in your Master Schedule.
Course Scheduling Information (requires Meeting Patterns & Term Sets to be selected): This requires course offerings & meeting patterns to be attached to each course for building your master schedule. After copying, they must be reviewed to insure the Default for each course is correct (example: FYT for full year course numbers and Semester for semester course numbers).
Class Loading Rules: Class loading rules apply to student schedules. If you have rules in place that you wish to roll into the 2013-2014 school year, this box will need to be checked accordingly.
Team Loading Rules: Teams are created on the campus level to apply to classes in the master schedule. If you have Teams established on your campus for 2011-2012 and want this setup to roll into 2013-2014 school year, this box will need to be checked accordingly. The class assignment to these teams will copy into 2013-2014 master schedule if you choose to copy your 2012-2013 schedule.
Class Schedules: Class schedule refers your 2012-2013 master schedule. If you want your master schedule to roll into 2013-2014, this box will need to be checked accordingly. By checking this box, your master schedule, including course, term, meeting pattern, team (if applicable), teacher and room assignment for each class will copy to the 2013-2014 master schedule module.Any course number that has been modified in the Course Catalog or deleted from Course Catalogwill not roll into 2013-2014 school year.