Stretham Parish Council
Minutes of theMeeting held on Tuesday 7th March2017 at 7pm
In the Pavillion, Short Street, Stretham
Present: Councillor’s, Parish (Vice Chair), Nuttall, Murfitt,Saunt,Thake, Pearce, Bright, The Clerk,
1.Apologies and approval of absences
Councillor Roberts (Chair), Councillor Speed, Councillor Taylor, Councillor Thake
2.To receive declarations of interest and requests for dispensations
3.To resolve that the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7th February 2017 are a correct record
The Council resolved that the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting on the 7th February 2017are an accurate record. This was proposed by Councillor Murfittand seconded by CouncillorBright.
4.To receive an update on the progress of actions from the last meeting of Stretham Parish Council on 7th February 2017.
The slide in the park on short road has now been altered. The Waver Rider at the Topsy and Tim park had a defective part, a new part was sent and has now been fitted. A meeting has been set up with Laragh Homes for next week to discuss the paly park at Manor Farm. A new job description has been drawn up for the Caretaker, with monthly hours allocated. The litter picking group has been set up, with some volunteers from the village and the Scouts. Their first outing will be the 18th March. The Defib training has been provisionally booked for the 21st March 10:00am – 2:00pm. The Financial hand over has started to take place between myself and Mary. The Feast planning is going well, with most things now booked and booking forms all been sent out.
5.Public participation
The meeting adjourned at 7:08pm
6. To receive information from the public
It was commented that people are getting earlier putting out bin bags, causing rubbish to blow around in ditches and on pavements. People have been parking on the verge outside the bowls club, meaning the grass has been churned up and people are walking mud on to the road and pavements. This has also been happening around the village and a lot of the verges are churned up.Councillors were asked when the Pavilion gate was supposed to be open, as if it was open during the day people could park there and not on the verges.
The meeting reconvened at 7:13pm
7. To receive an update on the Nursery proposal
A meeting has taken place with East Cambs District Council to see if we could get assistance with project managing the proposal and to discuss the legal side of the proposal. It was asked that a meeting be set up between Councillors and East Cambs to discuss concerns and questions that the council have.
8. To receive an update on the solution to footballs going over into the Bowls Club
A few options were presented to the Council with the most aesthetically pleasing option being a loose net over the top of the All-Weather Pitch. The cost of this would be £1291.00. As the cost is over £1000 then this project must be put out to the tender process.
9.To approve the quote for the outside sockets on the All- Weather pitch
A quote was received from Hewlett Electrical to supply and fit 4 outside socket points to the All-Weather pitch. Because the cost of this exceeds £1000, this project must be put out to the tender process.
10.To discuss the new job description for the Caretaker
The job description for the Caretaker has been reviewed, amending some tasks currently
undertaken. It was felt by the Council that the position should have monthly capped hours,
with additional work to be approved by the Parish Clerk. There was quite a lot of cleaning
tasks that are being undertaken after bookings, this needs to be addressed as our contracts
clearly state that the rooms should be left in the state they are found and therefore not the
job of the Caretaker to clean up after each booking.
11.To consider planning applications
16/01739/FUL – 61 High Street, Stretham – No objections were raised.
S/0559/17/OL –The Council had no objections to the planning, however they had concerns regarding the added traffic to the A10.
12. To receive planning application decisions
16/01685/FUL – Meadow Farm, Fieldside, Stretham – Approved
13. To receive an update on progress of SWCLT
To authorise payments from SPC and SSRC accounts and to note income
The following accounts were presented for payment:
Parish Council account
Name / Cheque Number / AmountHMRC / 002384 / £91.40
East Cambs DC / 002386 / £20.00
Laura Shearing / 002387 / £707.00
Truelink / 002389 / £370.15
James Thew / 002390 / £80.00
Odd Job 24/7 / 002391 / £360.80
Pete Penny / 002392 / £495.00
Mary Hook / 002393 / £546.25
Kim Bolderon / 002394 / £1011.88
Maureen Hutter / 002396 / £60.00
Les Gotobed / 002397 / £80.00
The balance of Parish Council current account at7th March 2017 £24,649.88
Cheques for payment total £3,822.48
Balance once cheques have cleared £20,827.40
Income since last meeting: Parish Room Hire £40.00, 2 X Cremation plots £70.00
SSRC account
Mr P Penny / 000395 / £242.30
The balance of SSRC current account at £7th March 2017 £425.30
Cheques for payment £242.30
Income since last meeting: Room hire £105.00
Balance once cheques have cleared £183.00
It was proposed by Councillor Pearceand seconded by CouncillorMurfitt that the above accounts be paid. All in agreement.
15.To receive correspondence
An email has been received with regards to the Garage on short road and the encroachment of the highway verge. It has been asked that the Council address this issue with the Highways department again to get a resolution. The Council agreed to write to the Highways agency and find out how this matter can be resolved.
Laragh Homes have contacted us to say that there has been a lot of dog fouling outside the show home and currently no one living at Manor Farm has a dog. The Council agreed to put up some dog waste bins and signs up in the area and put a piece in the Newsletter asking people to clean up after themselves.
Communication was received regarding putting black bin bags out on to the street and cats attacking them and causing the waste to spread out across the paths and roads. A piece is going to be put in the newsletter asking people not to put their bins out until the allocated day.
The Council received an email regarding the footballers cleaning their muddy boots on the path, which is not nice for the residents of Short Road. It was also commented that there is a lot of blue line paint on the grass next to store cupboard at the back of the Pavilion and to the front of the Pavilion. The Council agreed that the Clerk would contact the football club regarding the paint and the football clubs Secretary’s contact details would be passed on to contact about the mud on the footpaths.
16.To receive reports from Working Parties and Sub-Committee
Amenities Working Party
The bus shelter has been graffitied, this has been painted over, a piece is going to be put into the Newsletter to ask if anyone knows who is responsible for this and that they can contact the police or the Parish Council anonymously.
Eleanor’s Field Sub Committee
Is due to be cut week commencing the 20th March, and the kissing gate to be put in the same week.
Recreation Ground Working Party – Nothing to report
Feast Sub Committee
Jack Hurst has been asked to cut the ribbon on the day. The charity we are supporting this year will be Eddie’s and it will be a 1960’s theme.
Finance Sub Committee
The finance of the Parish Council is going to go back to the Parish Clerk.
Footpaths Working Party
There are a lot of brambles encroaching on to the pavement outside 6 Cambridge Road. The Clerk has been asked to send the occupants a letter to ask if they could be cut back.
High Ways Working Party
2 large pot holes were reported to the north of Top Street. It was asked to be put into the Newsletter to remind people to report pot Holes to the highways agency.
It was asked that it be put into the Newsletter regarding the inconsiderate parking down Top Street, and ask people to mindful of blocking driveways and entrances.
17.To receive Councillorsquestions
There are a lot of vehicles parking on the verges in the village and this is causing the grass verges to be cut up and mud on the road and pavements. The Clerk to write in the Newsletter asking people to be more considerate when parking.
There are a couple of areas of fly tipping around the village. The Clerk is going to ask in the
Newsletter that people are vigilant and if they see anyone fly tipping to take down vehicle
registration numbers with the view to prosecution.
Meeting closed at 8:26pm
The next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 4th April 2017 at 7pm in the Pavilion, Short Street, Stretham.