(Revised: October 2015)
Academic Degrees
B.A., UniversityofWashington, magnacumlaude, withDistinctioninPhilosophy, 1968
Ph.D, PrincetonUniversity, Philosophy, 1972
Academic Positions
Provost Professor of Philosophy and Law, University of Southern California
Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Riverside.
Professor of Philosophy, University of California at Irvine
Visiting Professor of Philosophy (Fall Semester), University of Southern California
Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of California at Irvine.
Visiting Associate Professor of Philosophy (Winter Quarter), University of California at Los Angeles.
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of California at Irvine.
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania
Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Humanities, Reed College
Areas of Specialization
MoralTheory, TheoryofAgency, Moral Psychology, Philosophy of Law,
SocialandPolitical Philosophy, Moral and Criminal Responsibility
Awards and Honors
Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2014)
1.Agencyand Answerability, OxfordUniversityPress, 2004. (Acollectionofelevenpreviouslypublishedessaysonfreedomandresponsibility, withintroduction.)
- FreeWill, OxfordUniversityPress, 1982 (1stedition).
- FreeWill, OxfordUniversityPress, 2003 (2ndedition).
C.Essaysand Introductions
“Free Agency”, JournalofPhilosophy, April 24, 1975, pp. 205- 20.
i) reprinted in Free Will (B1 and B2, above).
ii)reprinted in Moral Responsibility, ed. John Fischer, Cornell University Press, 1989.
iii)reprinted in The Inner Citadel: Essays on Individual Autonomy, ed. by John Christman, Oxford University Press, 1989.
iv)Reprinted in Laura Ekstrom (ed.), AgencyandResponsibility: Essays ontheMetaphysicsofFreedom, Westview Press, 2001.
v)Reprinted in FreeWill:Critical Concepts inPhilosophy, VolumeIV, Free Will: Free Agency, Moral Responsibility, and Skepticism, ed.JohnMartinFischer, Routledge (2005)
vi)Reprinted inFreeWillandResponsibility:AnAnthology, ed.by Xiangdong Xu ofPekingUniversity, China(JiangsuPeoplePublisher), 2008
vii)translated into French as “L’Agentivite Libre”, by Marlene Jouan, appearing in Psychologie Morale: Autonomie, responsabilite, et rationalite pratique (155-177), Librairie Philosophique J.Vrin (Paris, 2008), introduction by Marlene Jouan.
viii) Reprinted in Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings (7th edition), ed. by John Perry, Michael Bratman, and John
.Martin Fischer, forthcoming , July, 2015.
“Skepticism aboutWeaknessof Will”, ThePhilosophicalReview, July, 1977, pp. 316-339.
i)Reprinted in Moral Theory, ed. George Sher, Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich, 1986.
ii)Reprinted in Reason, Emotion and Will, ed. by R. Jay Wallace, The International Research Library in Philosophy, Ashgate, Ltd, 1999.
iii)Reprinted inWillensschwäche, , ed.byThomas Spitzley, German translationbyJohannes Schulte, Mentis Verlag, 2005.
“Introduction”, Free Will. (see B1 and B2 above).
“Kant on Happiness in the Moral Life”, Philosophy Research Archives, 1983, pp.79-108.
“Virtues in Excess”, Philosophical Studies, July, 1984.
“Animals, Ethics and Agriculture”, The Trumpeter, Summer, 1985, pp.17-20.
“Introduction” (with G. Santas), in Topoi, March, 1985, pp. 1-2.
“Skepticism and Free Will: a critical discussion of Peter van Inwagen’s An Essay on Free Will”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, March, 1986, pp. 507-522.
“Responsibility and the Limits of Evil”, in Responsibility, Character, and the Emotions: New Essays in Moral Psychology, edited by F. Schoeman, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp.256-286.
i)Reprinted inPerspectives onMoralResponsibility, editedby J.M. Fischer andMark Ravizza, Cornell U. Press, 1993.
ii)Reprinted in Robert Kane, Free Will, Blackwell Publishers Ltd. (Oxford, England), 2003
iii)Reprinted inMichaelMcKennaandPaulRussell (eds), FreeWillandReactive Attitudes: Perspectives on P.F. Strawson’s “Freedom and Resentment”(Ashgate Publishing, 2005): 30 pp.
iv)in FreeWill:Critical Concepts inPhilosophy, Volume I: Free Will: Free Agency, Moral Responsibility, and Skepticism, Critical Concepts in Philosophy, ed. JohnMartinFischer, Routledge (2005)
v)Reprinted inFreeWillandResponsibility:AnAnthology, ed.by Xiangdong Xu ofPekingUniversity, China(JiangsuPeoplePublisher), 2008
vi)Reprinted in French as “La responsabilité et les limites du mal. Variations sur un théme de Strawson.” Translated by Aude Bandini. Les ateliers de l'éthique, 7(1), 146-177, Spring, 2012. ISSN 1718-9977
vii)Reprinted in P. Russell and A. Deery, The Philosophy of Free Will: Essential Readings from the Contemporary Debates, Oxford University Press: 2013
“Free ActionandFree Will”, Mind, April, 1987, pp. 145-172.
“The Primacy of Character”, in Identity, Character, and Morality, edited by Owen Flanagan and Amelie Rorty, M.I.T.Press, 1990.
i)reprinted in Virtue Ethics, ed. Daniel Statman, Paragon Press (New York), 1997.
ii) reprinted in Virtue Ethics, ed. Stephen Darwall, Blackwell Publishers, 2002
“Albritton and Hoffman on Freedom and Strength of Will”, Philosophical Studies, 77, 1995.
“Closing the Gap: Feinberg on Reformism”, Arizona Law Review, 37, No.1 (Spring, 1995).
“Two Faces of Responsibility”, Philosophical Topics, Fall, 1996, 227-248.
“Some Considerations in Favor of Contractualism”, in Rationality, Commitment, and Morality, ed. by Christopher Morris and Jules Coleman, Cambridge University Press, 1998.
i)Reprinted in Contractarianism/Contractualism, edited by Stephen Darwall, Blackwell Press, 2002
“Some Worries about Semi-Compatibilism”, The Journal of Social Philosophy, Fall, 1998.
“Disordered Appetites”, in Addiction: Entries and Exits, edited by Jon Elster, Russell Sage Publications (New York City), 1999, 3-28.
“Excusing Addiction”, Law and Philosophy, Volume 18, No.6, November, 1999. 589-619.
“Soft Libertarianism and Hard Compatibilism”, The Journal of Ethics, Volume 3, no.4, 1999, 351-365.
i) Reprinted inAutonomies Handeln, ed. Monika Betzler and Barbara Guckes (Berlin: Akademie Verlag) 2000, 59-70.
“Volitional Necessities”, in Contours of Agency, ed. by Sarah Buss and Lee Overton, MIT Press, 2002.
“Reasons and Responsibility”, Ethics, January, 2001, 374-394.
“Contractualism andthe Boundaries ofMorality”, SocialTheoryandPractice, July, 2001.
“The Work of the Will”, in Weakness of Will and Practical Irrationality, ed. Sarah Stroud and Christine Tappolet, Oxford University Press, 2003.
“Introduction”, Free Will, 2003 (see B2), 1-25.
“Asserting andPromising”, Philosophical Studies, 117: 1-2 (January, 2005), 57-77
i) Reprinted in Asa Kasher (ed), Pragmatics: Critical Concepts in Linguistics II, Volume II, Routledge, Nov. 2011.
“The ProblematicRoleofResponsibilityin Contexts ofDistributiveJustice”, PhilosophyandPhenomenologicalReview (March, 2006).
“Hierarchy and Agential Authority”, inFreeWill:Critical Concepts inPhilosophy, VolumeIV, Free Will: Free Agency, Moral Responsibility, and Skepticism,ed.JohnMartinFischer, Routledge (2006).
“Morality as Accountability: Comments on Stephen Darwall’s The Second Person Standpoint”, Ethics, Vol. 118:1, October 2007
“Promises, Normative Powers, and Reasons”, in D. Sobel and S. Wall (eds.), Reasons for Action, Cambridge University Press (2009), 155-177.
“The Trouble with Psychopaths”, in R. J. Wallace, Samuel Freeman, and Rahul Kumar. Reasons and Recognition:Essays on the Philosophy of T.M. Scanlon, Oxford University Press, 2011.
“The Insanity Defense”, in Andrei Marmor (ed.), The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Law, Routledge Press, 2012.
“Standing in Judgment”, in Blame: its Nature and Norms(edited by Neal Tognazzini and Justin Coates), Oxford University Press, 2013.
“Asymmetry and Rational Ability: Comments on Dana Nelkin’s Making Sense of Freedom and Responsibility”, in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 86.2, 467-475, 2013.
“Psychopaths and Prudential Deficits,”Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 2013.
“Raz on Responsibility”, Criminal Law and Philosophy (online May 11, 2014).
“Peter Strawson on Responsibility and Sociability”, in ‘Freedom and Resentment’ at 50 , Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, Volume 2,edited by David Shoemaker and Neal Tognazzini, Oxford University Press,. 2015
“A Moral Predicament in the Criminal Law”,Inquiry, 58_2, February, 2015.
D.Reviews and Encyclopedia Entries
Anthony Kenny’s Will, Freedom and Power, in Journal of Philosophy, April, 1978, pp.209-217.
Jennifer Hornsby, Actions, in Journal of Philosophy, August, 1982, pp. 46-9.
James Wallace, Virtues and Vices, in Topoi, December, 1982, pp. 58-60.
Robert Richman, God, Free Will and Morality, in CanadianPhilosophicalReviews, May/June, 1985, pp.213-218.
Daniel Dennett, Elbow Room, in Journal of Philosophy, September, 1986, pp.517-522.
Susan Wolf, Freedom within Reason, in Philosophical Review, 1992.
“Free Will”, in A Companion to Metaphysics, ed. Jaegwon Kim and Ernest Sosa, Basil Blackwell, 1994.
Jeanette Kennett, AgencyandResponsibility, inMind, 2002.
“Philippa Foot”, Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. by Donald M. Borchart, MacMillan Reference USA, 2005.
George Sher, In Praise of Blame, Mind, 2008
“Scanlon on Meaning and Permissibility”, Times Literary Supplement, February 11, 2011, 26.
“Moral Agency”, in International Encyclopedia of Ethics (John Wiley and Sons), January, 2013 (5000 words).
Review of Trudy Govier, Victims and Victimhood, Notre Dame Review of Books, August 2015.
Colloquia, Lectures, Comments and Presentations(Since 2005)
1. InvitedConferencePresentation, “Acceptanceand Self-Acceptance”, UniversityofTexasConferenceonMoralPsychology, Austin, Feb. 5, 2005
2.CommentsonSusanHurley, “Author Meets Critics”, Pacific APA, SanFrancisco, March, 2005.
3.PresenterataMellonSeminaronmywork, runbyBrianBarry, Akeem Bilgrami, andJonElster, ColumbiaUniversity, April 22, 2005
4.Invitedcolloquium, “Promising”, UniversityofLondon, Birkbeck College, May 12, 2005.
5.InvitedLecture, “StandinginJudgment”, CumberlandLodgePhilosophyConference, Windsor, England, May 13, 2005.
6.InvitedPresentation, “PromisingandNormative Powers”, GranadaWorkshopinMoralPhilosophy, Granada, Spain, June 26, 2005.
7. “Standing inJudgment”, DepartmentofPhilosophy, Northwestern University
8. Author Meets Critics Symposium on Gideon Yaffe’s Manifest Activity, “ReidonSelf-government”, American Philosophical Association, EasternDivision, Dec. 2005.
9.Colloquium, “StandinginJudgment”, UniversityofWashington, Jan. 13
10.InvitedPresentation, “Promises and Reasons”, BowlingGreenConferenceonPracticalReason, BowlingGreenUniversity, April, 2006
11.Invited ConferencePresentation, “WillandWillPower”, Columbia University, April 21-22, 2006 .
12.InvitedSeminarPresentation, “SecondThoughts”, DepartmentofPhilosophy, PrincetonUniversity, May 2, 2006.
13.“Promises and Reasons”, Invited Conferenceonthephilosophyof G.H. von Wright, Abu Akademie, Turku, Finland, May 26-7.
51, “Valuing Agency”, PotsdamConferenceonthe Antecedents ofAction, Sept, 24-28, 2006.
14.“StandinginJudgment”, Annual Austin-Hempel DistinguishedLecture, Dalhousie University, NovaScotia, Canada, Oct.5, 2006.
15.“Acceptanceand Self-Acceptance”, Dalhousie University, NovaScotia, Canada, Oct.6, 2006.
16.“Acceptanceand Self-Acceptance”, Colloquium, University ofToronto, Oct. 12, 2006.
17.“StandinginJudgment”, KeynoteAddress, UniversityofNorth Florida, AnnualStudentConference, March 6, 2007.
18.“MoralityasAccountability”, Author Meets CriticSymposium, on Stephen Darwall’s The Second Person Standpoint,Pacific APA, April 6, 2007
19.Commentator, Bruges Moral Philosophy Conference, Bruges, Belgium, June 2007.
20.Panel Presentation, “Psychopathy and Criminal Responsibility”, Macarthur Law and Neuroscience Project, Santa Barbara, September, 2007.
21.“Standing in Judgment”, Colloquium, Department of Philosophy, CS San Bernadino, February 15, 2008
22.“The Trouble with Psychopaths”, Florida State University, 2008.
23.“The Trouble with Psychopaths”, Annual Lecture series Amherst
24.“The Trouble with Psychopaths”, Tulane, 2008
25.“The Trouble with Psychopaths”, UCSD, 2008
26.“Valuing Agency”, Conference on Action and Intention, Uppsala University, 2008
27. “Kraut’s Ethics of Well-Being”, Author Meets Critic Symposium, Pacific APA, Vancouver, B.C., 2009.
28. Presentation at Mellon Seminar on my work at Harvard University, organized by Christine Korsgaard, April 2009.
29. “Inverse Akrasia”, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany, June, 2009
30. Lecture and response to papers presented at two day conference on my work, Central European University, Budapest, June, 2009
31. “The Trouble with Psychopaths”, Workshop, University of Texas Law School, Austin, 2009
32. Comment on Gregory Keating, “Is Tort Law a Remedial Institution?”, Gould School of Law Faculty Colloquium, January, 2010
33.“The Trouble with Psychopaths”, Workshop, University of Toronto Law School, February, 1010.
34. “Psychopathy as a Failure of Diachronic Agency”, Conference on Diachronic Agency, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland (October, 2010)
35. Comment on Sandra Macpherson’s Harm’s Way, Annual Law and Literature Conference, University of Southern California Gould School of Law, Dec. 2nd , 2010.
37. Workshop/Seminar Paper on Promises and Reasons, Georgetown University Law School, February, 2011
38. Comment on “Regret, Remorse and Accidents: Where the New Apology Laws Go Wrong,” by Jeffrey Helmreich, Law and Humanities Interdisciplinary Junior Scholar Workshop, Gould School of Law, June 5th, 2011.
39. “Standing in Judgment”, Riquewihr Conference on Moral Philosophy, Alsace, France, July 2, 2011.
40. Commentator, Conference on Responsibility, Agency, and Persons, University of San Francisco, September 17, 2011.
41. “Psychopathy and the Failure of Diachronic Agency”, Keynote presentation, first annual New Orleans Workshop on Agency and Responsibility, New Orleans, Nov. 5, 2011.
42. “Psychopathy and the Failure of Diachronic Agency”, Templeton Workshop presentation, UC Riverside, Nov. 20, 2011
43. Commentator, Symposium on moral emotions, APA meetings, Seattle April 2012 (on symposium presentations by Jay Wallace and Justin D’Arms)
44. Commentator, Conference on Criminal Responsibility and its History, Robina Institute of Criminal Law and Justice, University of Minnesota Law School, April, 2012.
45. “Standing in Judgment”, Colloquium, University of Richmond, April, 2012.
46. “Acceptance, Affirmation, and Accommodation”, 2012 Robert Solomon Lecture, University of Auckland, New Zealand, July 30, 2012
47. “Psychopathy and Prudential Deficits”, University of Waiketo, Hamilton, New Zealand, August 1, 2012.
48. “Standing in Judgment”, University of Victoria, Wellington, New Zealand, August 2, 2012.
49. “Psychopathy and Prudential Deficits”, Auckland University, New Zealand, August 3, 2012.
50. “Peter Strawson on Responsibility and Sociability”, presentation for Conference on Peter Strawson’s “Freedom and Resentment”, William and Mary, October, 2012
51. “Psychopaths and Prudential Deficits”, presentation at tw0 day interdisciplinary workshop, Neuroethics of Caring, Geneva, Switzerland, Nov. 6-7, 2012.
52. Law and Philosophy Workshop on several of my published essays, Feb. 2013, University of Chicago.
53. Comment on symposium paper by Matt Talbert at Pacific APA, April 2013.
54. “Psychopaths and Prudential Deficits”, Invited lecture, Aristotelian Society, London, May 13, 2013
55. “A Moral Predicament in the Criminal Law”, Invited Presentation, Conference on Agency, Oslo, June 2013.
56. “On the Importance of Having a Life”, Royal Conference in Ethics, University of Texas, Austin (Feb. 2014)
57. “A Moral Predicament in the Criminal Law”, Law and Philosophy Workshop, Yale University, March. 6, 2014
58. “On the Importance of Having a Life”, Keynote address, Northwestern University Society for Theory of Ethics and Politics, March 15, 2014.
59. Workshop presentation of “A Moral Predicament in the Criminal Law”, Gould School of Law, USC. April 24.
60. Colloquium, “A Moral Predicament in the Criminal Law”, Philosophy Dept., UCSD, May 2, 2014.
61. Comment on Barry Schwartz, “Empathy and Love”, Templeton Love and Human Agency Conference, Franklin and Marshall College. Sept. 20, 2014.
62. Colloquium, “A Moral Predicament in the Criminal Law”, University of Calgary, October 17, 2014
63. Comment on Gideon Rosen, 9th Moral Philosophy Conference, Beune France. June 2015
Recent University and Department Service (2008-present)
Philosophy Department:
Search Committee for Senior Position—2009-10
Search Committee for Open Position—2010-1, 2011-2012, 2012-13
Committee on Faculty Evaluation—2010-11, 2011-12
Graduate Committee, 2012-13
Search Committee for junior position—Fall 2015
Social Science Personnel Committee (2009-10)
USC Levan Institute Panelist, “Future and Distant People”, April 24, 2009.
Humanities Personnel Committee (2010-2012)
Humanities Personnel Committee, Co-Chair (2011-12)
Panel Presentation, College Commons Series, “The Rise of Robotic Warfare”, April 7, 2011.
Task Force on Future of the University (Spring, 2011)
Provost Postdoc Selection committee (Spring, 2011).
Senate Committee on Rights and Responsibilities (2011-14)
University Admission Fellowship Committee (Spring, 2012)
Graduate School Advisory Council (2011-12, 2012-13)
GSAC Task Force Sub-Committee on Admissions (2012-13)
Polymathic Studies Presentation on Ethics, Dec. 2013 and April 2015
Gould School of Law
Member of Steering Committee for Culture, Law and Society Program (2011-present)
Member of Center for Law and Philosophy (2009-Present)
Recent Professional Service and Activity
- AdvisoryEditor, PhilosophyandPublic Affairs, 2006-.present
- Boardof Editors, JournalofEthicsandSocial Philosophy, 2004-present
- Tenure, Promotion and Appointment Reviews:
UCSan Diego, UniversityofRichmond, UCLA, Stanford, Michigan (Distinguished Professorship); Dalhousie University; University of Toronto, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; University of Massachusetts (promotion); UC Irvine, Distinguished Professor Appointment; Harvard (2); Notre Dame, University of Texas; Oxford (2), UC Riverside, Pomona College
- Chair, External Review Committee of Philosophy Graduate Program, UC San Diego (February, 2008).
- Refereedmanuscriptsandmanuscriptproposalsfor Oxford, Harvard, Philosopher’s Imprint, JournalofEthicsandSocial Philosophy, Ethics, European Journal of Philosophy, Philosophy and Public Affairs, Philosophical Studies, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophical Quarterly.
- Refereedfellowshipproposalsfornumerousagencies and foundations, includingNEH, UC Presidents Fellowship, and ACLS.
- Chair, SessiononMoralResponsibility, Pacific APA meetings, Portland, Oregon, 2006.
- Chair, Session on Psychopathy, Eastern APA meetings, Baltimore, Maryland, 2007.
- Chair, Special Session on Moral Psychology in Chinese Philosophy, Pacific APA meetings, Vancouver, 2009.
- Member and Workshop Participant Macarthur Foundation Network on Law and Neuroscience, 2007-10.
- Reviewer for submissions to the Columbia, UCLA, USC Law and Humanities Interdisciplinary Junior Scholar Workshop, Spring 2011.
- Director of Workshops on Agency and Normativity: Jeffrey Seidman, “Caring and Valuing” ( 2009), Richard Holton, Willing, Wanting and Waiting (2010),David Owens, “Habitual Agency” (2011); Matthew King, (2012).
- Co-director (with Andrei Marmor), Conference on Authority, Gould School of Law, October, 2010
- Co-director (with Andrei Marmor), Conference on Criminal Attempts, Gould School of Law, October, 2011
- Chair, Session on Francis Kamm, The trolley problem, 8th Moral Philosophy Conference, Runtgren, Denmark, June 2013.
- Organizer, All day Symposium, “Causes, Laws, and Freedom,” (on Kadri Vihvelin’s book), USC, September 5, 2014.
- Co-organizer with Jon Quong, Ethics of Self-Defense, April 2015
- Organizer, Workshop on T.M. Scanlon’s Being Realistic about Reasons, Department of Philosophy, USC, October 24, 2014.
- AAAS subcommittee on nomination and selection (2015)
Recent Graduate Advising
Dissertation committees:
As Chair:
Kory DeClark (2010-2012 ) Defended May, 2012
Aness Webster (expected 2016))
Aaron Veek (expected 2017)
As Member:
Hrafn Agiersson (2010-2012). Brandon Johns (2009-completed 2011) Defended December, 2011; Xiao Wei(2010-completed 2012); Sam Shpall (2009-completed 2012); Yingying Tang (2010-completed 2013), Tiffany Chang (2011-completed 2014).
Alida Liberman (2013-completed 2015)
Joshua Crabill (2013- present)
Erik Encarnacion (2014-present)
Steven Bero (2014-present)
Ara Astourian (2015- present)
Third year Guidance Committees:
Tiffany Chang, 2010; Aness Webster, 2011; Kenneth Silver, 2012-13;
Aaron Veek, 2012-13; Erik Encarnacion, 2013-14; Steven Bero 2013-14. Amanda Gorman (2015)
Third year oral examining committees
Hrafn Agiersson (2010); Kory DeClark (2010); Tiffany Chang (2011); Aness Webster (2012); Kenneth Silver (2013), Aaron Veek (2013),Erik Encarnacion (2014), Steven Bero (2014); Ara Astourian (2013).
Propectus Oral Examination Committee:
Xiao Wei, 2010; Kory DeClark 2010; Tiffany Chang (Spring, 2011), Alida Lieberman (Fall 2012), Joshua Crabill (Fall 2012); Aness Webster (Spring, 2013); Ara Astourian (2014). Erik Encarnacion (2014); Steven Bero (2014)
Visiting Scholar Supervisor
Paulien Snellen, M.A Student, Radboud University, Netherlands (Fall, 2011)
Damir Ciciv, Ph. D Student, CEU, Budapest, Hungary (Fall, 2012).
MA committees
As Chair
Nancy Zdunkewicz,, “Tort Law and Corrective Justice”, (Sept. 2009-July 2011). Progressive MA in Law and Philosophy. Defended July 2011.
As member
Progressive MA in Law and Philosophy, Jacquelle Amankonah. Defended March 2012.
UC Riverside
Dissertation Committees
As Member:
Chris Franklin (2008-2010; defended June 2010); Ben Mitchell-Yellin (2010-2012; defended June 2012), Joshua Hollowell( 2009-2012; defended 2012), Justin Coates (2010-defended June 2012).