Fall 2012
Instructor : Tim Hernandez Class Time: T 6pm-10pm
Email: Class Sections: 19766
Office Hours: M 11:45-12:45 T4pm-6pm Location: ART 102
W 11:45-12:45pm TH 10am-11am Office: ART 226 602 285-7283
Course Description:
An introduction to Studio Ceramics. Various forming techniques will be demonstrated from construction, completion of form, and coloration. Various possible finishes will be demonstrated, as well as the technical processes behind them, explained. Projects will range from traditional ceramic forms, (pottery), to sculpture. An emphasis will be on exploring several of the ceramic forming and finishing techniques.
Attendance Policy:
Attendance to class is vital. You are allowed three unexcused absences. Six absences and you will be withdrawn from the class. Not having materials, and or tools will count as an absence.
Grading Policy:
6-10 projects – 100 points each 600-1000
8 in class projects/quizzes – 10 points each 80
Artist statement – 2 drafts and final copy 100
Class Notes 200
Total Points possible 980-1380
Learning Center Opportunities
Location: Learning Center Building Phone: 285-7477 V/TDD
Disability Support Services Office coordinates services, which ensure students with disabilities equals access to college programs. Services include tutors, interpreters for the deaf/hearing impaired. Note takers, reader, testing accommodations, elevator keys, and adaptive equipment are available.
Open Studio Policy
Open studio time will provided during the semester to students currently enrolled in a ceramics class at Phoenix College. These times are Tuesday and Thursday at 2pm to 6pm, and Sat 10am to 2pm. The lab Technician will be familiar with general studio policies, but won’t necessarily have teaching expertise in ceramics, this is for self-directed studio time. Every effort will be made to keep these hours, but personal emergencies arise, and certain hours may be cancelled for a day, which will be posted.
Course content may vary from this outline to meet the needs of the class.
Materials Needed
Large sponge, and small plastic bucket, (1 to 2 gallons), needle tool and a wooden knife tool, metal/rubber/wooden rib, trimming tool, and fetteling knife. You can alternatively by a ceramic tool kit. Sketchbook/notebook, a small Suraform rasp tool, and 100 lbs. of clay. Container of large plastic trash bags. A cheap brush, (a small one from a hardware store), and The clay must be cone 10. Your total material cost for class will be approximately $80.
The Ceramic Clay Fee you paid for this class, covers the materials the school purchases that you use during this class, but not your clay. The materials are glaze materials, kiln shelves, and repair of studio equipment.
The student is responsible for all college policies included in the college catalog and the student handbook. The studio is multi-use, and the college assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen projects and tools.
Artwork left in the studio after finals week will be disposed of.
Each student will have one cubby in the studio for wet project storage.