Latvijas Lauku tūrisma asociācija Latvian Country Tourism Association


„Safetur” project 2nd partner meeting
April 18-20, 2013


17.04.13 Coordination / preparation meeting

The meeting took place after arrival at the venue (21:30 ) amongst P0, P3/4, and local host:

  • Confirmation of agenda timing for Thursday/Friday/Saturday
  • Contingency options in case of delays during the workshop day
  • Inspection of the meeting place for the next two days, in order to check availability of all necessary equipment.

Total time of meeting, about 90 minutes

18.04.13 Project Meeting

9:30Welcome notes and presentation of project to external guests

The meeting was inaugurated with short welcome notes from the regional tourism authorities, the hosting organisation, and the project leader. This was followed by a short presentation of the project to external guests, which left afterwards.

10:15Overview report by each partner on general progress and problems found

P0 – Lauku Celotajs: general project coordination, several requests for input from partners were attended. Project progress is as scheduled. Work meeting with P4, preparation of meeting and workshop next day

P1 – Hanen: input provided as requested (criteria, analysis of consumer feedback)

P2 – BAAT: as P1

P3 – EuroGites: first information-dissemination sent to EuroGites members, note on Eurogites website, preparation of workshop next day

P4 – RAAR: as P1/P2 before, additionally co-preparation of this meeting and workshop. Partner informs about internal re-organisation, which may require change of project participation to another related entity.

P5 – Lithuanian Rural Tourism Association: as above P1/P2

P6 – FarmStayUK: as above P1/P2

In general, all partners feel that their work is on track according to schedule and without any relevant delay or problems.

(Short break for picking up coffee and bisquits to the meeting table - meeting continues at few minutes)

11:00Detailed discussion of progress of the project

Tourist feedback analyzed in partner countries

As per today, more than 800 online customer opinions were analysed amongst all partners, providing a clear image about real priorities of different aspects related directly or indirectly with S&S. Results were presented in graphics / PPT as prepared for the Workshop next day. They give highly relevant information on the priorities of S&S aspects for specific positive or negative satisfaction of clients, and will be complemented by the online customer survey (see below)

A total of 579 examples of comments from clients is stored online at the practical case database at

. This compendium will initially not be made public, but can be used by future trainers to support their teaching and training on the S&S topic with practical cases. As well, a selection will be used to illustrate the different S&S items at the online evaluation and training tool, because many of these items are difficult or impossible to visualize with fotos or graphics.

Online customer survey

The results from this survey shall complement the results from the previous (indirect) analysis. The form was prepared between P0 and P4, sent to all partners, translations were duly produced (additionally also in German). The online version in several languages will be available by the end of May, to be implemented at partner websites during summer in the following way:

  • Minimum, banner on the partner organisation website with link to survey
  • As incentive for participation, it is suggested that all partners announce prize draw as a lottery for each duly filled in survey form – the prize is decided to be 300-500,-EUR. This proposal raised the question about if this prize can be covered from the project budget.


13:30Detailed discussion of progress of the project (2)

Criteria Tree for Safety&Security

The provisional criteria tree (breakdown of main categories and sub-levels) as will be used for the project results “Handbook” and “online evaluation” was presented This “tree” is the result of comparing and evaluation of input materials provided by partners (transferred content as per project proposal), and reflects a very wide range of criteria that influence in some way the S&S topic in rural accommodation.

General agreement on this structure, possible revision in specific aspects may arise after the first version of the Handbook and its review at national / partner level.

Handbook „Run your business smart”

The Handbook will transfer the different results so far into a manageable and easy-to-use tool for rural tourism accommodation providers on S&S.

The structure of the content was presented and shortly explained. A longer discussion took place about how to implement the “Best Practice” content, which can vary depending on the country and language, and how to assure that the final document is homogeneous for all Europe while at the same time, adapted to national needs. Finally the following procedure was agreed:

  • A first complete draft of the Handbook in English, based on existing documents and content including the generic Best Practice examples, will be prepared by the LP and sent to all partners by 20th-May
  • Partners will review this draft regarding possible additional Best Practice examples that are generally (!) relevant all over Europe (NOT only for their own country), and send their remarks to the LP by 20th-June. As well, any other remarks on content or structure need to be sent by that deadline to LP.
  • The LP will integrate the contributions from partners. Unless relevant changes to the overall structure are necessary, by 30th-June the LP will send the final reference version of the Handbook to all partners for translation and adaptation. In this national versions, all those Best Practice cases shall be included that are only of regional or national relevance.
  • National / partner versions shall be ready by 31st-August.

Online Training Tool

Provided that work on this result will only start in autumn, and shall be discussed in more detail at the next partner meeting, only some short remarks or orientations were given as follows:

  • Add a new field in the underlying data base that allows to link a specific evaluation item not only to pictures, but also to one or several of the practical cases that are stored at the Costumer Feedback database. This reference must be language-specific, maybe including optional reference also to cases in English. Also the inverse solution (add a field to the Costumer Feedback database that refers an entry to one or several items of the criteria tree) is possible. Tbd after technical discussion with programmer.
  • P4 raised the need of specific criteria from the tree that are relevant for Risk Prevention at the Workplace (ie. for employees and owners), due to their national complementary project that is run in parallel to Safetur. An optional limitation of the online tool only to such flagged criteria would also be appreciated. Details tbd as before

15:30coffee break

15:45General and Technical Matters

Project Management

Partner 4 – RAAR announced that due to internal re-organisation, it may cease as partner in Safetur per 31-May. All project activities would in this case be transferred to and assumed by the private company PRODEC Consultores Ltd This was approved.

Such a change, if proceeds, requires a formal project amendment to be presented to the national LLP LdV agency. This occasion can be used to add more wishes or requirements of amendment from other partners, if this is the case partners shall communicate the desired changes to the LP by 15th-May at latest.

Next project meeting, in UK (Lake District area) on Wednesday, 27th-November

Before this meeting, already the Interim Report has to be presented. Partners are advised about the following important points to consider in this context:

  • Report period is 1-October-2012 until 30-September-2013 for both activities and spending
  • To assure the 2nd partial payment, all partners must have spent until 30-September at least 70% of the first EU payment. This amount includes the own contribution (ie. about 53% of the first payment must be applied).
  • For an overview of spending so far, all partners shall send their provisional cost statements (including prevision until the end of September) to the LP until the 31st-August. This allows adjusting total amounts, and advising partners if additional spending is required to assure the 2nd payment.
  • More specific instructions and forms will be provided by the LP in due course.


Project Logo:not considered in the project but P3 will look into it


At least a link to this page must be installed at all partner websites; individual additional micro-sites at partners are suggested where possible

Leaflet:is prepared by LP. P4 raises the need to reserve space for a specific version with another (additional) logo due to national coordination with a similar project. PDF version can be found here:

Minimum dissemination activities by each partner, according to project:

  • Two press releases
  • Two workshops

For each of the events, the following proof must be provided for reporting:

  • Agenda
  • Participant list
  • Optional (recommended): photos, links to media reports, etc

A template for announcement and signature list was already sent by the LP

17:30Summary of partner tasks until next meeting


15th-Mayinform LP about any desired changes in project tasks ahead of a possible ammendment

20th-MayLP sends draft of Handbook in English to all partners

20th-JunePartners send their feedback about Handbook to LP, including new Best Practice examples of generic application and value

30th-JuneLP sends final text of Handbook to all partner for translation and national adaptation

31st-AugustTranslated national versions available

Partners send provisional financial statement of their expenses until 30th-September to LP

Link partner websites to project web

Next project meeting:27th-November-2013 in UK

18:00End of the meeting

19.04.13 Workshop (afternoon)

14:30Presentation of the project content and objectives

14:45Summary of the results so far:

  • Online compilation of practical comments and cases
  • Evaluation of consumer feedback analysis
  • Criteria tree for Safety&Security
  • Concept of Handbook and online evaluation tool

15:45Discussion of project results, brainstorming for adaptations according to necessities from members, and future contribution of members. It was specified that the project

  • refers to S&S in rural accommodation, it covers activities / active tourism only as far as they are part of the accommodation (ie. pools, playground, etc)
  • the concept of S&S is understood in a very broad sense, from the view of the customer who expects a “careless holiday without any kind of complication”. It goes clearly beyond a simple avoiding or prevention of physical risks or harm
  • to gather more ideas and suggestions, it was suggested that the Handbook in EN should be sent for review to all EuroGites members once available, before a final version is produced at the end of the project in 2014.

16:00Practical experience: analysis of the venue installations under special attention to Safety and Security aspects. During a short visit to the building and its installations, participants made remarks and commented on all aspects that they consider could refer to S&S for users; results confirm the approach to understand S&S in a broad sense.

17:00Summary and end of workshop

20.04.13 Study tour

9:00 – 21:00Study tour to rural tourism establishments and rural/farm tourism attractions in the region of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, with special attention to their management of safety and security aspects.

  • Visit of the manor house Duckwitz – enterprise with holiday apartments and horse riding stable which is energy self-sufficient.
  • Visit of Ahrenshoop on the peninsula Fischland-Darss-Zingst – beautiful seaside resort at the Baltic Sea
  • Visit of Gut Darss – a big agricultural enterprise with organic farming (cattle, sheep, stud farm), farm shop, adventure park, and café
  • Visit of the park and dinner at the Wildkräuterhotel Ehmkendorf (Wild Herb Hotel Ehmkendorf)

Project has recieved EC funding

kalnciema iela 40, Riga, LV-1046, phone: + 371 67617600, fax: + 371 67830041

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