Evenwood & Barony Parish Council
Notice of Meeting
Date: 10 February2015
Venue: Evenwood Church Hall
Time: 7pm
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declaration of interests:
Members are asked to consider whether they might have a personal or a pecuniary interest in any matter included on the agenda for this meeting. If so, it is requested that any such interest be declared now. If subsequently during the consideration of any matter, it becomes apparent to any member that he/she does, indeed, have an interest it should then be declared immediately.
3. Minutes
To confirm and sign the minutes of theordinary meetingheld on 13 January 2015
4. ProgressReport
From the minutes of the meetings held on 13 January 2015
5. PublicParticipation:
15 minute discussion period for members of the public to raise questions/concerns*
6. Local Maintenance:
6.1 Bank Top bus shelter – removal of shelter due to continuous vandalism and associated ongoing repair costs
7. Correspondence:
7.1 Asset Management – Land adjacent to Alan Sewell Ltd, Randolph Industrial Estate, Evenwood
7.2 County of Durham School Benevolent Fund
8. Finance/Accounts:
8.1 To approve the February Finance Report
9. Planning Notifications:
9.1 DM/14/03503/FPA Erection of 7 no. 4 bed dwellings, land adjacent to Five Arches Evenwood Lane– Withdrawn
9.2 DM/15/00200/FPA BJS Farms Ltd - Mill House Farm, Windmill – Erection of agricultural workers dwelling and 2 temporary static caravans
10. Randolph Social Welfare Ground:
To inform members of any issues relating to the maintenance and management of the Welfare Ground, Evenwood
10.1 Rents and user groups 2015
10.2 Pavilion launch event
11. Date & time of next meeting & agenda items:
10 March7pm Evenwood Church Hall
DCC – Durham County Council
CDALC – County Durham Association of Local Councils
*Members of the public should contact the Clerk if they have any matters to be raised within the public participation period.
Minutes for all Parish Council meetings are available to view by the public. Contact the Clerk. The minutes of the January meetingwill be available from the 15 February.
MartinClark, Clerk. T: 01388 835712(after 5 pm)
Mobile: 07908 442413
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