Manning Brand Project
In 2010, representatives from Main Street Manning (MSM), the City and the Chamber decided to revamp the outdated Manning website. Brainstorming sessions revealed that, other than its German heritage, Manning had no obvious theme or focal point to highlight, and being German is hardly unique to west central Iowa. Even though the benefits of developing a “brand” were unclear, the group determined to move forward and an MSM branding committee was formed. This committee tasked itself with 1) developing a brand, 2) developing a website, 3) integrating the brand into the website, and 4) marketing/promoting the brand.
Even with $9000 of local funds in hand, finding an affordable branding and website developer proved difficult. Main Street Iowa (MSI) stepped forward with an offer to assist with professional branding services and the committee gratefully accepted. Significant time was spent by MSI staff to seek and contract with two branding consulting companies. Meanwhile, our branding committee spent countless hours planning website improvements and prepping for the consultants. Detailed site visit plans were developed via email and conference calls and on Sept. 20th & 21st, 2011, Jim Thompson and the consultants met with the MSM Board, MSM committees and focus groups from the community. While in Manning, they took a multitude of photographs and socialized with community members at restaurants and the local bowling alley. At the end of the 2nd day, Jim and the consultants presented the proposed “Manning It’s Refreshing” brand and accompanying brand logo. There was general committee acceptance of the Refreshing tagline but the brand logo received mixed reviews. The committeepartnered with a Visioning Iowa committee to design an alternate logo.
The committee next developed deployment and marketing plans and understood that their most important and difficult “sale” would be to the local community. In general, the purpose and value of “branding” is not understood. To address those issues, a community-wide launch event to reveal the Brand and website was planned for August 2nd, 2012 at the VFW Hall. Event advertising was placed on a local TV channel, Main Street Newsletter, a local housing complex newsletter, local newspaper, Chamber and MSM email distribution lists, Manning website, Chamber, MSM and City Facebook pages, Rotary meetings, Betterment Foundation meetings, hand-delivered notices to businesses, an electronic sign and large, printed SPLASH sign on Highway 141.
The event was a smashing (refreshing) success as over 100 people turned out (pop. 1500). Attendees included County Supervisors,area dignitaries, city officials and press from three newspapers. Guests were treated to a light meal, including refreshing watermelon for dessert and Manning It’s Refreshing t-shirts, designed especially for the Launch, were given as door prizes. Free brand coozies and window clings/stickers were distributed and examples of Manning It’s Refreshing banners decorated the hall. Fourteen different speakers spoke on fifteen different brand/refreshing topics. Skeptics left energized about Manning and the It’s Refreshing Brand. The event was filmed for future distribution and use. The committee, attired in their Manning It’s Refreshing shirts, left newly energized knowing that the hundreds of volunteer hours had resulted in a crowning success. Comprehensive work plans and detailed budgets were adhered to.
The successful launch was only the start of a marketing and promotion campaign. A large billboard on Highway 141 and local TV/print advertisements and press releases highlighted our local campaign. Presentations were made to local organizations and our County Supervisors. In October, a Lunch & Learnsession was held for business owners. The brand has been widely accepted, and was even part of our Lutheran church bulletin as the Refreshing theme became part of its biblical message. The City has adopted the Brand for use on its letterhead, utility billings and staff clothing. Local merchants display window clings/stickers on their windows and have integrated the brand into their advertising. MSM, the Chamber and a local radio station designed 60 second radio ads featuring a 15 second Refreshing segment and three 15 second merchant ads – with Refreshing integrated into each. Five of these cooperative ads have aired. The tagline is featured on the new Holiday Season banners that populate the Main Street light poles. These will be replaced with Brand banners,each featuring the Refreshing brand, a local photograph and an appropriate tagline for the sponsoring business – such as “Refreshing – like free popcorn on Fridays”.
The new website design and common brand have received many accolades and webpage visits have increased dramatically. Few, if any, cities have a singular common City/Chamber/Main Street website and brand campaign!