St. Paul Parochial School News
October 9, 2013
CONFERENCES….Monday, October 14th. You should have received your conference time. If you did not, please contact the office immediately. A few reminders concerning conferences: Please be on time for your conference, and respect the allotted time for your meeting. If you feel you need more time, schedule another time at the teacher’s convenience.
*If you are unable to make your conference, PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE. The initial scheduling is done through the office. However, to reschedule your conference for another time, you need to go through your child’s teacher. If you have already rescheduled through the teacher, please let the office know so your name can be taken off the master schedule as well.
RAFFLE TICKETS…Keep bringing in any SOLD ticket stubs and money. The Raffle Drawing is
next Tuesday, October 15th, 10 AM at the school. All sold tickets and money, and unsold tickets must be returned to the office by 8 AM on Tuesday.
PARENT’S CLUB…Meeting will be next Thursday, October 17th at 8:10 in the school library. All are invited!
BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION... We’ve reached our goal! We currently have 3,133 towards our goal of 3,000 Box Tops by October 27th. However, keep bringing them in. The whole school will receive an extra Free Dress Day on Thursday, October 17th. Classroom Contests continue through October 25th. The class that collects the most box tops will be awarded an additional Free Dress Day!! As of today the class counts are:
PS – 156, K/1 – 146, 2nd – 131, 3rd/4th - 263, 5th/6th – 369, 7th/8th –197. The winning class will get their extra Free Dress Day sometime the following week.
SURVEY…It’s time once again for our annual Catholic Identity Survey. Please click on the link below to provide feedback on the Catholic Identity items provided in multiple choice survey form from the Western Catholic Education Association (WCEA). The survey should take no more than about three minutes to complete, and we appreciate the feedback. We will be using the data collected to write our annual Catholic Identity report which we provide to the Archdiocese by early November. Please complete the survey by next Friday, October 18th.
YOUTH GROUP REMINDER… For those students in Grades 6 to 8, please refer to the email sent out earlier this week for details. We have a couple students who have already responded that they would like to go, so we will be coordinating a carpool soon. Please RSVP by Monday (email or call the office) if you are going to have your student attend.
CHILD PROTECTION VIDEO…If you have a current background check and work with minors 4 or more times a year, you must do the yearly online course. The required course this year is: “Preventing Sexual Activity between Young Children”. The instructions to get on the website to take the course are:
Go to, on the left at the top, click on “New” training, once that screen comes up click on “Begin Training” – log in: ID is first initial, last name (ex: jsmith); PW is month & day of birth (ex: 0101or) followed by “or”. When the screen comes up, on the left scroll until you find the training you need to do and click on it. Once you have finished, it will register into Praesidium that you have completed the course. This training needs to be done by December 1st. Thank You to all the volunteers who take the time to complete these courses. They are REQUIRED by the Archdiocese for you to volunteer in the school.
AMAZON SHOPPING…As of today, the school has earned $1,082.31 through this fundraiser. With the holidays coming, remember to go through the school’s website to do your online Amazon shopping!
PICTURE RETAKE DAY…Thursday, October 24th. If you need to have your child’s school pictures retaken, please send with them the original picture packet. If they do not have the packet, they cannot get their pictures retaken. If they were absent, this is the day to have their pictures taken to be included in the Fall photos. Call the office if you have any questions.
ART SMARTS ASSIGNMENT - Next Wednesday the children will be learning about Carl Faberge and his fantastic jeweled eggs. Prior to that day, I would like your child to be thinking of a theme for their egg. It could be anything from fall to my favorite toy, to a favorite vacation etc. Carl Faberge's eggs all had a theme to them, and a surprise hidden inside the egg that reflected that theme. I would like the students to bring in their own "hidden surprise" to bling up and place inside their egg. They are 2.5" eggs, so if the item was about 1"x1" that would work. Egg samples might be a dinosaur, car, small picture of them or their dog to hang inside, pinecone, lego person etc. Anything goes, as long as it fits in the egg and can be glitterized (if they choose).
Thanks for your help, feel free to contact Allison with any questions!
SHOPAROO APP FUNDRAISER…a Smartphone app you can download and earn money for the school by taking pictures of your receipts. Shoparoo instantly turns every picture of a grocery receipt into a cash donation to the school of your choice. In addition, active users earn rewards such as exclusive coupons, freebies & recipes. It’s the easiest, most rewarding fundraiser ever! Buy the products you want, wherever and however you want. Then, just snap a picture of your receipt to make an instant donation to the school of your choice.
~ Snap receipt pics right from your phone ~ Every receipt results in a cash donation! ~ Shop at any grocery store & buy any products ~ Buy featured brands and they’ll double your donations ~ Active users earn bonuses, exclusive coupons & other rewards! It doesn't matter where you shop. Every receipt earns rewards for your school! Your school's accumulated rewards balance is visible and up-to-date every time you open the app. Requires Android OS 2.2 or higher with a fully functional, rear-facing, 2MP+ camera with auto-focus.
CAMPBELLS EDUCATION LABELS BONUS SHEETS….MUST be mailed Tuesday, October 15th. So far we have almost 4,000 points to send in. If you have any POP SECRET, EMERALD NUTS, or PEPPERIDGE FARM UPC's please send in by Tuesday morning to be included in the bonus sheets.
YOU ARE INVITED…to a Stella & Dot Fundraiser benefiting SPPS…Shop the Stella & Dot boutique through this exclusive fundraiser to support our school. 100% of the sales commission will be donated to the school. Stella & Dot is a boutique-style jewelry & accessories line designed by celebrated NY designers. Half of the line is under $50. Shop now using the link on our school website.
ST. PAUL PARISH PANCAKE BREAKFAST…Sunday, October 13th, 8:30-11:30AM at the St. Paul Community Hall. Country Store, Raffle and More! Adults, $6 – children 6-12, $4 – under 6, free – Families, $23. Come and enjoy a delicious breakfast!
FIRST AID CLASS…An American Heart Association Heartsaver 1st Aid Class for St. Paul Fire District Patrons will be offered at the St. Paul Fire Station Friday, November 1st, beginning at 9 AM. The course will cover 1st aid and CPR for adults, children & infants. Pre-registration is required by calling 503-633-8341. There is a suggested donation of $20 to help cover cost of teaching materials. Note: This is the class that is normally offered in January. There will not be a class offered in January.
St. Paul Elementary Holiday Bazaar…November 23, 2013 – 9 AM-2 PM. If you are interested in being a vendor for this event, please contact the school office at 503-633-2691 and ask for Star. The fee for this event will be $25 for a table. RSVP to reserve your spot, as they will fill up quickly.
Softball parents and players…ages 7 to 14, interested in the 2014 softball season please see attached letter.
K/1 – Christian Dela Cerda
Gr. 2 – Gracie Koch
3rd/4th – Brody Schindler
7th/8th – Rawley Koch
- NO School – Friday, October 11th – Teacher In-service
- Parent/Teacher Conferences – Monday, October 14th – NO SCHOOL
- Thursday, October 24th – Picture Retake Day
- Friday, November 1st – Noon Dismissal – Professional Dev. for teachers
- Monday, November 11th – NO School – Veteran’s Day
- Scholastic Book Fair – November 12th – 15th
- Book Fair/Family Fun Fest – Sunday November 17th (time TBD)
- Wednesday, November 27th – 11 AM Dismissal
- Thursday & Friday, November 28th & 29th – NO School – Thanksgiving Holiday
- Scrip Order Form
- Softball letter
October 13th – 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Luke 17-11-19
Today’s Gospel reading tells the story of Jesus healing ten lepers. Lepers were people who had a disease that affects the skin on the hands, feet, and often the nose and face. Eventually it causes skin to fall off and is terribly disfiguring. In Jesus’ time, people were afraid of lepers and they were not allowed to live in towns or villages – they gathered in groups and wandered the countryside begging for food. Jesus meets one of these groups, takes pity on them, and heals them all. But only one comes back to Jesus to thank Him!
Has God ever given you something really wonderful and you have forgotten to thank Him? Share what that was. What are some common, everyday things that God gives you? Do you ever thank Him for them? What are some ways that you can show your gratitude to God for the blessings in your life?