NOVATECH proceedings order form
An USB key is brought out for the venue of Novatech 2010, 7th international conference on sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water management in Lyon - France, from June 27 to July 1st, 2010.It is the electronic version all the papers presented during the seven Novatech conferences, organized from 1992 to 2010. Novatech proceedings include all oral and poster paper's presentations of the conference, researches results or case studies. Each paper is developed on 10 pages, in French or in English, and preceded by a summary in the two languages.
Main theme: sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water management.
In 2010, 227 communications, written by 675 authors and co-authors, representative of 28 countries has been presented. In the totality, nearly 1000 papers from more than 40 countries are here available. It’s making available a state-of-the-art and a good vision of the evolution of practices and knowledge about management of wet-weather flows in urban and suburban areas.
For each conference, the papers are available by authors, by the contents and by main themes. The 4 first editions are available with a single access.
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NOVATECH PROCEEDINGS (shipping included) / Tarif / Nombre / Total
Pack USB Key + Abstracts
Proceedings of the 7 Novatech conferences 1992 - 2010 on USB key + Hard copy of the one-page abstracts compendium Novatech 2010 / 75 € / €
Payment and invoice (the delivery will be made once the payment is received)
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Credit card type : VISA MASTERCARD CB
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(the 3-digit number printed on the back of the card above the signature strip)
Wire SWIFT transfer (a perfect copy has to be faxed) / Invoice in copies
Mention the name of the service or/and the contact person is different from above:
** Non profit making organization – not liable to VAT
Declaration to the prefecture: January 14th, 1985
Journal Officiel publication: February 13th, 1985
GRAIE – Novatech secretariat
66 bd Niels Bohr – BP 52132 - 69603 Villeurbanne cedex - France
tel: 33 (0)4 72 43 83 68 – Fax 33 (0)4 72 43 92 77 - Web :