Advanced GCE Physical Education (6PE04 1B)

Coursework Record & Authentication Form (CRAF)

Unit 4 – The Developing Sports Performer

Examination year:
Centre name: / Centre number:
Candidate name: / Candidate number:

Please note this sheet will be retained by Pearson after moderation has taken place and will not be returned. Therefore the centre is advised to keep copies of submitted marks.

Edexcel use only
Task 4.2 – International Study (1000 words maximum) / Centre mark / Moderator mark / Team Leader mark
Please give total word count for task: / /15 / /15 / /15
Moderator use only
Task 4.4 Life Plan / Centre mark / Moderator mark / Team Leader mark
Role: / Activity: / /10 / /10 / /10
Moderator use only
Total for unit 4 / /25 / /25 / /25
Authentication Statement
Candidate: I declare that I have produced the work involved without external assistance apart from any which is acceptable under the scheme of assessment. I also declare that I have recorded all literature and resources that have been used.
Name______Signature______Date ______
Teacher : I declare that the candidate’s activities have been regularly monitored and that to the best of my knowledge, no assistance has been given apart from any that is acceptable within the scheme of assessment, and that this has been identified and recorded. I also declare that to the best of my knowledge this is the candidate’s own work.
Name______Signature______Date ______

Assessment Guidance

Please refer to the specification and internal assessment guide regarding the application of the marking criteria for tasks 4.2 and 4.4.

Task 4.2: International Study

The word count for this task is 1000 words.

Once 1000 words has been exceeded the teacher assessor should stop marking at the end of next sentence.

Case studies can be included (in a text box/table) but the candidate’s own writing/words will count towards the word count.

Please refer to the International Study checklist to ensure the appropriate content has been covered by each candidate. Please note provision of each item in the list does not equate to full marks. The final mark is determined by reference to the assessment criteria and the quality of the evidence. The checklist can be found on the GCE PE subject page: under the heading ‘assessment materials’.

Title, sub-titles, appendices, bibliographies, work used to illustrate points or as examples (graphs, tables, case studies etc) sourced from, for example, a website or book (andnot produced by the candidate)are notincluded within the word count. However,it is good practice that this additional material is contextualised and referred to by the candidate. However, if it is clear these exceptions are being exploited to circumvent the word count, the teacher and/or moderator will include these as part of the word count and stop assessing at the relevant point once 1000 words has been reached.

Footnotes, are considered to be the same as appendices i.e. they are provided to demonstrate depth of research and knowledge. They should not form part of the answer/task directly and/or be used to circumvent the word limit. It is anticipated that they will be used sparingly. If it is clear footnotes are being exploited to circumvent the word count, the teacher and/or moderator will include these as part of the word count and stop assessing at the relevant point once 1000 words has been reached.

Anything written in the candidate's own words, e.g. in or out of a text box, in brackets etc,areincluded within the word count. The teacher and/or moderator will stop assessing at the relevant point once 1000 words has been reached.

Task 4.4: Life Plan

Please refer to the Life Plan checklist to ensure the appropriate content has been covered by each candidate. Please note provision of each item in the list does not equate to full marks. The final mark is determined by reference to the assessment criteria and the quality of the evidence. The checklist can be found on the GCE PE subject page: under the heading ‘assessment materials’.

Whilst there is no word limit for this task, candidates should use the mark allocation for this task as a guide to the length of their submission.

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