Under UK law, all people under the age of 18 are regarded as children. As a condition of enrolment, consent must be given from a parent or guardian for the student to study and take part in activities and excursions with Cotswold International Language School.
This form should accompany the enrolment form at the time of registration.
Student Details:Name
Date of Birth
Age on arrival date of course:
Home Address
First language
Parent / legal guardian Details: / Emergency Contact
Relationship to student
(if different from student)
Home telephone number
Work telephone number
Mobile telephone number
Email address
Do you speak English?
Please read the following information and answer all questions below;
Arrival and Departurein the UK
If the student is travelling with a group of 6 or more students:
Cotswold International Language School will have a representative at the airport to meet students when they first arrive in the UK. The students will be met in the arrivals lounge and will be taken to the coach or taxi for their transfer to Cirencester.
The school will organise a coach or taxi for their return journey. Cotswold International Language School does not have a representative at the airport for departures. However, there is an assumption that a group of 6 or more students will be travelling with a ‘group leader’ (an adult, usually of the same nationality of the student, aged 18+ who is responsible for the group). If you do not believe the student will be travelling with a ‘group leader’, please answer the following:
Please tick
We give consent for the student to travel by organised coach or taxi without a ‘group leader’ and understand they will be responsible for themselves once at the airport.We do not give consent for the student to travel without a ‘group leader’. I require Cotswold International Language School to provide a chaperone but understand this will be at an additional cost.
If the student is travelling independently of a group:
Please indicate how the student will be travelling to and from Cirencester for their arrival / departure days:
We require Cotswold International Language School to arrange a private taxi or coach for the student. We understand this will incur an additional cost.We will be accompanying the student to the school.
Other (please give information below):
Walking to School:
Cirencester is a small town and where possible, we encourage students to walk to and from their home stay unaccompanied if within walking distance. The hosts accompany students on their first day and once it is dark (or past 7pm in winter). Students aged 11 or under will always be accompanied.
We understand the student may walk alone or with friends to and from school during day light hours (or until 7pm in winter):We understand the student is required to walk directly to and from school.
Activities and Excursions:
I give consent for the student to participate in activities and excursions organised by Cotswold International Language School. These may include sporting activities, coach travel, boat trips (including punting) and food based activities.I understand that some activities will take part away from the school campus.
I give consent for photos taken during the lessons, activities and excursions to be used in future promotional material.
I understand that video cameras may be used for tuition or activity purposes and I give consent for the student to participate in these activities.
We understand that students enrolled on a junior programme must participate fully in the programme. They will not be permitted to have free time when there are activities or excursions running, unless it is part of the organised programme.
Unsupervised activities:
Although our activity and excursion programme is fully supervised, there are occasions when the students will be offered free time (especially on excursions).
Do you give permission for the student to spend time unaccompanied? Yes / No
We understand that junior students will not be allowed to go into town or meet up with friends when they should be spending time with their home stay providers, unless it is organised in advance by seeking permission from the school and host.I give consent for the student to have free time in the evening (away from the host family) if permission has been given by the school and host. A curfew time of 9.30pm will be given. / Yes / No
Medical Information
Does the student have any medical condition or allergies? If yes, please complete the junior enrolment form or inform any agent processing the enrolment on your behalf. / Yes / NoIs the student taking any medication? If yes, please complete the junior enrolment form or inform any agent processing the enrolment on your behalf. / Yes / No
I understand that Cotswold International Language School will contact me in case of accident or emergency as appropriate.In the event of the student requiring urgent medical attention, do you give permission for emergency first aid to be given by Cotswold International Language School and / or doctor or hospital treatment? Yes / No
School Rules:
The following rules must be obeyed at all times. A serious breach of the rules may result in the student being sent home early at their own expense and without any refund of fees.
1)The student must obey British law.
2)Smoking is forbidden at all times, including on activities or excursions and with the home stay provider.
3)Students must be polite and friendly to all students, staff and home stay providers at all times.
4)Students must fully participate in the programme.
Junior students will receive a welcome pack during their first class at school. A full list of school rules are included and discussed.
I have read the conditions in this document and accept them.
Print Name / Signature / DateParent / Guardian