Directions for November Year Long Data Sheet
Everyone using STAR must complete this form and email it to Marisa Salazar y November 14th
- Please put the school name as well as yours at the top of the report
- Fill in the students first and last names. This will make it easier for you to use throughout the year. We will delete the names once you send us the report.
- DO NOT PUT 1st GRADERS ON THE NOVEMBER REPORT. First graders willbe added in January.
- Fill in the grade of the student and the date they began tutoring
- Grades 1st -3rdBEGINNING DIBELS COMPOSITE SCORE:This is the DIBELS Composite score from the test that was given to students at the beginning of the school year.Grades 4th-6th Beginning ORF Score: This is an oral reading fluency score.
- BEGINNING WCPM: Leave this column blank. We will fill it out together at the midyear visit.
- OCTOBER 31stWCPM: This score should be taken off the fluency chart that the tutors are using in the student folders. The timing that was given as close as possible to October 31st. Use your common sense on this one. If the child changed levels and their wcpm score on 10/31 took a nose dive, put the score before that on the report.
- BEGINNING LETTER LEVEL: Leave this column blank. We will fill it out together at the midyear visit
- OCTOBER 31st LETTER LEVEL: This is the level of book that the child is reading on October 31st
- These are the only columns that should be filled out on the report due in November
- **** Make sure that you complete both the grades 1-3 and grades 4-6 pages if you have students in all grades.
LIA Students: If you have Latinos in Action studentswho are using the STAR, program please put them on a different report so they have their own report. Also, please put LIA next to the school name on the title of the report.
PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO FILL OUT THE VOLUNTEER HOURS & SUCCESS STORY PAGES. Click on the tabs at the bottom of the report.
- Volunteers are listed under the columns according to where they were recruited. These categories should be self-explanatory. If none of the columns fit a certain volunteer, please put them under the community category.
- Business volunteers should be listed by the business from where they are volunteering. Please put the name of the business and the number of employees or family members that were recruited by that company. Included in this category are also universities, organizations or government departments
- RETURNING VOLUNTEERS: Please put the number of volunteers who are returning from last year in each category.
- NUMBER OF VOLUNTEERS WHO QUIT please put the number of volunteer who quit tutoring during this reporting time period. *In order to consider a volunteer as having quit, they must have volunteered tutoring a student for at least 3-4 weeks. If they didn’t work with students and just came to training, or if they came a few times and then stopped, they shouldn’t be counted on this report in any column.
- Enter the total number of hours tutored during the reporting period.
- These are the only columns that should be filled out on the report due in November.
Please include at least one success story. (We welcome more if you have them). This can be about a student, tutor, teacher or administrator that has had a great experience with the program. Write them up as positive and exciting experiences that occur through contact with our program… Thanks.