/ Student Government Senate Minutes (draft)
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Coville Conference Room


  1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the general public and to all members of the CSU Channel Islands Student Government that:

A meeting of the Student Government Senatewill be held on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. at California State University Channel Islands, Student Union Conference Room (room 1080), located at One University Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012, to consider and act upon the following matters:

Call to Order

  1. Call to Order – 9:00 a.m.
  2. Roll Call
  3. President – Michelle Noyes (A)
  4. Vice President – Marlene Pelayo (P)
  5. Senate
  6. Academic Affairs – Travis Hunt(P)
  7. Alumni, Graduate & Credential –Kiera Sailor(L) 10:14 a.m.
  8. Commuters & Transportation –
  9. Housing & Residential Education – Reymundo Massie(P)
  10. Social Justice – Mia Fernandez (P)
  11. Student Engagement – Noelle Ewing(P)
  12. Sustainability & Technology – Raul Perez(P)
  13. Veterans & Non Traditional – Nathan Altman(P)
  14. Wellness & Recreation – Debora Ehrich(P)
  15. Executive
  16. Director of External Affairs – Carla Mena(P)
  17. Director of Operations – Karina Hinojosa (P)
  18. Director of Events – Alexis Mumford (P)
  19. Chief of Staff – Angela Christopher (P)
  20. Judicial
  21. Chief Justice – Brandon Burns(P)
  22. Associate Justice – Jack Holden (A)
  23. Associate Justice – Jorge Robles (A)
  24. Advisor –
  25. Bethany Bañuelos(L) 9:05 a.m.
  26. Members of the public
  27. Ray Porras
  28. Eli Salgado
  29. Andrew Lorenzana
  30. Chelsea Lincoln
  31. Helen Alatorre
  32. Isaiah Ball
  1. Approval of the Agenda
  2. Motion to approve the agenda: Senator Altman
  3. Seconded this motion: Senator Fernandez
  4. 5 in favor – 2 opposed – 0 abstentions
  5. Approval of the Minutes
  6. Motion to approve the minutes: Senator Altman
  7. Seconded this motion: Senator Massie
  8. 5 in favor – 2 opposed – 0 abstentions

Public Forum

Public forum is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the Senate on issues affecting any student(s) and/or organizations of California State University Channel Islands.


Reports presented by the following shall be attached with all weekly packets. Weekly packets will consist of agenda, any supporting documents, minutes, and reports.

  1. Senator Reports
  2. Vice President’s Report
  3. President’s Report
  4. Executive Branch Report
  5. Judicial Report
  6. Advisor Report

Special Presentations

  1. Special Presentations –


  1. Unfinished Business – none
  2. Informational Item –
  3. Discussion Item –
  4. Action Item –
  5. New Business
  6. Action Item –
  7. Informational Item –
  8. Events Update–Director Mumford (20 minutes)
  9. Maximus award recipients (administrator) - Valeri Cirino-Paez, Associate Director of Disability Resource Programs
  10. Maximus award recipients (faculty) - Dr. Donald Rodriguez, Professor of Environmental Science & Resource Management
  11. Maximus award recipients (staff) - Annie Block-Weiss, Associated Students Inc. Administrative Support Coordinator,ASI
  12. Maximus award recipients (student) - Lynn Utley
  13. CSSA East Bay Update – President Noyes and Carla Mena (20 minutes)
  14. Discussed the real food challenge in university affairs but it was voted down because it was believed that it was not realistic, this will be discussed once again in two weeks
  15. CSSA is looking to get rid of the advocacy committee
  16. CSSA is looking to get of the social justice committee
  17. Advocacy day is May 2 in Sacramento, President Noyes will be attending this
  18. CSSA supports AB370, AB422, AB1622, AB990, AB379, AB21, senate bill 326 and AB19
  19. Discussed the alumni advocacy event
  20. Ethnic studies resolution was passed
  21. Senator Ewing asked Director Mena to elaborate on the real food challenge
  22. Director Mena stated that Cal Poly SLO brought this idea up, it is supposed to encourage students to eat healthier and to have healthier options
  23. Senator Ewing asked why the social justice committee did not meet quorum
  24. Director Mena answered that in the beginning of the committee, many people were interested on sitting on the social justice committee but as the semester continues people are no longer showing up, therefore quorum is not being met and nothing can be passed
  25. Campus Communication – Senator Ewing (20 minutes)
  26. Senator Ewing talked about communication issues on campus, including students not being aware of events
  27. Senator Ewing shared the communication program that Pomona College uses called “Chirps”
  28. Each day every event from that day is displayed on the website
  29. These events are categorized and listed with other events that are similar
  30. Chief Christopher asked if this was a text message service
  31. It was answered that it is sent out as an email and students can choose to view several days at one time
  32. Director Mumford would like to work with Senator Ewing when it comes to better communication on campus
  33. Director Mumford stated that all clubs are in communication with the SEAL center, Senator Ewing stated that sports clubs go through the REC center; Director Mumford asked if the SEAL center and REC center to ensure that all sports clubs and other clubs are receiving the same kind of information
  34. Senator Massie asked if this “chirps” program would replace Wavelength on campus
  35. Senator Ewing answered that yes it would replace it and that “chirps” is meant to be a quick place to find events, compared to Wavelength which is not a quick way to find it
  36. Helen Alatorre clarified that different departments on campus would be in charge of creating their own content, the difference would be the platform and how this information is supplied
  37. Vice President Pelayo stated that she likes this idea and that some clubs on campus are better at communicating their events than others, having one email per day rather than multiple emails from different clubs would be more effective
  38. Director Mumford states that when students receive multiple emails at a time, the students are less likely to look at any of the emails; she is unsure if changing the platform will be enough to encourage students to attend more events
  39. Senator Ewing believes that creating one centralized place where all events are marketed will encourage students to attend events; typically when she asks students why they did not attend a specific event they answer that they were unaware that this event existed
  40. Eli Salgado thanks Senator Ewing for coming up with this idea
  41. Chief Burns believes that student government should create a resolution and possibly a sub-committee where student government members could try and tackle this communication issue on campus
  42. Vice President Pelayo understands that marketing is an issue on campus; however, sports clubs on campus and smaller organizations do not have the same opportunities on campus that larger clubs do receive, having this platform would allow all clubs to receive support
  43. Director Mumford stated that this year the SEAL center made every club have its own event office, she thinks all clubs need to be trained when it comes to marketing
  44. Senator Ewing stated that because sports clubs go through a different process, she would like continuity for clubs and sports clubs
  45. Discussion Item –
  46. Q and A with New Executive Director – Helen Alatorre (60 minutes)
  47. Student government members introduce themselves to Helen Alatorre
  48. Helen Alatorre introduced herself
  49. Director Mumford asked what her job description is
  50. Helen Alatorre answered that she is a steward for ASI, she guides and advices ASI, as well as being involved with the ASI board
  51. Senator Ewing asked what needs to be changed
  52. It was answered that she does not want to change anything quite yet, she wants to see how and why things are run certain ways before she begins changing things
  53. Chief Christopher asked Helen if she had a specific experience with CI that made her want to come and work at CI
  54. Helen answered that she has a friend that works within the division of academic affairs who worked at Loyola Marymount; however, the position itself is what interested her in CI
  55. Vice President Pelayo asked Helen how she feels about living in Ventura county
  56. When she came to campus to interview, it was raining and seeing people in the fields during the rain reminded her how grateful she is for her life; she likes living in Ventura county
  57. Senator Massie states that as a member of MEChA, does she feel like she is carrying out the plan of Santa Barbara
  58. She feels that throughout her life, she is carrying out the plan de Santa Barbara
  59. Director Mumford asks if she has tried Topper’s pizza
  60. Helen answers that there are many places she wants to visit many different places that locals have told her about
  61. Chelsea Lincoln asks if she has office hours yet, she does not but she is willing to meet with students anytime during the day and to please email her to schedule a time
  62. Helen Alatorre asks what does it mean to be a CI leader
  63. Director Mumford: passion, driven, focused, honor, to mentor other students, to go above and beyond expectations,
  64. Chief Burns: empowering others, being a servant
  65. Vice President Pelayo: better to have too much passion than no passion at all, collaborate, judge the action not the person
  66. Senator Fernandez: active listening, open-minded
  67. Senator Sailor: knowing your personality/strengths and weaknesses, leadership style
  68. Senator Ewing: integrity, telling the truth, keeping your word, ethics
  69. Chief Burns: soliciting opinions from people
  70. Senator Ehrich: role model, being non-judgmental
  71. Marshall Goldman: allow yourself to grow, lifelong learner
  72. Eli Salgado: being humbled, know when to lead and when to follow
  73. Chelsea Lincoln: being authentic/transparent


  1. Closing Comments
  2. Senator Ewing thanks Eli Salgado for encouraging her to become a part of student government
  3. Senator Sailor is excited for everyone’s contributions to the food pantry
  4. Please sign the card in Marlene’s office for a large donation that was given to the food pantry
  5. Last period pantry meeting Thursday, Broome 1710 7pm-8pm
  6. End of the year student government party is on May 4th
  7. President Noyes will meet with President Beck Monday at noon, if you have anything you would like her to bring up please email or text her
  8. Adjournment– 10:32 a.m.
  9. Motion to adjourn: Senator Ehrich
  10. Seconded this motion: Senator Massie
  11. 7 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions