FOI1003 – FOI request concerningthe exploration of violence and abuse in mental health assessments and staff training in this area

I can confirm that Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust holdsthe information you requested:

1) How do you record that 'exploration of violence and abuse is routinely undertaken'?

During the assessment period a core assessment in OpenRiO is completed, including information about significant life events (current or past)/precipitating factors etc. This information is used to formulate the care plan, and complete the risk summary or mental state examination.

All types of abuse are recorded within the electronic patient record, as are risk to child, safeguarding, Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) (forensic), risk to self, and other risk behaviours. This information is discussed in the Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) meetings, handovers, and supervision continually, and is updated as required. There are care plans to guide staff when there are specific issues.

2) Where do you record the information, i.e. paper, electronic records?

This information is recorded via electronic records (Open RiO) and on the Trust’s incident reporting database (Ulysses Safeguard).

3) Do you audit this activity? If 'yes' please provide a copy of your latest report

Please refer to the attached document

4) How many staff have received 'appropriate training’?

Please refer to tables below

5) How many staff remain to be trained?

Please refer to tables below

Older Persons Mental Health

As of 31/08/2015

Conflict Resolution Training (CRT)
Division / No. in Target
Group / Total No. Trained / Left to
Train / %
OPMH / 270 / 257 / 13 / 95%
Proactively Reducing Incidents for Safer Services (PRISS)
Division / No. in Target
Group / Total No. Trained / Left to
Train / %
OPMH / 164 / 148 / 16 / 90%
PRISS Refresher
Division / No. in Target
Group / Total No. Trained / Left to
Train / %
OPMH / 148 / 95 / 53 / 64%

Mental Health Division (including Specialised Services)

As of 31/08/2015

Conflict Resolution Training (CRT)
Division / No. in Target
Group / Total No. Trained / Left to
Train / %
Mental Health / 999 / 894 / 105 / 89%
Proactively Reducing Incidents for Safer Services (PRISS)
Division / No. in Target
Group / Total No. Trained / Left to
Train / %
Mental Health / 554 / 519 / 35 / 94%
Division / No. in Target
Group / Total No. Trained / Left to
Train / %
Mental Health / 519 / 404 / 115 / 78%


Adult Mental Health Services and Learning Disabilities Services

All qualified nurses, mental health practitioners and health care support workers who work in acute inpatient settings and PICUs are required to complete a 4 day course (Proactively Reducing Incidents for Safer Services (PRISS)). This course combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills to empower staff to maintain a safe and therapeutic environment. All staff in the target group are subsequently required to complete a 2 day PRISS Refresher every eighteen months. Both the PRISS and PRISS Refresher courses cover the learning outcomes set out in the NHS Protect syllabus for Conflict Resolution Training; 'Promoting Safer and Therapeutic Services'.

Older Persons Mental Health Services

All qualified nurses, mental health practitioners and health care support workers who work in inpatient settings are required to complete a 3 day course (Proactively Reducing Incidents for Safer Services OPMH (PRISS OPMH)). This course combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills to empower staff to maintain a safe and therapeutic environment. All staff in the target group are subsequently required to complete a 1 day PRISS OPMH Refresher course every year. Both the PRISS OPMH and PRISS OPMH Refresher courses cover the learning outcomes set out in the NHS Protect syllabus for Conflict Resolution Training; 'Promoting Safer and Therapeutic Services'.

All other staff who are not required to attend PRISS or PRISS OPMH are required to complete Conflict Resolution Training (CRT) every 3 years. This course complies and is consistent with the appropriate learning outcomes of the national 'Promoting Safer and Therapeutic Services' syllabus.

6) Does your Trust regard training in this area as mandatory?

Conflict Resolution Training (CRT) is a mandatory requirement for all staff.

PRISS training is a mandatory training requirement for identified staff working within specific services. A Training Needs Analysisfor each management of violence and aggression course is provided as an appendix in the Trust’s Security and Management of Violence and Aggression Policy (SH NCP 21).

Freedom of Information, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

6 Sterne Road, Tatchbury Mount, Calmore, Hampshire, SO40 2RZ

Email: , Tel. (02380) 874662