Row, row, row your boat ye

Gently down the stream.

Merrily, merrily, merrily

Life is but a dream.

Row, row, row your boat ye

Careful as can be.

Watch out for that briny wave,

You're on the open sea.

Row, row, row your boat ye

Steering the streaming path

Jump out before the waterfall

pale with the black hole bath

Paraphrase to the song of a Patrol Scout


His Imperial and Royal Highness SKKH John Paula Prince of Mountbaben of Stoufenhigh

von Babenberg von Hohenstaufen

Gens Paula sive Paul, Prince of Germany, Prince of Austria

Berlin, the 11th of August, 2004

(first emission to the media: 1999, second emission: July 2004)

Address: Maerzstrasse l4/7-9, A-ll40 Vienna/Austria/Europe

Tel.number: Area code + 983-6-893

E-Mail address:

Honored Sir and Lady Chief Redakteur,

Five years ago I had distributed the third edition of my book "Space is substance" (l999, Space Dissertations) as the "First book of space physics" in German and in

Englisch-German to most of the media in the German speaking areas and to libraries all over the world.

Some months ago I was putting the comprehensive index of contents together with the short summaries as titles) into the internet (subcategory "Publikationen" of

Two weeks ago I employed a company in linking the business-content internationally in English.

Already in the first book I had declared the existence of a socalled "quetsh" (spoken: kwetsh, in English: squeeze) of the "quatsh" (spoken: kwatsh, means: blah or

balderdash or: squeezed substance) as a functional prozedure, "squeezing" matter of the universe into Black Holes and the fact, "parallel universes", being integral part of the space of our universe, without being part of another fictious "dimension".

More than a week before the recognition of the text on TV, I had rebegun to make the context and the conclusions of the first book more precise for the second book of Space Physics (Space-Physics as an own term, meaning matter physics of the space as a substance).

Together with the basic draft of the second book from research and conclusions from the passed five years the real reunification of the sciences of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Nuclear physics is resulting from the existence of the space particle (spation).

The electromagnetic character of the spation proves evidence (as prognosed in the first book) of the fact that there is no unification of phyical forces into a world formula without Space Physics.

Additionally I succeeded in the unification of physical phenomena (Space: Spation; time: Spation-flow and expansion of the spations as subuniverses; energy: interior

product of the spations resulting in symmetrical spaces of forces and charges; and matter: crystalization product of spations, originating from virtual hyperstructures of

energy (quantums) in symmetrical spaces). The name of my theory is TOEM (theory of everything and more), "Babenberg universe" or "Polymorphotic Polyverse".

At the moment the publications "Marswater" (book on real scenarios of a voyage to Mars and colonization with biological and technical details of the terraforming primary project) as well as studies of climatology (continuation of the "Berlin-studies" on behalf of "The perishing of the planet Earth" with a range of new evidences, e.g. the mathematically calculated and published vanishing of the north polar sea ice in high summer of 2006/07 with the consequence of a major high temperature rise and the begin of the final breakdown of the biosphere as well as my global "project Phoenix" for Saviouring) are in preparation, partly already concluded.

In the attachment I am sending you the pages of the second book "Space physics", having been made since beginning of the past week. It is a collection of the evidences to prove "Space physics" to be right, the explanation of the sort of Black Hole, being our universe within the hypergraded universe and the sort of particle it ist in the hyper-hypergraded universe as well as the multiple overlaps of universes inmidst our universe being a hypercondensate and many more explanations, until now totally fitting into physics and totally rejecting theories alike "String theory", "Dark matter theory", "Higgs Boson theory" and others.

Sincerely, Yours

Pres.mult.Doc.CM. SKKH John Paula Thorsson Ostar Prince of Mountbaben of Stoufenhigh

Prince of Germany, Prince of Austria


Since the publication of the first book of Space physics "Space is substance" (Vienna-Berlin l999) in German ("Raum ist Substance") and English the development of astrophysics and astronomy has found a range of phenomena and explanations to be true (many more are in the text below), some of them by the favouring of Prince John of Mountbaben of Stoufenhigh:

a) in quantum mechanics by attention towards quantum fields the reestablishment

of partricle-like quantums has dissolved the dualism of matter and energy

b) the wave character of matter has been proven in the Bose-condensate

(Ketterle, MIT Cambridge), establishing an analogy to the universe by Space


c) astrophysics accepted the model of the flat universe, as prognosed by Space

physics (together with a second model of a secondary singularity).

d) overlight velocities of electromagnetic phenomena (micro waves) have been

proven for evidence by tunnel effects, appearing in Space physics.

e) the element Caesium has been found to be fraction medium of electromagnetic

radiation up to overlight velocity WITHIN a substance,appearing in Space


f) over light velocity of the expansion of universe has been mathematically

calculated, with the consequence of loosing the border to other phenomena


g) the relativation of light velocity as "relativistic" or "absolute" constant

to radiation and phenomena has been finally fulfilled by the slow down of


h) gravitation has been accepted to be a gradual phenomenon by the "Podkletnov-

effect", having lost its character to be a natural constant

i) the mass of neutrinos has been proven after its postulation in "Space is

substance" (neutrino detector).

k) the spectrum shift (red shift) as base of mesurement of distance in galaxies

and astronomical objects has been questioned

l) Black Holes have been recognized being an "ubiquitary" factor, existing

throughout the universe in high numbers, e.g. lots of small black holes in

the centre of star clusters and big, supermassive black holes in the centre

of galaxies and quasars, being integral prognosed part of Space physics.

Hundreds of black holes have since been found in the Milky Way, the

origination of a black hole every l.000 years and the existence of about l0

million black holes within a galaxy.

m) the mathematical context between the dimensions of black holes and galaxies

has been found by the help of Hubble telescope pictures, proving the

existential connections between both in Space physics

n) the Big Bang has been accepted to be the process of a black hole (2003),

although Space physics rejects the model of a Big Bang (because in Big Bang

free energy is proposed at first step of expansion, whereas in Space physics

space is created by the first spation appearing by the tunnel effect).

o) Space energy has been proposed basically to be existent (even as "Dark

Energy" which it is not). The hypothesis of "dark energy" (dark matter) had

been one of the early theories of Einstein, which he got lost as the

"greatest nonsense of his life". "dark energy" should have brought the

universe into expansion named "lambda effect", counteracting against the

gravity of universe.

p) the proof of the far distance effect at the transmission of quantum

properties by photons in the transport of information through space has

succeeded (Zeilinger, tech.univ.Vienna), proving evidence of the matter (the

spations) in between by the facts.

q) in a real, astrophysical experiment the "space flexion" of the "Einstein

theory of relativity" has been found non-existent (Wilkins, news 11.2.2003).

In curved space the summatio of the angles of a virtual space triangle

(experiment of triangulation) would be greater than 180 degrees, at the

experiment it has been found to be precisely 180 degrees, proving evidence of

space to be flat and not-curved. This has been the true result in the book

"Space is substance" years before.

r) at the passage of particles through matter an energy difference has been

found although it totally passed the matter ("Passage Particles through

Matter", DPG) Obviously the particles passed through spations.

s) in cosmic background emission no antimatter particles have been detected,

being an argument in favour of Space physics.

t) the black hole SgrA (Sagittarius A) of Milky Way being the mass of 2,7

million solar masses has been calculated, having devoured a star recently

(the existence of black holes is a central part of Space physics and of the

tunnel effect, creating black holes).

u) the acceleration of the expansion velocity of the universe has been found.

Black holes are growing when devouring more matter in time.

This is a parallel procedural evidence of the regard of black holes from

within (universe) and from outside (black hole).

v) there have been found no gravity waves at all by gravity waves detectors.

This is evidence in favour for Space physics, because, as space itself being

substance with gravity, gravitatory waves appear everywhere ("ubiquitary") in

space resulting in the impossibility to measure single directed waves,

because it does not bear any energetic difference to the gravity of space

substance, a sort of background noise by the reason of the fact that the

background is everywhere, also being the foreground.

w) the experimental similarity between nuclei of neutron stars and the Bose-

condensate (JILA institute, J. Michael Shull group) in its elongation results

in the statement of black holes with superfluid condensate character of

matter (stars with higher numbers of sun masses become black holes instead of

neutron stars).

x) the atoms of the Bose-condensate have been found in the state of acting like

waves (JILA institute Wieman group, 85Rb isotope-condensate) whereby the

space waves of universe of spations of the superfluid crystal space found

their evidence of being real condensates with further condensations in black

holes down to spations and decondensations in the "meta-cycle of matter"

(with matter meaning spations).

y) the Bose-condensate demonstrates stages of behaviour in which supernova-like

"Bosenova" implosions and explosions occur as they do in the space of

spations of the Babenberg-universe (JILA institute Wieman group, 85Rb


z) rotating Bose-condensates do have the quantum mechanic behaviour of a

superfluid (an evidence of the state of aggregate of spations I mentioned in

the first book) and develop vortices (whirls), demonstrating the

crystallisation range of galaxies being vortex objects (protogalaxies 10^6 -

10^9 years after "Big Bang").

They indicate the universe rotating in higher speed when the accretion of

masses of the hyperspace universe increases as gasplanets would do when they

come into existence by the tightening of the rotating accretion disc (the

quicker the condensate rotated, the more vortices appeared, means: the more

rotation of our universe, the more protogalaxies appeared). Since then

vortices have been found in superfluid helium, in optical systems, in the

center of neutron stars and as magnetic flux in some superconductors (JILA

institute Eric Cornell group).

za)even the shape of crystallisation of space matter bearing regular hexagonal

lattices in the condensate (JILA institute Eric Cornell group).and thereby

crystallisations with the forming of a crystal matter, the symmetrical spaces

or "spacies", described in the first book, as primary rooms for the quantum

birth. They allow to do fundamental research on laws of nature, proving space

substance being the basic lattice of physical phenomena as energy quantums

and matter.

Another form of crystallisation is pointed at be the "Feshbach-resonances" of

optical lattices being the algorthimical analogy of the spation flow caused

"Babenberg-resonances" of the standing space waves of our universe, when the

condensate-resonances appear when lasercooled atoms are being caught in

egg-carton-shaped potential wells, resembling crystalline lattice.

zb)the continuation of processes of crystallisation into short time living giant

molecules with weak binding and flat elliptic onionshape of electron clouds

in the Bose-condensate has been found, whereby the building of the algorithm

of elliptic giant galaxies (emission only but in visible and infrared light

in M 87) with a big attractor (comparable to the Big Attractor in the center

of the galaxy hive Abell 3627 at the connection line of the constellations

Centaur and Pavo) has been constituted.

zc)the processes found in space substance, also existing in an ultracold

environment near the absolute zero temperature are refounded in the analogous

functions of the Bose-condensates and they show the existence of a state of

aggregate of space matter, as enlisted in the first book.

They allow the prognosis of many phenomena in Bose-condensates (voids,

foaming activity, superficial surface activity upon voids, filament

construction, nucleostructures, accretion, vortex with sinus oscillation)

advancing research of superconductivity and semiconductors.

zd)the evidence of the correlation of outer accretion of masses of matter with

the inner growth of black holes shows the following: The mass of a black hole

has a high coefficient of correlation to the mass of the surrounding galactic

spheroid, the central bulge of the galaxy. The mass of this bulge is about

l000 times the mass of the black hole. Without such a bulge galaxies don´t

show up in shape of recognizable black holes (Max-Planck-institute for

astrophysics and Johns Hopkins University, July 2004).

Black holes in their mass dimension are depending on their mediate and

immediate accretion mass, it means that this is an existential factor for the

existence of an expanding black hole. The spation masses of space around a

black hole and its energies as matter fundamentally define the black hole, as

Space physics prognosed before the discovery of this correlation.

ze)the evidence of space matter results from the fact that black holes bearing

relatively low masses up to l00 million sun masses still appear to grow

significantly (Max-Planck-institute for astrophysics and Johns Hopkins

University, July 2004). Still growing or being maintained up to l0 million

sun masses black holes demonstrate that they can grow without or almost

without the incoming masses of matter of the accretion disc (statistics of

the MPI- und JHU-data on more than 22.000 galaxy systems from the Sloan

Digital Sky Survey catalogue).

They only are being able to do so because space matter itself attributes to

their growth and maintainance. In the mathematical model of space matter this

becomes even more obvious, because a black hole in Space physics of

Babenbergs TOEM is defined as a tunnel effect, a procedure of motion, having

to be maintained by incoming volumes.


Space physics is resulting in a multiple bunch of predictions, wishing to be confirmed by research in the future, here are some of them:

a) Blue shift of the rim of the universe by the income of accretion masses from

hyperspace (of the superordinated universe and physical quantity dimension)

b) New attributes and phenomena of the various Bose-condensates (important to

research on superconductors and semiconductors)

c) The continuing lack of finding gravitational waves in space (project LISA and

earthbound gravity wave detectors)

d) The existence of parallel space in our universe on the basis of

electromagnetic dipol-polarization of the space matter (spations).

e) The overlays of universes into our universe, being itself a condensate of 3

(three) universes (not to be confused with parallel space) and the advanced

age of some galaxies (especially dark galaxies) and astronomical objects,

being older than the overlaying universes.

Quasars, dark galaxies (sometimes older than our universe) and young galaxies

(not older than 100 million to 1 (US-) billion years) as well as our Milky

Way galaxy (our galaxy is 12 - 13 (US-) billion years old) are four

"different" structures of age, proving the evidence of the "condensate

universe of Babenberg".

f) The structure of the universes of subspace and hyperspace and the further

development of our universe

g) The binding of gravitation (gravity) to space (matter) and not to quantum or

ordinary matter

h) The real imposement of the presuppositions of the development of subspace

overlight voyages by the constitution of technical figures of the travelling


i) The real imposement of the presuppositions of the development of parallel

space gates by the description of the structure of dipol polarizations of


k) many more predictions and prognoses (particles, energy structures,

transstructurality and so on) together with hundred or more astrophysical

phenomena, described in the first and in the second book of Space physics.

l) The prediction of the finding of a central structure in the center of giant

bubble rooms (voids) as "space production centers" or the reflow (black holes

(BH) = inflow, lucent holes (LH) = outflow of space matter) which I have

named "lucent holes" or "translucent hole" (metacycle of space matter), which

constitute about 85 % of the space of the universe

m) The prediction of the finding of flow streaming phenomena of space matter

(spation flow structures) alike whirls, ponds (see in the text), together

with "radial flow phenomena (RFP) of space matter from the center of lucent

holes to the rims of the voids.

n) The prediction of the finding of the "Mega-ron" (megaron), the biggest quasar

in the universe

o) The prognosis of the measurement of space matter waves, being a result of the

superfluid space matter flow.

p) The prediction of the finding of a denser space matter structure around

astronomical objects alike galaxies (150.000 lightyears of distance halos).

space structures, which are misinterpreted as "dark matter" and make the

galaxies rotate quicker than the internal gravitation allows, being one of